Diagram 026

Diagram 026

Re Talk: 37, 78,79

 Diagram # 026 illustration

Diagram # 026 illustration

   Thus all such random, public efforts in pseudo-forms of This Thing are always adopted by the practitioners as a matter of improving the already formed “I”.  At that level, you always approach the activity as an “I” and you continue to think, “I am me and nobody else.  I am me and I know the difference between me and them.  There may be a few things I’m still a little vague about, but basically, I know what’s what.  Everyone else is just kinda guessing.”  Unless you expand your nervous system, you remain divided not only from all of Life but from yourself as well.  You will continue to be a living example of my equation,    I + Not I = Everything. The apparent reality of the plus sign is that there always seems to be some difference between you and everybody else.  But when you can activate yourself above Line level you discover that while you are still physically separate from everyone else, there is no difference; no real separation.  And when you can See that, you can swallow everyone.  You have moved in time.  What will be natural for the masses tomorrow, is natural for you today. JC Talk 37