Conversation Part 4: Pa Pa Continues

“Even those involved with that certain minority activity of trying to, ‘Achieve Enlightenment, Awakening, or Liberation’ embrace the notion.  Throughout this activity it has always been taught that the absolutely necessary basis for any possible future enhanced state of consciousness is the true knowledge of who you are – which obviously requires that you, ‘hide-nothing-from-yourself.’

The entire concept from top to bottom is patently outrageous, and absurd when you consider it as is applicable to man’s brain, (which is the very thing which directs him to say that he believes such a thing to be true and possible).  That is what makes the matter so curious and interesting, and pregnant with eye-blink-potential.

As an aside, what is almost as ridiculous is man’s asserted belief that he can hide things about himself from other people: his sexual orientation; his fearful nature; his aggression, and so on through the list of genetic manifestations that at various times and places are censured and thus those subject to same, tend to keep culpable behavior from public view.  Such innate proclivities as supra noted cannot be kept from other people’s awareness, regardless of the polite contrary, (as is part of the unspoken, universal game-of-civil-pretend in which the collective herd of mankind is made to engage).  But withal, the plain fact remains and everyone knows it.  No one successfully ‘hides’ what they actually ARE from anyone.  Everyone recognizes quite well precisely who other people are, and what they are like.  Anything less would be unnaturally inefficient for life.

This dreamlike belief alone is adorable enough, but when you have men then apply it to themselves, it becomes almost too precious to bear.  Picture the indisputable, cold blooded physical reality of the situation.  Let us use, as an example, a man born with his hormonal, neural and other systems wired such that he is sexually attracted to members of his same gender.  It is accepted pretty generally now through good and detailed science, that in the human being, the brain, (so to speak), is the, ‘brains-of-man’s-business.’  It plays a role in the monitoring, regulation, and control of all man’s vital operations, and to say you believe that a man’s inborn sexual preference, (or his instinctive aggression, or shyness), can be, or has ever been unknown to his brain defies, (theatrically speaking), belief.

Your brain knows everything about you there IS to be known. This is no theory; it is not open to meaningful debate.  If there is something about you that your brain does not know, then you are a walking dead man and it is a true miracle you have survived this long.”


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