Jan Cox Talk 2955


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Putting It All In Perspective Since 1609

February 19, 2003 © 2003: JAN COX

One man has written a new song (yet to be recorded) he titles:
“My Imagination Drove My Mind Out Of Its Mind.”
(Originally it was: “My Hormones Drove,” but he says he decided that had too much of a scientific tone to even become a popular success.)

Every time he saw the son reading a book the father would say:
“If you just understood what is really going with reading and watching movies
you would understand what is going on with everything.”

In one sense, the less you know the better off you are,
but the sticky pin in the grenade is that you have to reach the point of
pretty well knowing all there is to know before you can understand this to be so.

A man who knows what is going on (if he is talking)
is always talking about something other than what he seems to be talking about —
and it is always the same other thing.

It is not sufficient to be told that everything you have been told is incorrect –
it is not even sufficient for you to believe this is so;
you must discover the entire matter for yourself from top to bottom,
even after being told about it.

In response to the question: “How do you achieve enlightenment?” — Mr. Mystic said: “If you take the door off your refrigerator you can then store it inside the refrigerator —
and in those sixteen words is everything you need to know,” and the questioner said:
“But it seems to me, that is the sort of statement
you have to already be enlightened to make sense of?!”
“Yeah…….could be…..”

You don’t like particular books and movies —
you like the narratives and scenes they trigger in your head.

Some things you could go ahead and get right, right now, (for one):
things are always as they seem — if your seem-perceptor is on straight.

One man says: “I see it as there are two separate things you have to deal with:
the universe and life, and I have it down to this approach:
if something falls in the universe — pick it up, and put it back where it was —
but when something falls in life — give the matter considerable thought before doing anything. (On some days however, beyond my understanding,
I find myself involuntarily switching the two approaches).”

Men love gossip for the same reason they do news & history:
because the past offers everything the ordinary mind needs to be
all encompassingly insightful.

The greatest contribution ordinary men make to their own survival is:
talking about themselves,
yet this common activity is at the very heart of what is rotten to the certain man.

A man who spoke to an audience daily on the subject they called, awaking-from-the-dream was asked how he could come up with something new to say about it day after day, year after year, and he replied:
“If I could answer that — I’D be awake”
(which pretty much put all who heard the comment into a fitful funk
[save one chap who suspected it was just that day’s lesson on the subject]).

There is a quite crude belt-&-pulley arrangement between each man’s brain,
and humanity’s collective mind: crude but effective – SO effective in fact,
that it goes unseen by those with ordinary brains.

“Son, a much better telling of the nature of man than any book of history,
religion, or psychology, is the periodic table of the elements.”

One of the city’s renegade commissioners recently said that if citizens’ minds
were subject to, zoning, most would fall into the O. &. I. category —
“You mean, Office & Industrial?” he was asked,
“No — Ordinary & Idiotic.”
(He was also the one who last year tried to get the mayor to issue
an official proclamation concerning thoughts which would have declared:
“The ones which take offense — deserve offense.”
Note: such a voice does not actually get elected in the brain –
that is to say: it is not a natural part of the city’s infrastructure —
which is why it was herein referred to as, renegade;
the certain man somehow, in spite of all rational urban laws, nourishes in his neurons a voice with views of in-town, other-reality life completely contrary to the commonly embraced ones, — so, in pragmatic fact:
such a man cannot await for his rebel voice — the one necessary for the attainment of his special goal — to be recognized by majority, popular vote in his brain;
it can only assume any power via a willful insurgency;
the so-called, awakening-from-the-dream is the mother of, and model for all other rebellions, and be the only one worthy of an insightful man’s efforts.)

“Son, the singular punch line to this particular activity is that
the punch line obliterates all the set ups ever conceived of by the human mind.”
“Is that like saying there is one answer to all questions?”
“Sort of — but your way sounds way too serious for the circumstances.”

One man made it a firm habit to always write down his, best-thoughts —
especially after he realized the brevity of their useable shelf life.
Ordinary minds are like streams who can but produce perhaps a drop or two of
original water in a life time —
which is why all routine streams are constantly scanning other streams
in hopes of pilfering one should such show up there.
The certain man’s neural tributary layout is such that his mind can provide
an endless flow of fresh thoughts, (or at least can be put):
provide a flow sufficient to drown his old ideas, and raise his new, individual ones
to a navigational level.

One man’s advice to a son:
“Any time you feel the urge to grow-up, and be serious — run for your life.”
One guy’s second most favorite song is: “If My Friends Could See Me Now” —
his most favorite: “I Wish I Had Some Friends.”
Although there seems to be different manifestations of it,
there is in truth, but one embarrassment:
wanting to be admired, and not feeling confident that there is reason for you to be.
(Note: one of the conditions of city life is that you want to be.
Muscles, by their physical reality can make themselves impressive —
imbeciles are left to vocal self-promotion.)

“Pa pa — isn’t it something how everything fits and makes perfect sense

when you see for yourself how: everything-fits-and-makes-perfect-sense.”
“Sic ‘em, tiger!”