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Jan Cox Talk 1328

Forget Explaining Thinking, The City Can’t Explain Tastes


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#1328 – 08/29/1994
Notes by TK

(**) The ordinary distinguish themselves via the physical: fad and fashion. “There is no accounting for taste” is a defensive reference to the collective (i.e., using the excuse of peer-pressure to account for taste…”everybody wore their hair long then!”). At a higher level men can’t explain their tastes OR their thinking. Men attempt an accounting because there is none. Thus the continual parallel justification that accompanies thought.

The News

In the woods outside of town was a man who originally had
wanted to know the secret of life, but eventually settled for
owning a pulp mill.

…..After every successful battle, the warrior would sit his
son down and say: “Remember: If the allegories don’t get you,
reality will.” And the philosopher sat on his child while
singing: “And if reality don’t get you — move on to even
greater metaphors.”

…..Three times a year, the King’s Minister of All Important
Matters would stand, center court and declare to all: “Oh, I
say! — I really, really do.”


Looking back over his life, one man said to his mind:
“Well, you’ve certainly led me on quite a merry chase thus far,”
to which it replied: “What d’ya mean, ‘led you’!? — I was you.”
Then the rest of him chimed in to say: “So that’s what


A teacher asked the class: “Give me proof that civilization
remains hopeful?” And a kid replied: “That it continues to try
and convince the simple-of-mind that they’ll enjoy —


Definitions From Everyday Life

Awareness: A tunnel. Attention: A train… endless
train — sans engineer.

…..And now, for your intellectual enjoyment: “The World’s
Last Great — I.Q. Test”: If you’ll take such a test — you’re

…..A viewer writes: “Been watching you for some time — at
first concerned, couldn’t see how everything you read from one
page was connected — No longer care. Yours, Over & Under.”

…..Once this guy realized how words actually align with
reality, he could say anything! …….and make himself like it!


One of the first things people who want to become more
conscious want to do is to show that they’re trying to become
more conscious. ** Why, in public mystic schools, the freshman
class outnumbers the junior, ten thousand to one.

And Now That Popular Feature We Call:
“In Yo Face — Factual Disgrace”:

A man who does not clearly understand that Life itself is
alive, and is, in all ways, not only of superior strength, but
intelligence as well, well….such a man clearly does not yet
understand anything about Life, or about being a man. **
“Daddy, what’s the name of that strange new dog I just read
about, who thinks it’s smarter than humans?” “Oh, I saw that
article too, now let’s see…it was in the National
Geographic?…or maybe Science Today, ahh…they discovered it in
the Southern Andes, right!?…or maybe Siberia? Well, anyway, I
know what you’re talking about, and wherever it was, and whoever
it was that found them I do remember that they gave the breed a
totally new name befitting their totally new subgenus, biological
position. They decided to call the dogs the….ahh, I can’t say
that…it’s too cheap a shot.” And the lad whined: “Ah, come on
Dad, you can too, we’re humans — nothing’s too cheap for us!”


The Operations of Progress vis a vis Intellectual Certainty

The mental mechanics of the parade are run by opinion,
assumption & belief…(Those requiring more have no business
still marching with the rest of them.)

…..Today’s Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, many, many years after their first direct
encounter, a man again found himself face-to-face, eyeball-to-
eyeball with Life, and before he could remember how he blinked
and looked away, and got out of it the first time, Life said:
“Okay — now what!?!” ** Civilian’s Finis


Now for Today’s: “Disturbing Question”:

What is the difference between a “Real Thinker” and ordinary
people? Ordinary people realize that thinking is just a part-
time hobby.


One guy sends along this definition: Religion: A mystical,
bacon, lettuce & tomato sandwich without the bacon, lettuce, or
tomato. …(Come to chew-on-it, that fits a lotta things, don’t

…..But Now: On to an Official Entry from Our: New
Intelligence Encyclopedia of Stuff: How to Tell When to “Pipe
Down”: When Life wants you to “Shut up!” — you’ll shut up!

…..A man near third base shouted: “I’ve lost my teeth!” And
a fellow in the bleachers screamed: “All my hair is gone!” And
just behind home plate a chap said to himself: “Good thing they
don’t know about me and my thoughts.”


The weak will always blame the strong for being weak.
“Professor Elgin, is this in any manner applicable to
intellectual matters?” “Oh, do shut up, you silly boy you.”


One man defines “civilization” as those brief periods
between eating and sleeping and going to the bathroom, and your
Bonus Round Question, (should you decide to go for it) is: Is
this view fresh and contemporary? or old and outdated? **
Tonight’s second feature, (coming up immediately after the
election results), is a film entitled: “Everyone loves an outlaw
— unless you’re the one just robbed.” …(Any Real Thinkers in
the audience can of course skip this showing since they’re
already mentally familiar with this concept.)


Our Inspirational Thought for the Day

The mystical’s only “mystical” to those who don’t know what
the hell the mystical is.

…..The man sat down his bag, then inquired of the chap behind
the ticket desk: “How far is it to Stanaslovsko?” and the clerk
replied: “As far as you imagine.”

…..The under-appreciated “great thing” about the human mind is
that it can invent board games, and then spend the rest of its
life continually rearranging the pieces in an attempt to discover
their origin.


As he was leaving the hospital a reporter asked him if he
had any advice to offer others based on what he may have learned
from his ordeal, and he replied: “I don’t give advice — based
on advice from my accountant.”


The title of one author’s latest book regarding the nature
of human existence: “Everyone is born in a car wreck.” …(His
brother in law says they hope to eventually turn it into a new
religion.) ** A certain man, with the beginnings of a freeway
through his head, asks: “What’s the point in becoming more
conscious if there’s nothing to be more conscious of!?” …(Are
we sure that’s a question?”)


Still Updatin’ Those Previous Updates

Inside every cynical philosopher is a dead, hopeful one.


One guy said: “I’m really tired of my mind thinking dumb
things.” And a friend asked: “Like what?” “Like the same thing
more than once,” he replied. ** A viewer writes: “If, (as you
say), Life is specifically arranged so as to keep me just like I
am now then doesn’t that mean that that’s exactly how Life wants
me to be, and if so, then why the hell should any of this
matter!?” …..Hey-y-y…….just what kind of viewer is this



Everyone hurts at their point of least resistance. “Pardon
me Doctor, but does that include the mind?” “‘Include the
mind’!? — Include the mind!? — What the hell else could I be
profitably talking about in the first place!” (“Well…gee, it
was just a question.”) Pain — You gotta love it!

…..Today’s Mystical Myth

Once he got started, this one guy couldn’t stop, so his
brother said to him: “You shouldn’t a’ever even started.”
Words-of-Wisdom — You just gotta love ’em!


Two kids decided to have a “civilizing contest” — tried to
see who could lie the most.


This Next Match Again Puts: Allegory Against Reality

One guy says: “If Samson is born naturally with his
strength, does it count?” And another man replies: “Even if it
doesn’t, who’s going to tell him!?” ** “Well, at least,” said a
man to his dog, “in the area of thinking you don’t have such a
problem.” And the dog replied: “Woof!”


Extended Hours of Awareness and Beach Etiquette
The best looking bodies can wear the skimpiest suits and the
most conscious ideas, the flimsiest of supporting theories.

…..One guy’s bicep scoffed and said to his brain: “Hey, let’s
see you — flex yourself!” To which it, (and the last four
centuries) replied: “Rather than being so smugly confident, you
should in truth be glad I as yet cannot do so any better than I
do.” ** Definitions: History: A record of man’s retreats.
Lessons Learned Therefrom: A record of his failures. A Mystic:
A man in a mental bikini……….and absolutely no sense of


One guy’s theory: “If you have to explain why nothing bad’s
gonna happen to you — something bad is gonna happen to you.


How to Become Educated — Quickly!

First be taught that there are different categories of
things intellectually, then be taught that some are more serious
than others, then believe it all and — die!


Yes — a mystic does know: Weird, strange, and supernatural
things — He knows what’s going on.


Politics and the Civil Affairs of Man: A Conversational Essay

“Daddy, is the meanest wolf always the dumbest?” “Usually.”
“Do you realize what this means!?” “Yep.” End of essay.


Life wants you mostly to think about the same things
everybody else thinks about so’s you’ll mostly stay like them.


Another Updating of Civil Life

Everything is merely “a symptom of some deeper problem,”
which in turn is simply a symptom of some other deeper problem,
and so on.


A child asked his father: “What’s the difference between a
real mystic and the pretend ones?” And the old man replied:
“The pretenders always believe that it’s a matter of ‘behavior.'”
And the young one noted: “Well that’s what they tell us kids
about everything!” And the elder’s “palms-up” gesture along with
his wide-eyed look seemed the only response required.


“Tag Team Definitions” Time Once Again

Hormones: Mute neurons that “know it all.” Neurons:
Verbal, smart-ass hormones that don’t know squat! ** “Well I
say, Dr. Johnson, just where then does that leave the likes of
us!?” “I don’t know about you Boswell, but I’m gettin’ the hell
outta here before they start letting Attila dictate grammar
again.” “What!? — You mean they stopped!?….” ** And thus —
thus indeedie, weedie, does the vast mortal parade of progress
march ever onward! Sometimes seen as — backward, sometimes seen
as — sideways, but actually — ever onward! Right through the
heart, I mean mind, of man.


The fact that: “The simpler the person the easier they are
to please” should also inform you regarding the mind’s possible
forms of nourishment.


The Matter of the More Conscious and Their Places of Origin

A mystic ain’t from no where.


Just as there is “no accounting for tastes,” neither is
there for thoughts — which is why everyone tries to.


While on a picnic a lad asked his dad: “Is it my
imagination!? — or, the wider expands your consciousness, does
it not seem the more others’ narrows!?” And his father replied:
“Have some cole slaw my boy, have some cole slaw.”


According to legend, there was once a mystical school who
shot any one who’d been there more than eight years, or who was
forty years old. ** I got a better one for you: Any real
mystic shoots himself every eight years. …(Among other things,
that’s also how you keep from ever becoming “forty years old”.)
** The speaker loudly proclaimed: “You can’t re-live the past!”
And someone in the crowd shouted back: “Hell, you can’t even re-
live the present!” …(Give that man a mystical school tee
shirt.) ** A boy asked his father: “If we quit discussing
ordinary life, might it disappear?” And the elder replied: “I’m
not sure, but I don’t think we should risk it.”


While the simple can only distinguish themselves physically,
through fashion, or by some other comparative means, only one
more conscious can distinguish himself through himself.

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