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Jan Cox Talk 1379

Talk Is the Mother of All Attempts at Conscious Alteration


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#1379 – 12/26/1994
Notes by TK

Men continually attempt to change consciousness with ANY and ALL activity to get away from ground-zero basic awareness (non-verbal). The body can abide non-agitation but not so the mind. Talk is the mother of all attempts at conscious alteration.

The News

At the routine level, man’s consciousness and thinking are one and the same; those who seek to surpass this position,
Become conscious observers of their thinking;
And those who make it beyond this point again achieve a merging of thought and consciousness, but with a certain new. And unexpected twist,
In the mystic’s vocabulary, the opposite of separate is, “Super separate.”
* * *

The initial reports say that the explosion at the psychologist’s convention was caused by a paper that was attempted to be presented, entitled: “Yes, there are causes that have made us what we are — being born.”

The pursuit of physical pleasure is to nourish the body — not the mind, but since everything overlaps, it’s easy to confuse the two, even amongst those with metagnostic interests.
** *
The improvement of oneself physically seems
Much more direct and doable than does it’s mental counterpart;
With most people — enough said!, and their common practices prove the point. But with the mystically driven, (as always), things are both:
Not quite so simple — and — simpler times three.
** *
Spotting for him as he did his bench presses,
Plotinus’ girlfriend took note of the satisfaction in physical exercise, in that you can visibly see the increase in muscularity thru appropriate effort, whilst the rewards of those moving-metal in their inner gym are known only to themselves,
And he grunted his agreement as he finished off his reps.
** *

Life continues to allow the less alert the privilege to be pissed.
One day a lad wondered: “Can man live by ‘one-liners’ alone!?” and immediately responded: “The truth is simple —
And if it ain’t simple — it ain’t the truth.” — and went on his way.
* * *
It’s all in the telling…maybe
Quite often incompetence presented with squeals!
* * *

People who can’t “Think good”,
Got little interest in standin’ around watching those who can, do so.

Having a cerebral cortex, Adam & eve were conscious,
Becoming verbal, they altered their consciousness,
Sunning themselves on the frontal deck,
They waved away the steward, saying:
“No drugs for us — we’re natural stimuli receptors.”
As she stoked his furnaces,
And trimmed his sails,
Odyesseus’ girlfriend mused on the fact of how if, you listen to each wave as it strikes the boat, it sounds as though each wave strikes the boat.

Being presently unable to replace the hors I es on his merry go round with Pegasus, this one chap began, (in the meantime), greasing his,
** * one guy had a motto: “Anything worth thinking about is worth thinking about once’
** *
As the train approached the Swiss border
The conductor with the non-scheduled look in his eye
Reminded passengers that the re-arranging of the books in their compartment can give the illusion of going! Somewhere.
** *

To simple minds, the hero is simply the man of action.
To mystics, it is he whose actions are freed from the mind.
….And all of those who lived & died in the routine fashion, (and who will
Do so in the future), began to stamp their rotting feet and chant:
“We don’t get it, we don’t get it,
You knew damn well that we
Wouldn’t get it!”
* * *

All of the really great conspiracies are right out in the open. ….Doubt it!? — then just take a real good look at life.
** * the occult, re-culted:
There is but one “Great mystery,” and that is:
How can men be so dense’?         No offense, (of course).
** *
As his own personal theme, one man adopted that ever popular ditty: “I’m sitting on top of the world”,
Then after a surprising improvement in his eye sight,
On alternate days began substituting: “The world’s sitting on top of moi,”
** *
While answering the phone during his absence, Muhammad’s girl friend told one caller: “No, he’s not here right now,
He’s out working his other-worldly wiles on an unsuspecting mole hill.”
** *
One guy said: “If, ‘what-goes-around does ‘come-around,’
Then I want to be out of town.

The priest told the king: “I have a statue that cries;
And his grace asked: “Can it die?”
“Can it plead forgiveness?”
“Can it give money?”
“Then what do you want with it!?”
* * *
In the world of man, the point-of-things is not the point of things,
* * *

From the view-of-the-more-conscious:
Those who do not take themselves beyond their natural state are — un-natural.

The way it goes….Well, the way it wants to go
The body says: “Why take a chance!?” and the mind follows suit.

As you aged,
If you could keep from getting older,
Even the ordinary could become a bit more knowledgeable.

Everyone has a twin brother or sister who likes and dislikes the same things you do, what d’ya think of that!?

One man looked carefully at his consciousness and thought: “Even a perfect copy is still a copy,”,
And his mind said: “Does this mean that we’re through!?”

The title of the ultimate movie bio of our species on this planet: “Humanity: the beast with six billion bodies & two brains,”
Yeah!” added one guy, “But that’s still enough for me, and the sad truth is — he’s right.)

To help keep men dazed and in line,
Life presents its most doubtful endeavors as fait accompli.
P.S.: the most blatant example of this is men being made to believe that the mind knows all that need be known,
P.SS: on a more specific, local level–
This is all personified by such activities as
Weight loss programs, the diamond business, and mandatory education, who all privately refer to this dynamic as:
“The non-stopped-ness of necessary foolishness.”

Music, music, music- or: it seems to be that I have heard that song before
Making no effort
Of their own to compose, with no shame the simple, sing the cliches.

* * *
And now another identifying description from our: “Un-naturalist’s field guide”–
The “More-conscious” are the types of people who live next door to no one.
** *
Once the birds took control of the back yard
They right off put a halt to the “Slopping-of-the-cats”.
** *

Talk is the mirror by which the mind sees.
* * *
Second stanza: talk is the mirror by which the mind sees, and the consciousness naturally given to man believes that the mind is its eyes.
* * *
The transcendental-head-explosion could be described as: non-indigenous eye-sight that is unfixed,
And as per verbal specificity, is also unfocused.
Who then!?, (I ask you),
Would want the mind of a mystic — but a mystic!?
* * *
As she was proofing some of his manuscripts, Hammurabi’s girlfriend reflected on the fact that justice comes in at least two flavors:
The physically executed variety, visible to all, and aimed at controlling behavior, and the internal version — normally unnoticed, (other than unknowingly used as a basis for unsophisticated criticism and carping.)

The challenge – human problems: the approach – the human mind, the full story,
It won’t work — but you gotta try.

In one sense,
Mute consciousness and verbal thought
interfere with one another sufficiently to preclude realization of maximum neural efficiency,
The awakening is the destruction of this condition.
* * *
As he would stroll along the back roads,
Oft times the pelican could be heard singing:
“Ah, sweet mystery of life at last we’re welded….”
* * *

All criticism is shilling —
For a mystic, a three-card monte game played on himself.
*  * *
As he hung slowly from a tree in Odin’s cold orchard the warrior. Cheerfully moaned:
“I regret that I have but one back to no longer bite,”
* * *

Those who, significance’ in irony find,
Reveal, to human speech, their scant acquaintance,

Ordinary people will act busy in the attempt to prove that they’re some body; a mystic, (if he wanted to do something similar), would show it by his doing nothing.

More evidence (if needed) that men do not actually want to know “What’s going on” is the fact that they continue to love the idea of a “Mystery” rather than the answer thereto.
Thus, does awakening to higher state of consciousness remain of so little interest.
Weird, huh!?
Explanatory, what!? Carry on, eh?!

Final definitions time:
First from our health watch:
The mind: the only ill without a cure that’s not an ill.
And lastly:
Talk: the mother of all attempts to alter consciousness.
…Oh yeah, and one more item’:
Life once said, (as a kind of good-natured rib), to one of the planet’s more awakened men: “Bet you can’t make what you’ve done popular.”
…Huh! — that life! — what a kidder.

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