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The Big Con

Men’s holy books blatantly, even gleefully reveal the frauds and cons, that their own gods have subjected them to and yet they hold no grudge.  Is there no limit to the intellectual deceit humans will abide; no boundaries to the humiliation they will mentally endure as these endless frauds are endlessly exposed!  Obviously not – with one exception.

Man’s mind, observably and undeniably, accepts being conned as a way of life, and beyond any doubt, enjoys having this revealed to him.  But in one area this ceases to be so.  There is one matter in the life of the mind that it considers sacrosanct – itself.

Man’s mind will gladly believe that his leaders, friends and family have and will deceive him, and unflinchingly accept that even his gods mislead him and conspire against him.  But the mind has no interest-in, nor tolerance-for, the slightest hint that it might be engaged in similar activity.

When you finally realize what life is, this is understandable, and seen to be part of the mind’s necessary position in the overall arrangement of things.  Good for the herd, but not at all helpful to an individual cow trying to develop non-collective sight.

A cow seeking to see-for-himself has but a single hurdle: his mind’s natural inability to focus on itself, or ever see itself in any light that is not cast by a total snow job.  There it is – THE BIG CON – the one that is never exposed; the one that the mind has no interest in being exposed, or even investigated.

A tree may not ever be able to escape the rain, but it might see thru the con that tells it that it can walk.  Have you ever seen an enlightened pine?  It is not your enemy…and it won’t trick you.


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