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Jan Cox Talk 1360

Thought Lowers Consciousness


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#1360 – 11/11:
Notes by TK

Energy flows from the earth up the spine and is continually interrupted, dammed up and diverted by thinking. Thought lowers consciousness. Vows of silence are for one reason only: seamless consciousness.

The News

94113 – 1
After life created everything else, it made man,
And as soon as the first one became conscious,
With a wide sweep of its arms, life showed him the rest of what it’d done, and with a satisfied smile, asked: “Huh=h-h?”
The man stopped what he was doing —
— took a long look around at everything-else–=- then spoke his very first words “I’ll have to think about it,” —
And from that day on,
Things have been going…Well…
Things have been going about how you probably see them now.

The would-be mystic begins the journey,
Certain of a difference between the everyday world, & the state of enlightenment• this seems so obvious and self-evident that to question it would be foolish– (but trust me) — don’t be so sure,

All descriptions fall —
All descriptions come needed,
They are born,
They grow,
They flourish for a while — then fall,
Only to be properly replaced by yet new ones.

Through man
Flows a magical river
But to fulfill the duties life has given him) he must continually damn and divert it.
A father told a son:
“Even if you don’t like a particular person, you can, you know, just keep quiet about it.”, and the boy asked:
“But what if the person involved is yourself?” and the old man replied:
“In that case, you can do even better.”

Life and enlightenment are ultimately the same, and to seek for the latter
Outside of the former
Is of eventual folly.

The part cannot possess the whole – much less surpass it,

Another name
For that
Better state of
Consciousness — seamless.

If, at any given moment,
You’d mentally prefer to be somewhere other than where you are, you haven’t got much of a mystic’s chance.

If you try to say what’s wrong with man
You help there be something wrong with man,

The difference is that prophets tell only the story of their own adventure while the priests & preachers who follow merely rehash the prophets’ story.

In saving scrap paper, a man said to himself: “So that trees did not die in vain.”
Remove from written description and apply liberally to one’s thoughts.

A father so told a son:
“There are few things about which you can safely feel that they are absolutely correct or not — and here is one of them:
You are totally in error any time you think that, ‘the moment’ can be any time other than now.”

“Consciousness-freed-from-comment” lies in the world of “Seamless thought”, and seamless thought in the realm of consciousness without comment

A man once asked a mystic:
“Why are those who seek the enlightenment always described as being: explorers, warriors, adventures & knights,
Rather than [n terms of more common, everyday pursuits,
Such as referring to them as: farmers, shoemakers, smitties, and such!?”, and the wise man replied:
“Ah! — but even using the more exotic sounding words,
’tis still nearly impossible for the mundane ear to catch the drift, so imagine the futility of doing otherwise,”
And can you begin to sense the distinction between the everyday man, and the mystic?
One seems common — the other exotic,
One seems prosaic, and the other, exciting & mysterious, and yet they both inhabit the same land,
Breath the same air,
Eat the same food,
Are exposed to the same experiences,
Have access to the same thoughts,
Live the same days, then die,
Where is the distinction!? —
What keeps an everyday man from being a mystic …Or even suspecting that he has the potential!?

At its core —
This sort of activity is a revolution,
For its intention is to knock down, and over turn everything presently in you.

You can’t know of man’s unique state of awareness until you have a mind to think about it — and by then, the matter’s already cloudy,
Let’s hear it out there for: justice, balance, beauty and art! -for kids, and cotton candy, and carousels,
And for all the good times to be had at the carnival.

A dying mystic called his ten closest followers to his bed and asked: “When I am gone, will you keep my name alive?”,
And all but one cried: “Yes!”
And he was able to pass on, ten per cent satisfied.

From one bouncy view: the only difference between being asleep, & being awake is that in one state you’re aware of it.

One day a warrior was visiting a certain quite ordinary city,
And suddenly realized a certain extraordinary truth:
“Just as all parades are one seamless, endless entity,
So too is the life energy flowing through me from my feet up to my head — and it is only at this latter stage that I begin to forget this.
How strange —
How beautifully,
Curiously strange.”

94113 – 21
The mind of a mystic is neither fish, nor water, but — gills.
Enlightened consciousness is not thought.–but experience.

Those more alive
Yet receive directions from the dead —
Do not today’s generation carry the genes of their fathers!?, their forefathers, and the race itself!?
Tip: to stay simple-of-mind, and at street-level, stay in a hurry.
To comment on life requires that a knight,
Loosen his attention,
Halt his journey,
And dismount from the steed that has brought him thus far.

Tip: being mindful & deliberate interferes with pride & personal self-esteem.

Within one life time,
There is no = “Going back”, nor any — -wing ahead-, there is only — right now,
The story of human consciousness and all of its possibilities.

Philosophies espoused are philosophies not lived.

A father once so advised his son:
“Let pain stay in the body, a.
And keep them both out of the mind….Unless you know how to make use of them there….

A man once said to a mystic:
“I have listened to you for some time,
But I must tell you that I do not understand what you are talking about (1?)”, and the mystic replied:
“Neither do I,
And the only difference between us is that I can accept it.”
Language is language -nothing more, and
Nothing less:
Language is language —
Nothing more, but always something less always something just a little different,
A warrior once noted: “Outside of things, where do things exist!? —
They exist in words, in thoughts, and yet they also continue to exist in themself. Thus, is part of the great secret again uncovered.

Men do not normally “Live their lives”, but rather their biography.

What is publicly worshiped are statues,
What the few do privately, is the spirit behind the stone,

A man once sought out a certain mystic to ask him:
“Is there anything in the everyday world to be taken seriously serious?”, and the mystic replied, “No.”,
But as he turned to leave, added:
“Except, (if it applies to you),
A loss of intellectual integrity, And personal sense of honor.”
Momentarily, after the awakened one’s departure,
The man shook himself from his reflection, and chased after him, asking further:
“Is there any protection against this, other than calculated silence?”, and the mystic replied:
“Even if there is, none other is necessary, now is it!?”

A knight once asked the warrior king:
“How can one be, ‘more conscious’ until one is conscious!?” and the liege replied: only he who is, knows the answer to this.”
Sometime later,
After a particularly good battle, on a particularly in-climate day,
The leader sought out the knight again and picked back up their conversation: “Once there — being conscious is being, ‘more conscious’.”,
And suddenly it became clear.

Questions asked in a deluded state go nowhere since they are part of the delusion

One warrior,
After he realized how things worked,
Began to think of every interruption in the flow of his consciousness as his own person version of, “The little death.”

One day
One guy stopped and thought:
“You know,
If you stop and think about it nothing makes any sense.”

The ultimate in gracefulness is internal
In the seamless flow of uninterrupted consciousness,
Many people,
(should they ever be able to hear and understand this), would cry out, in a kind of misdirected rejection:
“No! — protect us from the pain of its pleasurable simplicity!”
Thought without seams is thought without dreams. Thought without seams is “The” consciousness.
* * *

And yet — one more view of it:
To be mystically awakened is to begin silently counting: “One, two, three, four…”,
And never stop — never!

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