Jan Cox Talk 0485

Complexity Survives


April 21, 1989
AKS/News Items = None
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Diagrams = See Below
Transcript = Tneed edit before posting

 0485 A video grab

0485 A video grab

 0485 B video grab

0485 B video grab


#485 Apr 21, 1989 – 1:13    ( needs editing for abbreviations )
Notes by TK

At least one of the other voices in TD is Life. The more complex system can sustain, tolerate, even use resistance. The complex can thrive where the simplistic fails in face of resistance. An ad hoc answer to what man’s purpose is: Life has created a more complex system in its own body—man. Man himself is the most complex subject of his own investigation; none of his creations are as complex as he.

Humanity has absorbed and thrived despite every resistance ever known: humanity hasn’t and won’t go out of business. The RR can create an equivalent “man system” within his own intellect. All other systems (e.g., the “environment”) are simplistic to the degree of being endangered by man, rendered inoperative. This is the reason for prohibition against blasphemy of “our god”; it is more simplistic than man, and therefore man’s power over it to be guarded against. “Personality” is another fragile, because simplistic, construction. Nothing matches the efficiency and healthy growth of the ‘man system’; how could anyone do less for themselves than Life has done for its own body?

Hint re: the simple: If you are too convinced about anything, you are too simple. Consider the conviction of success beginning every foolishly ill-fated business venture. Trivia fact re: the simple: For the RR, the past is far too simple; it is dead, and can be made to be anything the NS makes it to be. Definition of the simple: Whatever is presently (for its place and time) too simple for the long term growth of Life = evil. Assault, theft, murder have always been condemned as evil; they are too simple.

As Life grows triaxially it gives out info too complex for the simple and too simple for the complex (e.g.. the “just say no” campaign draws criticism from both camps) and Life gives out info too simple for the too-simple (the addicted-to-cocaine are too simple, haven’t the time, to even notice, much less criticize the “just say no” campaign). Next: Life gives out info too complex for everybody! (e.g., “treat your fellow man as yourself”). This is how such info is necessarily accepted as too-simple or too-complex by humans.

Ritual. Men have high praise for ritual, but from a more complex view it is the stark reality of uncertainty, fear and ignorance in motion; note its great power. The chemical/electrical basis of ritual is to move the healthy, commendable process of habit at the lower circuit level into the ill-prepared, inopportune province of the upper ones (limbic `arid cerebral cortex). This is too simplistic for the potential RR.

Incompetence. The inability of the simplistic NS loop to distinguish/use radical new info vs. merely variant info. It is in the dynamic of man to accept, even insist on incompetent guidance. The ultimate example of this insistence: giving supreme credence to “my inner voice (which is not mine)”.