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Jan Cox Talk 1499

The Mind Is to Consciousness Like a Re-Write Editor…

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#1499 – 10/11/95:
Notes by TK

The less a system’s basis is organic, flowing from survival needs of man, the more it must mentally issue compensations, explanations and proofs of its worth and legitimacy—which utterly convince WITHIN the system.

The News

There was once a mystic who had two things he could talk about: either things that he wanted to talk about,
Or things that other people wanted to hear talked about.
….(are we talkin’, “serious quandary” here folks, or what!?)

Where the alert seek expansion,
The simple think: “How can we reduce the possibilities?”
Then where the simple do search for additional “Answers and solutions,” the alert have put a price on palaver’s head.
* * *

95104 – 3
There passes unnoticed,
Quite commonly,
A most tenuous and spotty connection between subjects produced by the mind, and it subsequent, attempted analyzation thereof,

Like a magician pulling a rabbit from an empty hat,
And presenting it as proof of (among other possibilities) aggression’s social origins.
* * *
A man named Alonzo’s
Personal motto was:
“Well slap me silly and call me Alonzo!”
…(there’s nothing more reassuring than a good dose of efficiency.)

When caught again, out behind the mental barn, one boy asked his father: “Well, can I just wear glasses ’til I go blind? “
* * *

A traveler on the train
Sat by a window and thought:
“Well even if I never do get to Istanbul,
Is I keep my face pressed to the glass — staring out -maybe I’ll never notice.”
* * *
The tricky thing about mental operations
In a reality of even numbered dimensions,
Is that what seems to be proper and efficient at one level can keep you from exploring potentially better ones.
Who ever said that life was fair!? ….Other than life!? …Oh, I’m sorry — you thought someone else had. …Sorry.
* * *

95104 – 5
On one world were two types of radios produced:
One was wired to receive all broadcasts, slightly scrambled, and the other was not;
One of these constituted the majority — and the other did not.

A man pondered:
“Is it a fact that ‘the norm’s never funny’– or that,
The norm can never see itself as possessing any humorous attributes!?”

In conditions of routine reality,
Wherein presides the illusion of mental balance: seriousness will always prevail over non-seriousness, and sanity appear logical,
And only the logical, sane.
* * *

95104 – 7
In one galaxy was a world that was close to another world, which knew nothing of its existence,

Another reason that 2 plus 2 can continue to be whatever the mind finds agreeable.
* * *
Whenever this one interstellar warrior’s consciousness would begin to take on star-like qualities,
He’d say to it:
“Okay now — don’t make me horny!”

Under routine earth conditions: functions misconstrued,
Continue to do what they’ve always done.
* * *

One conductor on the mythical express
Would let no passenger sit next to him who could not continually keep in mind their destination of Istanbul.
After some years he wouldn’t even sit next to himself.
* * *
The reason you can’t trust tales regarding the hardships of the great quest is because they’re generally written by those who failed.
None preach, but to themselves.
* * *
A certain king told his son:
“Never listen to anyone I might send you to.”
* * *
That knight can adequately feed himself, and properly survive who, in those barren areas
Gives no notice thereto.

The “Fight game” as played out in earthly gyms:
As long as you continue to, “mix-it-up” with the mind, you’ll always remain in a clinch therewith.
* * *
The first law of even numbered universes is: sticky! — make it sticky!.
* * *

The simple can only distinguish themself amidst the collective by excessively large, body parts —
..1s0 then: how can the more conscious”, and why would they want to!?

One man wondered if this was a “Trick question”!?! But he should know damn well by now that
Any question at all worth considering
Has got to be a trick!
* * *
In this one, really peculiar reality, things are arranged such that,
Four foot tall creatures never, forty-nine inches see.
* * *
As he surveyed the squares,
The men,
And the moves spread before him,
One king said to his bishop:
“It’s either all a trick — or else none of it is.”

In man’s mental air waves
Life can tolerate spasmodic, “Super transmissions,” just as long as it
Keeps a cap on the number of potential receivers.

According to one legend:
The great mother mystical school turns out two types of students: those who talk about what they’re learned,
And those who don’t,
…And one of the two didn’t actually learn much.

A chap riding the mythical express,
Turned to a stranger in an adjoining seat and whispered: “As much as I enjoy this —
Sometimes it gives me cold chills that you wouldn’t believe!”
* * *
From the hoary annuls of extreme, folk lore comes a bit of proverbial health wisdom which says that the primary way by which knights catch colds, the flu,
And other non-fatal, but distracting ills, is by too often — opening their mouth.
While surveying the rhetoric-of-his-mind, one man mused: “Punctuation doesn’t mean anything if you’re not going anywhere.”
* * *

In a land of self-reference, a man cannot be referred-
to anything new, or of consequence.

If you’re not headed anywhere — nothing amounts to anything…In particular.
* * *

95104- 14
Certain men
At certain times
Have been heard to say that they, “Frighten themself.”
But among the ordinarily dazed-&-distracted,
Such fear is of low intensity compared to what it would be — should they ever see what self actually is.
* * *
Proverb extension:
Instead of asking: “What would it profit a man
Should he gain the whole world yet lose his soul!?”
T’would be better said for the few: “What will it profit you to, ‘learn-all-about’
Something that scarcely exists!?”
* * *
Socrates may have seemed strange and oblique, but at least he knew when to,

The majority of what the mind thinks — seems so serious – ….Which is what makes it so ridiculous.

Another difference between: an alert man
And everyone else is that
When an alert man suddenly realizes that he is not being one — it bothers him.

On a certain faraway planet
Periodically pops up an unusually strong and tall
Radio transmitting station and tower to which many creatures are able to tune.

Life sometimes
Allows some things
To occur in some places that it won’t others.
* * *

As told by one legend:
There was once a knight who was the greatest of them all -and his name was: sir Grease-a-Lot.
* * *

Explaining his lack of interest in things psychiatric, said one man: “I figure as long as I have a mechanically running mind
That I’m in some sort of therapy! —
…whether I wanna be or not.”

Train station justice:
Those who never actually get on the mystical express
Are yet those always most ready, (when asked), to – “Hop aboard!”

The prime reason the hectoring-cum-calling-out-of-departures, done by conductors-turned-preachers — works!
* * *

On one intelligent planet, (unbeknownst to the inhabitants),
There is an unseen “thought depository” from which all draw their everyday ideas.

Upward modulation:
In all intelligent universes
The thinking creatures are driven by a common force.

Oblique expansion:
Self-taught, individual thinking creatures understand all of the above, and are thus, (on good days), partially freed therefrom.
Footnote: never, in a closed system,
Ask for a conclusive definition of: freed,
(for the few —
“Loosed” might better do.)
* * *

A man and his mind had a contest to see who was strongest — guess who won? -but even after its victory, his mind still wouldn’t try it with the body. — guess why?

It’s easy to cry at the thought that you’ll die,
But harder to grin over the possibility that you’ve just started to: — make yourself live.
* * *
The way to tell whether you are in a warrior’s cemetery, or one for civilians is that in the case of the latter,
All of the headstone statuary is frowning — and looking serious.
* * *

A reconsideration of the debts mortals imagine owned to the gods
A man who understands the nature of life
Has no additional need to feel “Put-upon” by life.
* * *
Another distinction between a knight and an ordinary person is that while the ordinary will often claim to recognize their responsibility, and the hardships it carries
The warrior finds his duty to be as natural and effortless as is his breathing.
* * *

The redemption —
The salvation-through-sacrifice so often dreamed of by men,
More fully understood, is not first off so much a matter of
Repair and repentance of flaws as it is a question of comprehending the natural, proper state of man,
The redemption —
The salvation-through-sacrificial-death so commonly spoken of by men, is, (when more fully understood),
Less a question of: who will die that I may live!?”,
And more of: how am I to permanently — die to myself,
And all of my natural notions of what constitutes an acceptable state of man!?
* * *
The over-looked purpose of myth – (other than): “To help make the hidden, possible to see.”,
Is to: render the obvious, damn-near invisible!
* * *
You can read about yourself in the paper, hear about yourself on the phone,
But you don’t know who you are,
’til you’re with your mind alone.
* * *
The game-of-consciousness,
(as played by ordinary minds), is a collective, team-sport —
…But for a few,
It becomes something much more personal and individual.
* * *

Looking back over the manuscript of his life thus far,
One man thought:
“The key word therein seems to be …ah… ah
Well, there doesn’t seem to be one.

Although Istanbul is never like anyone imagines it to be — that’s all right -no one can imagine what it’s really like any way.
* * *
As he stepped across the vestibule,
From one car to another,
One passenger paused to ponder whether or not he might actually be carrying Istanbul already with him.

I feel obliged to point out to you that he is not the first would-be traveler to ever have this possibility pass through his mind,
But a more promising way to approach it might be to picture that mythical Bosporian city as being one impossible to map.

One chap volunteers the fact that the similes and comparisons he most enjoys are those which are inequitable, skewed and unbalanced.
(that might give you something to think about next time you see signs pointing to Turkey — posted by two rail tracks.)
* * *

Some journalism news from the city room:
The mind is to consciousness like a re-write editor.
* * *
A man in a cafe laid down his paper and asked a knight at the next table what he thought of a certain event, covered in the latest edition,
And the warrior shook his head, signaling his ignorance thereof, and said: “I don’t subscribe.”
And the man noted to the knight that he hadn’t even looked to see exactly which paper he was reading and referring to,
And the warrior replied:
“Is no matter — I do not subscribe to anything occurring, ‘out-there.'”

Why buy a paper when you can get the news free, through the fence!?
* * *

The thoughts of the simple are tied closer to the body than to the mind, while the thoughts of the city sophisticates are tied closer to their mind than to reality.

Each time this one explorer would believe himself drawing close to the prize, he would in advance
To compensate for any possible miscalculation on his part, that
Mentally move the grail further away.

Take note that
Moves such as this,
Made by those-who-know,
Are not for the purpose of self-confusion, but rather as a reminder that,
Istanbul, indeed,
Can never be adequately mapped.
* * *

One day,
(accidentally getting his telescope turned backwards), a student of the heavens concluded that
The universe got the idea for a “closed system” from observing the mind of man.

One benefit of being ordinary is that whether trains run forward — or backward is of no consequence to you.

The grail —
The prize of the mystical quest — was originally called, attention.
* * *
After local conditions so long pestered life for some additional help in its responsibility of protecting a “Certain secret,”
It was given permission to label some things as, “Holy and scared,”

Amidst man’s routine city existence: a thing mis-named is a thing made safe.
* * *
A two-eyed number,
In the land of quartets,
Might ultimately as well be blind.
* * *

As regards a man attempting to bring his collectively-produced consciousness somehow under his own control:
A would-be mystic
In the midst of life
Is like a radio that’s been tossed into the sea.
* * *
Second verse regarding a man attempting to bring his collectively-produced consciousness under his own direction:
A would-be mystic
In the midst of life
Is like a radio that’s been tossed into the sea — and who realizes it.
* * *

Every morn do men arise
Believing that this may be the day wherein the secret is revealed unto them;
They believe this,
Not realizing that they awake each day serenely in the arms of this elusive creature.

The awakening,
(as would be experienced on a merry go round),
Would be like one horsey entering — and passing through the one just ahead, only to realize that it was him all along.

The ordinary attempting to, “make sense” of the world of mystical metaphor is almost as funny as them trying to make-sense of the-everyday world.

Additional note regarding an unsuspected: balancing act–
For every knightly order known, there’s another one, not.

….(Even at super human levels,
Life’s primary safety factor remains: redundancy.
….[but still no need to let it be yours!])
* * *

Everything in man’s routine mental world is a case of, “after the fact.”
* * *
A mystic’s message is always in part, anachronistic -and always in full, in the forward direction.
* * *

A final word regarding the subject of: seriousness–
Anyone who takes their personal life to be a matter thereof, has missed a certain train they never even knew existed.
* * *

— and:
A man once said to a mystic:
“I guess the dirtiest trick life’s played on men
Is in not letting most of them realize they could achieve another, more refreshing state of consciousness.”
To which the alert one responded:
“Either that or letting a few realize they could.”

….(One man cautioned himself to never let his mind tell him what time it is.)

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