Jan Cox Talk 0567

All Reality Is Chemical


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AKS/News Item Gallery = jcap 1989-06-12 (0567)
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#567 Nov 6, 1989 – 1:06
Notes by TK

Kyroot to :06. The Real Explorer must use the New Info of This Thing in a fashion similar to Neuralizing, not thru attempted rote repetitive remembering. It may have to start there but it must quickly graduate beyond or you have not escaped the old ‘building site’.

Losers of war gain most by developing a ‘re-telling mystique’; connection to everyday ordinary talk, i.e., the ‘news’. All news is of losing battles—crime, natural disasters, health (the ultimate losing battle since everyone is going to die), love (as in lost, fickle, etc.).

 It’s always fun to playact what somebody else has to do…including you. Playact being yourself, it is always fun; becoming prompted by new backstage direction and arrangement = a new act.

Another great example of the brain’s inability to receive all extant data: the decrying of the escapism of ‘real’ reality via use of drugs, those unnatural chemicals inducing unnatural reality. All reality is chemical, how are these two to be distinguished?

And Kyroot Said…

Once you grasp that everything is at least an incidental
comment on something else, you can begin to see energy as gossip.


In some space, those who say, “etcetera,” must be able to
prove etcetera.


Over near the forward sector of that one galaxy, this one
dude wrote, and I quote, “The intellect of man is like a sluice
gate on an imaginary river connecting in-here to out-there.”
(It’s so darn comforting to quote others.)


In the future, everyone will be lighter.


…and Kyroot added: Information and experience will weigh
less also.


In this one realm where some still discuss matters
political, one somewhat rapid guy cried out, “To hell with the
oppressed, and to hell with the oppressors,” and if you know
where to insert the proper synonyms, there is a message here
regarding the status of all extremes.


In the afternoon, around wind-down time, I once saw this one
guy do a belly flop in Life’s genetic pool.


I’ve already mentioned the doubtful profit of a real
revolutionist taking his ordinary life seriously, but now let me
ask you this: does Life, (now, take your time before you reply,)
does Life, (and think twice before injecting you or humanity
into the answer, o.k. now,) do you think Life takes it’s ownù
life seriously?


Only in-the-future is it never too late — and then even if
it were, it wouldn’t matter anyway.

No revolutionist tailor wears his own suits. Yeah, sure, he
uses his own patterns, but not the actual cloth.


In this life, no real faith healer would ever have need of a


This one little feller who didn’t talk much would sometimes
mutter, “It’s hard to say, it’s hard to say.” And his brother who
talked enough for four people would sometimes exclaim, “It’s hard
to say, it’s just hard to say.” But truth is, neither one of ’em
found it all that hard to say.


There is a place in the future where originals areù worth


If ordinary intelligence hears a voice from in-the-future,
and thinks it understands it, it has been conned without a


In the future, those who would lead a parade would not
return to watch it.


…and Kyroot added: There is also a particular place in
the future where the energies of the words “wouldn’t,” and
“couldn’t” embrace and annihilate one another.


One sure way not to discover where you are is to ask.


And now, the forecast in your neck of the universe: Mostly
chaotic today, with order and stability predicted for the long
range outlook.


People who know something, but don’t know what they know,
are in charge of entertaining one another.

In the future, people won’t talk to themselves while Life is
talking. (At least they won’t think they are.)


Hearing about it is almost as good as telling about it.
Telling about it is almost as good as knowing about it. And,
knowing about it is almost too good for most people to stand.


In the future, only those who canù think might say whatù they
