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Jan Cox Talk 3241


Investigation of Thinking Is Not Investigation of Thoughts

The following recordings are from Jan’s final years, when his voice was diminished and he spoke in a low whisper. Some listeners may find these tapes hard to listen to, or difficult to understand. Thus, as another option, transcripts are being made and will be posted.

Otherwise, turn up the volume and enjoy! Those who carefully listened to Jan during this period consider that he spoke plainly and directly to the matter at hand, “pulling out all the stops,” as he understood that these were to be his last messages to his groups, and to posterity.
Stream from the bar; download from the dots

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Notes by TK

A prime example of walking the thin line between the pro and con of a subject: the “9-11” attack w/ ensuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; the automatic negative reaction in the nervous system to same affords the opportunity to investigate internally the dynamic of the process. The investigation requires passion, but not the ordinary passion animating thought. The investigation comes to no conclusion but merely moves on to the new opportunity. Ordinary thinking always comes to a conclusion. (33:34) #3241

Jan’s Daily Fresh Real News (to accompany this talk)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Instructions For Mounting Your Own Head
DECEMBER 24, 2004 © 2004: JAN COX

If you were not thoroughly smitten when you initially heard the notion that man lives in the shadows,
but through certain efforts can step into the light, you will never make sense of these daily writings.

Myths Revisited.
Metaphorically: Adam (man) can reach out to eat from the tree-of-life,
or from the tree-of-knowledge; the former representing the past (via a fait accompli
[to wit]: we’re already here; it’s too late to do anything about that),
combined with a hoped-for escape from death,
while the latter symbolizes the future — the always uncertain future;
ordinary men’s consciousness continues to prefer the comforting image of
a tree-of-eternal-life (more rightly named: the tree-of-wanting-to-believe)
to the unpredictable demands of pursuing their individual creative potential
via the tree-of-wanting-to-know.
(Notice how in the common tellings of this tale, by choosing the latter,
Adam ends up completely on his own.)

All pseudo and children’s maps are rigid – that’s one way of identifying them.
(“But if you’re not all that interested in actually going somewhere,
does it really matter?”
In that circumstance – nothing does.
“That’s good to know – isn’t it?!”)

The certain man’s making his consciousness watch what occurs therein
is in one sense, Psychiatry’s goal of talking-analysis come true,
and Philosophy’s reflections reaching practical fruition.
For gaining understanding: nothing a man may know is of any assistance
without his own consciousness comprehending the mental process that occurs therein resulting in what he commonly calls, knowing.
For the certain man’s purpose: knowing the material in a course being studied
is not as important as investigating the method of study being employed;
(“I get it: It’s not facts I actually need – but me grasping the mechanics of
my wanting facts.
Why didn’t anyone ever explain it to me like that before! Oh, you did?!”)

One father’s explanation to a son:
“Though ordinary people never think about it:
from the owners’ view: radio stations do not exist for the purpose perceived by listeners (to provide them musical entertainment) but rather to sell ad time to sponsors (which they do by providing them with an audience,
which they attract by playing music that entertains them),
and though they also don’t realize it: so too from Life’s view is the situation between men’s consciousness and the thoughts it provides thereto.”
(This verbal picture nourished the lad’s special nervous system struggle for days thereafter.)

One truly sophisticated king (apparently city educated) has implemented a form of torture heretofore unknown in civilized settings:
those who try to present ideas that are opposed to his, have their sentences cut off.
(“Oh no! – truncated – right where I wanted it longated.”)

If a would-be rebel makes his consciousness explain aloud to itself what it is that
he and it are wanting to accomplish, it will greatly disturb one or more of them.
(“All right children: does anyone want to explain to us why this is?
Don’t be bashful: if Jonah had just stood around waiting for the whale sandwich to
swim into his mouth, he would have starved to death, now wouldn’t he.”)

One man says: “The only writings remotely worthwhile for the few
are those which at first make you feel like you’re looking into a barrel,
and eventually make you feel like you are the barrel.”

(A comment which presents perhaps the epitome of city whining):
“I know from firsthand experience what it’s like to be a young man who
died before-his-time.”

“One man sold all his possessions, including his large house, and moved into a small furnished apartment, bringing only the few necessary personal belongings.”
“What’s your purpose in telling me this?”
“You tell me.”

Declares one chap: “Everyone loves exposés – you know why? –
‘cause even if most of ‘em are probably bullshit, everybody understands that they’re never gonna know what’s really behind everything anyway.”

One man told stories;
he was his best audience;
which suited him fine.
(Routine story tellers aren’t like this,
[And by the way]: everybody is a routine story teller.)

An important element in the institutional life of the city
is for those who don’t find anything personally interesting to live for
to adopt an outside idea for which they proclaim their readiness to die. Quite a sight; quite a phenomenon; quite a happening — quite a bit of business.

Without an innate affection for the commonest human emotions,
man’s cultural realm offers little to nothing in the way of entertainment.

“All the poor should be in prison.”
“They are.”
“Okay: then all the stupid should be in prison.”
“They are.”
“Oh. How about you and me?”
“Don’t ask.”

One of Adam’s grandchildren proffers from the present trees this morsel:
“From one allegorical perspective it seems to me that our challenge is to re-learn
the language of the gods – but what is that language? – one of physical power
(such as that able to transcend death) – or of knowledge (to overcome confusion) –
or of forbearance?”
(Ag Tip: One fruit can’t be opened until the varnish on its shell is cracked.
Geo Hint: There is one river from which no nourishment can be drawn
without you personally getting in it.)

As a personal maxim, one chap holds: “Live first – then philosophize;
then live some more, philosophize some more, (and on like that.)”

Regarding the affairs in man’s second reality: a more knowledgeable observer
would not speak of immutable-laws — but of continual-suggestions.

A consciousness bound to spiritual/cultural standards that are in conflict with
the nature of man, promises a lifetime of confusion (if not torment).
(One name for city life is: “I Be Under Pressure.”)

Ordinary men never realize that the never ending frustration in trying to solve
mortal problems is not due to their complexity — but their irrelevancy.
(“You’re right,” said a hunter, “I should have expected difficulty
when I decided to bag a griffin.”)

Non-Asked Question For City Dwellers.
What do you really know of yourself other than other men’s expressed feelings about and behavior toward you?
(“But thereby, I can see/hear my reflection just fine.”)
And right there it is: Ask a mirror if it understands what’s going on,
and it will look at whatever is presently being reflected therein and answer: “Indeed,” never including in its reply an understanding of the nature of mirrors;
the study of Psychology includes everything about man –
except his desire-for and creation-of Psychology.)

A father said to a son:
“When you live in the city you do not see things as they are –
you see them as you are. (Nervous-system-rebel’s more precise version):
When you live in the city your consciousness does not see intangible things
as they are – it sees them as IT is. (Also):
People who live in the city could read this and see no distinction between the two.”
“But how do you explain me: sometimes I see the difference,
and sometimes I don’t?!”
“Consider again what I initially said.”

Sheep sleep in groups, but only awaken individually.


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