Conversation Part 3: Conclusion

“The thoughts we unthinkingly have, have nothing to do with us individually, but – my God boy – does it certainly want to seem otherwise to us!  It is as though the whole weight of the universe presses on man to make him claim the electro-chemical impulses continually surging through his brain, which produce in our heads words we apparently hear and images we apparently see, and since they are inside of us, in the privacy of our own individual head – they are surely from us.

No ordinary man with an ordinary mind ever looks at this matter truthfully, even for an eye-blink, for if he did, THEN – just for an eye-blink – he would see what is really going on. (Although with an ordinary man all this would do is momentarily disorient him, since his aim is not to get out of his normal state of consciousness).

What has long been given a name, (such as: ‘Becoming Enlightened,’ and, ‘Waking Up’), are a few men’s attempted descriptions of what happened when they managed to somehow, stop being The Thinker and the apparent Thinker suddenly saw what thought was ABOUT.  The jig was up; the con discovered; the fraud exposed.  ‘Course I’m just engagin’ in a bit of harmless hyperbole, since man is not victim of some hoax or curse, he is just what-he-is, but he is not exactly as the thoughts in him say that he is.

So, the mother-of-all-things-that-the-brain-makes-men-say-they WILL NOT THINK ABOUT is:  thinking about the thing that seems to be doing the thinking.”

The elder stopped to examine a flower, then said:  “The difference ‘tween our family and the Fockerellers of the world is that our wealth and privilege is secret, barely known even to ourselves.”

“But damn! What a treat, huh Dad?!”

“You could say that again, my boy! 
You could say that again!…(‘cept of course for my distaste for redundancy).”


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