Jan Cox Talk 0644

All Morality Is Verbally Based, Thus Inconclusive


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#644 May 7, 1990 – 1:05 
Notes by TK

Kyroot to :06. Emotions as entities explains man complaint that his emotions are incorrectly interpreted by others. There are no mistakes; emotions execute their own genetic programming perfectly. This explains the impossibility of medium (man) being able to adequately describe the emotions flowing thru him. Man sends emotions from himself to himself internally, e.g., guilt; desire for change etc.

Primary Level emotions don’t need to be put into words; they haven’t even the urge to explain themselves. There can be no meaningful misinterpretation between sender and receiver where Primary Level emotions are involved. Secondary Level emotions cannot exist without words, w/o explaining themselves. Yet this is impossible, resulting in continual inconclusiveness, frustration for the sender/receiver. The signal/emotion is an independent partner in the transaction w/o inconclusive perception. Primary Level emotions contain no dimension of “human outrage”. All morality is verbally based, i.e., inconclusive, SL, and not on what might be termed “real goodness” which is based on growth.

To “smile and eat” is access to free energy. People squander energy in hostile acts which the Real Revolutionist can use.

Do not run intellectually “slack”; it will have negative impact for This Thing.

1:03 epilogue. J. won’t continue This Thing w/o a wider audience gathered.


…and Kyroot said:
Local ears hear jazz and complain, “Where’s the melody?” “When’s the familiar?

…and Kyroot said:
Under true and useful hostile conditions,” the Revolutionist should know that if he sees a “middle ground,” he is experiencing a mirage.

…and Kyroot said:
Some can realize the conspiracy between all dancers, the collusion twixt audience and actors,
But can you grab-a-peek at the nebulous nexus that binds the local and universal?
…(I think that I shall never see,
A poem lovely as a knee.
A link tween thighs and toes below,
A bridge that follows rivers’ flow….
…could we not now have a momentude of reverence for those things that move while remaining, and who stay whilst departing? (But only do so when you remember, or forget to

…and Kyroot said:
One more-than-adult sorehead standing by his own father’s grave,
rubbing together his hands, was overheard to intone, “Based on the way things have gone thus far, I can hardly wait to get really old so that without conditions and with no restraints or
exceptions, I can be thoroughly, wholly, and sublimely pissed!

…and Kyroot said:
Most books aren’t written for any particular purpose, and that’s why publishers must get someone to write an Introduction for them all to say otherwise.

…and Kyroot said:
Everyone’s life is a Roman a clef.
…and Kyroot said:
Part of the critic’s job is to make secondary human activities seem to
be more than they are… …(and sometimes less).

…and Kyroot said:
From local views it seems a flood is always impending.

…and Kyroot said:
The perfection of anything,
Is a job for the Medical Examiner.

…and Kyroot said:
One brother said, “Without anticipation life wouldn’t be crap.”…
…after a pre-emptory pause he did see fit to add, “Well, it’d
be just like it is now, whatever that is.”

…and Kyroot said:
If you go really out of town
A lot of the old stuff sure does look silly.

…and Kyroot said:
The new ole sorehead just down the block told a neighbor’s dog that anyone who writes their autobiography and then seriously awaits a response thereto should be laughed at, distempered, or shot.

…and Kyroot said:
Household Hints For Those Who’ve Had Hold Of Several Households: Always read the instructions; handle all solvents and tools with care, and never stand up.

…and Kyroot said:
A man with a fried egg, can afford to be brave.

…and Kyroot said:
The dominant will always offer to protect the submissive, even when the only threat is from the dominant.
..(There are insufficient local words, and symbols to adequately express my appreciation for the scales of justice.)

…and Kyroot said:
A man, long lame in both legs, and quite deliciously vocal in his complaints after regaining the use of one, referred to the change as, “Illusionary progress,” and added, “that at least it was still preferable to real progress.”

…and Kyroot said:
The Revolution is expanding when the person next to you becomes aware
that he’s now in it.