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Jan Cox Talk 1355

Useless “Collective Wisdom” Still Must Be Accepted by Individual


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#1355 – 10/31:
Notes by TK

Man cannot reject collective wisdom even while knowing its limitation and uselessness to him individually.

The News

After many years of reading & study in a certain area,
A man one day laid down the book in his hands, looked far away through his window and thought:
“In every land, in every tongue, and in every time
Are myths and parables regarding a warrior’s need to die
So as to make possible his re-birth on a higher plane,
And this annihilation has been called by many names:
‘the dying to one’s illusions of existence,’
‘the dying to one’s sense of separateness,’
‘the dying to one’s knowledge of good & evil,’
‘the dying to one’s distinctions between life and death,’
‘the dying to one’s fear of death’,
And even, ‘the dying to one’s self’.”
His thoughts momentarily halted — and he attempted to look even further away, and finally returned to add:
“What does it all radically represent
In un-obvious areas of man’s potential? —
— is it indeed a kind of actual death in older parts of one’s intellect, and a new birth in younger ones!?”
That which life itself does, man can — and will — ultimately do also, but the standard execution is through man-the-collective,
And over infinite generations;
The mystic is one, “In-a-hurry” — who wants to experience it, “Individually.”

A father and son were out for a walk and the boy said:
“Last week I was laying in the yard, looking up at the clouds, and they seemed to spell out a message — they appeared to say:
‘a man with no heroes, has no peers.’, and the old man responded: “Those were not clouds —
That was a fragment of the unwritten history of man’s mind.”

The simple like to say that, “A complex man is a miserable man.”,
And they’ll leave you a nice tip if you tell them that even the simple can be correct some times.

The honorable life concept
All beasts live an honorable life, but having no mind —
Know it not,
Man, now having — and knowing,
Had to conceive of the concept thereof
To allow him the possibility of living one otherwise.

An older monk, after being questioned by a younger one, told it like this: “It is reasonable to picture our kind of mystical efforts as a journey —
A trip to a place which, when you first hear it described, you’re not sure you understand — but
You are sure it somehow sounds closer to what’s been gnawing on you than anything you’ve encountered before —
So off you try to go,
And after many years, one day you’re suddenly there! — internally arrived! -and after that, there is never any doubt as to the correctness of your pursuit.
But then after a day -a day and a night -perhaps, two days —
The state begins to slowly slip away,
And soon, you find yourself — your consciousness —
More or less, back where you and everyone else normally live.
But you have gained something singular —
You now personally know — and have experienced the actual destination, and have something new to use in your effort to return thereto.
You now possess the method-of-methods — the weapon-of-weapons: to constantly strive,
To continually remember —          with ever=decreasing lapses
The stupendous joy, liberation & exhilaration of the destination until once again — you are there.”

When accused in his professional career as being an “Opportunist” he replied: “To stay alive is to be an opportunist.”

A man who’d had some experience as an actor one day wondered:
“Why is it so much easier to play being angry than it is, intelligent?”
Reminder: all of the grand, enduring lionesque ideological structures began life as momentary adrenalin rushes in gazellian flanks.
Lava: the father of all science — rain: the mother of all art,
Since the internals of a closed system can never see their position beyond its own inherent limitations,
Riders of carrousels are left to surmise their supernatural origin,
Ergo, ponder-query: do the out-posts of lion consciousness sense the trace remainders of gazelle sinews to be divine? —
— and can you even conceive of it the other way around!?

One guy re-played his life, in his head,
Even as it went along,
Hello, one guy —
Hello, mister everybody.

All mystical effort is an attempt to exercise “Control”,
But it differs from it perceived kin in that
With magic, men dream of gaining control of the forces they believe to run the external world,
And in religion, they hope that ritual and sacrifice will appease the powers that do so govern life,
But in the true mystical adventure,
An individual seeks only the possible, the practical, and the personal — control over the higher areas of his own neural awareness.

The knowledge that is commonly available is but knowledge of the obvious -..,.But no one seems to notice,

If you stay concerned over the common, “Human condition” you will yourself remain, far too human and common.

At the simpler level,
Extended, physical rituals are to wear the participants out
In the hope that they may then experience something new and refreshing —
Comparable activities, even at a more complex pitch,
Retain certain similarities.

The opposite of “Neural liberation” is: theology, philosophy, and being ole mister potato head.

94109 – 14
One day an elephant and an investment banker were talking and the elephant said “Although I am near your equal intellectually,
Compared to yours, my life is quite simple and unexciting,
And I begin to suspect the reason being that I have but one aim in life” and the banker had no idea what the-elephant-was talking about — suggesting that the pachyderm may have been overly optimistic in his
Initial assessment of the former’s intelligence.

One man began to privately picture his efforts to bring his attention under a new degree of control, in naval, military terms —
As with an aircraft carrier that you either: stop from bobbing in the water- or you, “Clear its decks”!

More regarding the certain unseen justice of certain things:
In the realm of the collective, men feel separate to their own detriment, while with the few, they reach for individualism-in-understanding to a different result,

In his continuing attempt to maintain a non-routine relationship with his own intellectual processes,
One man kept a running-notebook of all the major problems and ideas that the collective found to be of specific, immediate concern, and made it a point, of these, to think of none.

A mystical-religious history updating:
Part of disciples’ responsibility after the prophet’s death is to make his life seem more interesting than it was.

As all the little kens & barbies leave the garden plastic’s factory for life, a foreman by the door tells them:
“Out there — if you ‘have-a-heart’, it’ll be broken — but,
Not necessarily so, regarding the head,” — ‘muff said.

One man told his son:
“Look, if you have to have a hero
At least pick someone worthwhile —
Like your dog, khan,
Or your mother’s fiery hibiscus —
Or some famous dead person no one’s ever heard of.”

Once man had an intellect, it had to be fed — like everything else, and for him to embrace this new function fully
He had to perceive of differing qualities of neural nourishment, (such as), between, instruction and education, and mere entertainment and distraction, and even more specific distinctions within the major division, (such as), there being “Serious fiction”, and a frivolous variety,
Real science, and a pseudo-version,
Reliable history, and a priori posturing.
–,but hold on there, mystical scouts! —
Until a man realizes for himself that all commonly available mental fare is but diversion and distraction     — and not intended otherwise: -then he will never be able to personally divine an otherwise -should it be accessible.

In a closed system)
What men sense as) “Evil”
Is the ever-present odor of death being unceasingly reborn.

94109 -23
Fabling update,(and so on)
Based on who made the least noise —
— but just look where that got ’em!                          (or was that man!?!)

Neuro medical news:
Religion is the collective’s antidote to the mystical.

In am attempt to rescue his friend, (himself), from
Continual assaults & torture by some hard-to-identify force, -r
The first was to kill the provocateur and be done with it,
But after many futile attempts, he turned to his next perceived possibility:
To wound it so seriously that it would be permanently crippled (for his lifetime but even that, he found, apparently improbable,
He is now looking at some sort of “Holding action’.

Tip time
How to stay healthy: always be sick tomorrow,
How to stay stalwart: schedule anger for next Thursday.

The active struggle to control attention
Is an ambulatory form of passive meditation,
There are not only buses to fit every budget,
But also cars for every taste,
And even private jets, for those particularly in a hurry.

A certain man concluded, for his own personal purposes: “As long as my friend remains dead,
I will not soil his memory with routine thoughts and concerns.”

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