Jan Cox Talk 1381

The Insane Is Disturbing Because It Is Surprising


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#1381 – 12/30/1994
Notes by TK

Man is constantly in flight from neutral, point-blank consciousness. The pleasure of creative activity is incomparable to that of the pleasures of passive appreciation of same. Firsthand energy flow vs. secondhand. Everything sane is predictable, unsurprising. The insane is disturbing because surprising.

The News

Once man had a mind
It looked about and found that
Not all of life was a pretty sight — so! —
To help protect itself, it decided: “I’ll think about it.”
What shell can penetrate such an armor!? -only that of direct perception & understanding,
The awakened mind can absorb all blows, being totally open, defenseless, and immune.

You can identify the mystic’s nudist colony by the sign that says: “Thought, optional.”

In the beginning was fiction —
And when men found this lacking, they brought forth non-fiction, …And that about wraps it up!                   (For most.)
* * *
In his humble, bumble attempt to explain his less-than-particularly-brilliant-behavior,
One mortal mumbled: “I am but a ‘simple’ man.”,
And life replied: “You could’ve saved your breath.”
* * *
Thought is like a spot on a three-dimensional watch,
Believing itself to be somewhere between noon and two o’clock.
The trick is to: grease up those hands! —
Obliterate those numerals —
Bid adieu to internal time
Which supports the illusion of propitious preference, and think in a reality that has no limits or restraints.
** *
A man knocked on the door of a Zen monk’s room, then entered and asked him: “How many koans are there?”
And the monk replied: “Come in.”
** *
Life in the collective: its costs and connection to the otherwise:
If you identify yourself with some group,
You base your individuality on that which is already spent.
Out in the herd,
Every man’s sense-of-self’s composed of 98% memories -,…60% of which never happened to him personally.
** *
The mystic’s invisible college has a slogan:
“An ‘I’ is a terrible thing to waste on mere thinking.”
** *
Over in an oblique reality
Was a certain Moses
Who did not lead others from some physical state of displacement, back to a homeland,
But rather attempted to dislocate himself internally from his place of origin, to roam free in a new land that has no name.
** *
You can’t have a kitchen floor until you have roaches,
And you can’t conceive of a clean one — until you do.
And a man asked a mystic: “Then how”.”, and he replied: “Don’t ask me.”
* * *
How to identify talk when you see it:
It’s that stuff that multiplies even faster than roaches.
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One man suffered a headache for thirty years! -until he realized that it was his head.
** *
And the people sang: “We dream of a world without conflict.” And they dream of a world without thought.
“Oh, we dream of a world without conflict.” And they dream of a world that can’t be.
A world without conflict would have two major features: it would be non-mental, and it would be non-physical.
* * *
From a more complex view:
All human activities that are popular are failures.
At no additional cost, you could ponder this as applies to thinking.
Jailhouse news:
Everyone’s being held under false charges.

What happens when duality is exploded? -are you left with its fragments?  -no — you’re left with a nothing.
Under ordinary conditions you can’t describe red without blue,
And under extreme conditions you can’t describe a more conscious condition since it is comparable to no other condition,
And under super-duper, extreme conditions you can’t even think about trying to.
* * *
A man inquired of a Zen monk: “How man koans are there?”
And the monk replied: “What is that number that comes after one?
* * *
The dumb keep saying the same things over and over! —
I mean like continually!
They’ll just keep on repeating themselves ’til they’ll almost drive you nuts!
One guy said: “I like the life I live! — since there’ll be no advertising in hell” and the spirit-of-surceases-long-since-gone chimed in: “Not necessary! — for in that wonderous land everyone will be involved in — double-time thinking.”
The man pondered on this for a while, then asked the spirit: “Does that mean that you’re tortured at twice the normal speed?” “No,” the spirit replied, “At half.”
And at first the guy was relieved until he began to think about it in a certain way.

Is understanding-what’s-going-on, and: not-caring-what’s-going-on the same thing?
While the latter naturally follows the former, the reverse is not true.
So much for cynics, smart alecks, and other social commentators!
* * *
When the simple hear gun fire
They can’t conceive of there being no specific human target.
* * *
One day, in one place, local conditions said to the creatures: “You guys are dumb as all ‘get-out’! — as a matter of fact, why don’t you get out!”
* * *
One man’s head exploded —
He did later admit that it was “Hard to tell.”

A robin told his son:
“When you can hear the braying of an ass,
And not be irritated — then you are wise.”
And across the barnyard a donkey was just saying the same thing to his child regarding song birds.
** *
A man asked a Zen monk:
“Do stories like that one convey a deep moral message?” And the monk saddled him.
** *
The simple put grease in their hair,
The more enlightened, a bit further down….Say a millimeter or so.

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What the mind ordinarily finds interesting it does so generally through desperation,

The dumb don’t necessarily get dumber,
But they do tend to get mad at the dumber.
* * *
One day, one man said to life:
“Now that I’m older, and believe I know more,
Would you forgive all my past offenses toward you?” and life replied: “You could’ve saved your breath.”
* * *
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To the simple, fashion is an external matter,
While to the more complex, (as you might imagine), it is something else.

Another description of the mental road to the expanded state of awareness that you might care to consider is:
“The continual, ‘up-the-stakes’ form of thinking.”
Wherein no explanation or analyzation over fifteen seconds old is acceptable.

Everyone has a twin sister or brother
Who runs alongside the car for most of your life;
And often when they’re bored,
Throw hand shadow puppets on the wall to keep you entertained.
* * *
A man wrote to a Zen monk with the question: “How many koans are there?” Only for his missive to turn out to be a self-igniting letter bomb.
* * *
One man thought that three was a magic number -only to have two turn him into a rabbit in a hat.

Courtroom news:
Everyone’s being convicted with perjured testimony.

What is the difference between: hot water, extremely hot water,
And h2o at a boil?
What is the difference between the brain, the mind, and fulfilled consciousness?

One day one guy thought:
“Jeeze! – I may be a dumb, sorry-piece-of-work,
But at least I ain’t as dumb as life! —
After all — I never made a sorry-piece-of-work like me!”

The simple celebrate simple things, the awakened — even simpler.

You can’t get pushy with thought! — cause it can push harder than you can!
* * *
A boy asked a Zen monk:
“What is the difference between talk, and thought?” And to demonstrate, the monk shot a mime in the throat.

Once you realize that all of human creation comes from man’s mind, you can move on to the recognition that it comes through man’s mind; …After that, you might even see where it actually comes from it.

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Classroom update:
No one starts off with a clean slate.
“Pa pa,” a boy asked his dad,
“Is that why men want to bury the dead in spotless shrouds!?”
** *
Everyone but the awakened know that: when it’s “Too late,”– it’s too late!
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A man asked a mystic:
“Would it be cheaper to enlighten me, or kill me?”
And the wise one was impressed with the chap’s sense of fiscal responsibility.
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No particular thought would be popular with a more alert man. …Well of course – obviously – save one.

Ordinary minds make themselves obvious by discussing only the obvious – ….But without actually realizing what they’re talking about.
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Bluntness is not a game for amateurs,
Nor direct-perceptions the kinds of things a child should see.
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Life called out to men: “Well! — speak up, dammit!” And those who did were shot.
** *
real men rarely make an appearance.

Today’s tip regarding the awakening to a higher, more enlightened state of consciousness:
If you gotta “Think about it” — don’t think about it.
* * *
As he began to see the oil fields for what they were,
One mystical wildcatter cried out: “Quick! — cap those wells!”