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Jan Cox Talk 3334

Being Asleep Allows How You Feel to Determine How You Think


The following recordings are from Jan’s final years, when his voice was diminished and he spoke in a low whisper. Some listeners may find these tapes hard to listen to, or difficult to understand. Thus, as another option, transcripts are being made and will be posted.

Otherwise, turn up the volume and enjoy! Those who carefully listened to Jan during this period consider that he spoke plainly and directly to the matter at hand, “pulling out all the stops,” as he understood that these were to be his last messages to his groups, and to posterity.

Summary = See below
Condensed News = See below
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Transcript = None
Key Words =


Notes by TK

Conscious thought takes the rap for the deeds of the all-over consciousness even though it had nothing to do with them. Bias is a natural feature of all-over consciousness; each seeks the company of their own kind over others. But conscious thought bears the brunt of the blame directed at bias. Conscious thought strives for objectivity and is a narrator. It has a sense of humor and irony; the all-over must be strictly serious.

Being asleep is to allow how you feel to determine how you think. “How you feel” is of supreme importance to the ordinary, it arises via their temperament and dictates how they think. (38:35) #3334

Jan’s Daily Fresh Real News (to accompany this talk)

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The Everything-All-At-Once Annals
AUGUST 3, 2005 © 2005 JAN COX

After some years of sailing the sea of the city, a semi-desalinated ole salt surmised:
“Everyone knows port from starboard – when on shore!”
And a dude with a peg leg and one nostril said:
“The collective thinking of us all is what secures us all.”
(“Well for sure,” added a third citizen: “I’ll accept stupidity as the price of safety.”
“But what if it’s just illusory safety?”
“That’ll do.”)

Fable du jour.
Once upon a time in a place far away the people thought of good-intentions
as consisting of: “Some words strung together.”

One doctor finally quit the profession after never having had the opportunity
to tell someone that they were dying. (“Phooey!”)

You could say that the physical first-reality is composed of nouns,
and man’s special second-reality, of verbs.
(A notion you could pursue if you’d like to get-to-the-bottom-of-things.)

A man without a story-to-tell would be a sad sight to see (if there were such a creature).

From our audience arrived this email:
“Since discovering your web page Daily News I’ve been a regular reader and have really enjoyed the way you take-on and tear-up everybody, but my wife has just said that she doesn’t think you’re actually attacking people – and if she is correct,
then I feel like I have wasted my time and been duped!
Yours,” etc.

After years of their local god offering: Special Bargains, and
Once-In-A-Lifetime-Opportunities, this one guy finally said to the Big Huckster: “Don’t do-me-any-deals,” and for a while in his life – things really straightened up.

A spiritual master gave out this recommendation:
“The older you get, the better advised you are not to look at your body either directly,
or in a mirror.”
“And how is this applicable to the mind?” asked a student.
“Well…..I don’t guess it is…….not as far as I can see.”

The first-reality can cause you pain, but only the second can make you feel bad.

If men would act dumber than they actually are, they could later perk up to their norm and thus appear to have made some quantum leap toward enlightenment.
“But now that you’ve publicly mentioned it, everyone can do it,
and it would no longer have that effect.”
Boy! — are you a comedian.
Do you actually believe that everyone who hears about it will now do it?
Do you really think that ordinary men can willfully act dumber than they are,
and let others believe it is so?

There are many funny things that men can do – but this is not one of them.

All battles between “I and Not-I” are unequal.

One day whilst strolling through the woods, an old philosopher bent down,
and inquired of a scurrying creature:
“Why do you chipmunks run so fast across the forest floor?”
and the rodent replied:
“Why is it that in parables it is always us non-thinking creatures who are asked
such questions and never you mental ones to whom it would be apt?”
and the man puzzled on this for a second, then speculated:
“Because we are the ones who write the fables?”
“Okay, but do you not write them in an effort to understand yourselves?”
“Yes – I suppose so.”
“So why drag us unequal creatures into your tales – why not address your
interest directly?”
“For the same reason that psychologists study chimps and take surveys rather than examining their selves?” the human hypothesized again.
And the chipmunk’s ability to follow human reasoning at this point petered out.

A well known barbarian, noted for his atrocious acts of mayhem, outrage and murder, once admitted in a quiet moment that he didn’t really dislike other people all that much, but just had extremely frisky hormones.

A person who will embrace compliments will also sign for packages of pig shit
and skunk juice when they’re delivered to his door.
(“Pa pa, from what event arose the phrase: ‘You can’t have one without the other?’”
“The birth of human mental perception.”)

There is a tempo at which Life works,
and a tempo at which men’s minds perceive it to work.
(“You know,” mused a chap, “the difference is always in the difference –
a most slippery fact for the mind to cope with.”)

One thing about being alive is: You don’t have to test for it.

A father noted to a son: “Nothing is superior to man but Life itself.”
“How about the Universe?”
“Well, maybe – but it shows no sign of thinking (which is the crucial sign I had in mind).”
If you stun a wolf by hitting him in the head with a rock,
is the rock to be considered the wolf’s better?

On some Fridays, one man will leave his garbage indoors,
and put his self out on the street.

Being asleep is having an outlook on Life instead of a life;
being asleep is having an outlook on Life instead of just living a life;
being asleep is having an outlook on Life that at times supersedes having a life.

The ole man said to the kid:
“It is good to have a lover, family and friends,
but best of all is to have thinking that is companionable.”

Trying-to-get-to-the-bottom-of-things while going in only one direction
can prove quite frustrating.

Just because you can think that you think — is no proof that you can.

All men await the final word –
but only the rebel goes out looking for it with a sharp stick.


Jan’s Daily
Here Kitty Kitty
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