Jan Cox Talk 1380

Men Cannot Tolerate “Neutral” Consciousness


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#1380 – 12/28/1994
Notes by TK

We must get beyond the idea that awakening is something far away and strange. Upon awakening in bed in the morning a man is for a split second in possession of enlightenment but instantly moves away from it through thought. It is the automatic inducing of dissatisfaction natural to man. Men cannot tolerate neutral consciousness, they must think and talk. The mind has no parallel, nothing comparable to the respite from exertions natural to the body.

The News

Everyone’s born with an oil well,
Some think it’ll make them rich,
Others find it messy,
And still others believe the noise of its running will drive them crazy.
Everyone’s born with an oil well — what are you doing with yours?
* * *
Remembering that reality is mental
In this one universe there are two realities possible:
The first is one in which you take life seriously and everyone else doesn’t, and in the other) everyone else takes life seriously and you do not.
…There is always this third one, but…..Well…       
* * *
The game of thinking, as ordinarily performed: handball played in a fish net.

One man wrote a new “Singing-dance” he titled: “Define yourself.” but could find no public stage that could accommodate the act.
** *
As she dusted behind the rocks, Plato’s girlfriend thought: “Worthy of note, regarding hand shadows, is that
If you almost close your eyes,
And let awareness sag,
They, and the walls upon which they’re shown, begin to merge.”
** *
A wandering hermit passing by was heard to sing: “The caves of the mind, I must leave behind, their fires of discussion will render me blind.”
** *
The enlightened no longer believe in avalanches —
Only in properly greased rock formations.
“Look out below!” he shouted to himself from on high, but then realized…

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History: pre-packaged collective corpse maggots.
A man pondered: “Then is memory a man’s history of his individual self!?” and was suddenly struck:
“Hah! ordinarily memory in large part constitutes his individual self,
While routine minds have little interest in hearing “Birth” described as the primary cause of men being what they are,
The alert few continue to re-discover the possibility of being re-born in a certain non-physical fashion
Which frees them internally from the restraints of their original delivery.

Before he’d get up every morning,
One man would lay in bed until he’d planned out everything he was going to say that day.

The challenge: human problems – the approach: the human mind, the full story from a different view
It won’t work — but -men gotta try,
,..(and their failures-produce new problems to work on.)
* * *
More hot flashes from the gym
What’ll wear you out faster than even stupidity? — two-dimensional talk.
* * *
Conversation by the lat machine:
“It’s not what you know, but how you know it.”
“How can that be!?”
Sweat!—:chacka-lacka-lacka-lacka ! Sweat! – chacka-lacka-lacka-lacka!
* * *
On this one world,
So’s to be sure that the ordinary creatures don’t get their ears hurt, or their eyes harmed,
Life sees to it that anyone who turns up, knowing more than is normal, are always ugly and annoying,
And if that’s not sufficient, makes ’em not care that they are.

After surveying their efforts, post their founder’s death, the consultant the disciples had hired told them: “I believe you’d do better with this thing,
If you’d wipe that silly grin off buddha’s face.”

There’s only one way that men will take their singular mental world seriously — life makes ’em.

A ha-ha update:
Comedy is perhaps the worst form of humor.
* * *
Mystical knowledge: a hole punched in a closed-system balloon.
                 (That let’s all the people out).

Mental health & safety at sea:
Originality is frightening —
— part of what motivated men to come up with the idea of insanity.
** *
In -oceans controlled by philistines, only uniform waves are allowed.
** *
In his struggle to comprehend,
One man so reflected:
“If individual creativity is the May pole,
And the collective’s expectations, the fifth month of their year, then what I should do is grease the-ribbon I’ve been wrapping with.”
** *
Under the influence of local reality,
One guy’s mind whispered to him:
“Pst!      Want me to tell you something really neat?”
“No,” he replied.

There is at least one thing you can say for talk,
It does make life seem more complex and serious than it would otherwise be.

Breakthroughs in Neurology & Numismatic Reliability:
One man named his right brain Peter,
And his left-brain Paul,
So that he’d always be sure of having the correct change.
* * *
Aristotle’s pa pa said to him:
“Okay, hold it,
Let me get this straight:
If you’re my son,
And I’m your old man,
Then how can you be the, ‘father of logic’!?”
* * *
A system knows what a system knows,
While its parts know what is appropriate to them,
The mind of the awakened is un-appropriate.

One man decided that he would never again sing any song that he did not write.

Movement that doesn’t actually go anywhere can give the illusion of doing so,
Just look at thought.
* * *
In his effort to understand,
A man so mused:
“If the mind is a frying pan — then consciousness is Teflon.” And he was pleased — until a fried egg showed up and said: “Where do I fit in!?”

Looking out upon the world of humanity’s common creative efforts, a voice rhetorically pondered:
“Which is the most pathetic: man’s fiction, or his non-fiction!?” and suddenly appeared the spirit-of-no-scribes-past, which responded: “There’s a difference!?”
** *
The gleam-of-a-distant-star once stopped and asked itself:
“What is the distinction between the serious, and the frivolous? between the comedic and the comprehended?
Between the opening of the door, and the closing of all conversation!?”
** *
Incompetence normally comes gift wrapped.
** *
Unusually poignant piles of shit, can seem heroic to routine flies.
What ho! —
The relativity of admirability, if you live on dung.
* * *
Dialogue by the steam room:
“The way you can tell the smartest man in the world is that he won’t admit it.” “Are you sure of that!?”
* * *
The 3-d world examined – again:
Everything goes in cycles….Especially, bi’s.
** *
Wilbur’s girlfriend looked at Orville and said: “You’ll never get that thing off the ground.” and his head took immediate offense.
** *
From above, a man shouted to himself:
“Look out below,”
Then wondered why the lower parts never return the favor (!?!)
Even in closed systems there seems to be: ups, downs, beginnings & completions, but only to those with minds similar to the system in which they operate.
** *
“Yes”, said the bag to the cat, “There is always a, ‘way out,’ but if you seek it through me, you miss the point.”

In the transcendentalist’s thesaurus, the antonym for “Aging” is “Creating”.
…(and local reality said: “Watch it, bub! — I was here first!”)

Those who can’t “Think good”
Have little interest in hearing of other possibilities.
** *
Though: “Fish gotta swim, and
Birds gotta fly,”
Does that mean they can only make squishing & flapping sounds!?
** *
In a certain strange forest,
One species of tree was made to believe they could walk — …(you know — so’s to keep ’em where they’re at.)
** *
The awakened: those who grease up their own oil wells.
** *
The place for originality in the human mind: clearly pinpointed:
No where.
* * *
Upon being hurled from atop the monastery wall,
A voice cried out after him as he fell:
“When you can no longer hear yourself think — you’re getting somewhere.”

To try and change — the simple paint their face, the more complex — wipe off their mind.
One man (who finally realized that no one knows what they’re talking about, never mentioned it.

You can act without thinking, and think without acting, both done together —
— the way of the mystic.