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Jan Cox Talk 1307

Transcendental States: The Ability to Hear Genetics Speak


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1307 – 07/11/1994 
Notes by TK

All Mystical info/ideas are a reflection of man’s future (e.g., “love thin enemy”). When the future speaks to men they hear on two levels:
1) literally, impossible of putting into operation, yet unforgettably potent; truth undeniable because of the real future, but impractical at present.
2) metaphorically, as the reality behind behavioral proscriptions, i.e., internal and individual.

This is the essence of myth, extraordinary metaphor. The devotion to practice of Secondary Level (SL) will affect genetic change: so too at the first level, but less effective. Mystical info comes from the core of reality vs. the “future”.

The News

One day, one man heard a voice say: “Why read history!? —
Why predict the future!? — Why listen to the news!? You have
me!” And at first he was startled — and wondered who it was
speaking to him, and then he realized! — it was his genes.


Children believe that is they whistle at imaginary ghosts-
in-the-night, they’ll go ‘way, while adults believe that if they
shout at them, they will. Mystics are the sort to reach out for
them — to try and get ’em on the dance floor — even into bed.

…..Myths are like real space travel while the ordinary mind’s
reality is like myths about space travel.


From a quite authentic view: All of the good, encouraging,
and inspiring news available to man is in fact, always news of
the future, even though, usually in disguise.


Each person’s religion is a reflection of their genetics —
nothing less and nothing more. And to those who know what life’s
about — nothing’s amiss. ** Definition: A Critic: A man
without a clue!

…..A bloody, warrior king once sat alone and asked himself:
“Would men be happier if they were more civilized and
considerate?…” But him being genetically what he was, his
reflections could scare proceed there beyond. So he rubbed his
eyes, and returned to sharpening his sword, as the winds of
change continued to swirl about him.


At the entrance to one city was a large sign that said:
“Thank You For Not Thinking.” ** That wasn’t your city was
it!?…I mean like your personal one!?…


On days when the weather was nice and he got a check in the
mail, this one chap would feel happy, more “human,” alive and
alert, and on days when it rained and he received bad news, he’d
feel depressed, and sick of life, and mentally withdrawn. In
recognition of this condition, he named himself: “A. Man.”
Later as he came to realize and appreciate the dependability of
his state, he upped the ante and expanded his title to: “A Most
Ordinary Man.”

A kingdom ruled by two lobes — I mean, princes — is
assured of several things: Stability, and conflict; certainty
and confusion; and total success and failure… dependent upon
the view of which ever of the two pretenders happens to
temporarily be on the throne.


The “super-natural” that the ordinary love to believe in, is
in fact the epitome of the natural and mundane, in that (for
instance) the E.S.P. they speak of is an everyday ability
exercised by all sentient creatures from snails to man, the sole
distinction being that only man can think and talk about it. **
Once you understand such routine matters as this, you also
realize that behind all spoken-of forms of mysticism must, and
does reside another…more basic…and primordial one.


A certain futuristic thinker was once captured by some local
conditions, who could not make him submit to their control —
until they threatened him with the punishment of becoming

…..One way you can always be sure that you’re looking at cows
(even under the most unusual of circumstances) is that they want
other cows to like them. ** This also holds true regarding
ordinary thoughts and attitudes.

…..And a man somewhere, sat and pondered: “If it do be so
that you can’t get anyone to get out and change a tire unless
they first believe that it’s flat, then perhaps a valid
definition of a mystic would be: A man driven to make
improvements where he knows none are necessary.” ** For those
whose eye sight continues to expand, you should note that life
genetically hints even to the most common of men that while these
sorts of “unnecessary, transcendental improvements” are not
required of them just now, they certainly would be in order.


Taking a lesson from women’s attempts to improve their looks
via facial alterations, one man shaved off his lips. …(He
immediately thereafter, threw his partisan thoughts a glare that
seemed to warn: “You would be next!”)


The mystical way was once described as: “Trying to get
younger as you get older.” …And we could add this variation:
“Only city dwellers can become hermits.”


A voice cried out (an apparently, loud voice): “Look to the
life boats! — and prepare to abandon ship!” Many people heard
the voice…many heard it then…many heard it later, and many
hear it now, and will in the future. Your inquiry should be:
From whence cometh this voice!? And why does everyone seem to
hear it always?

…..When local conditions turned over charge of the goo fields
to Mary & The Lamb, it told them: “I will place no burden on you
for which there is no relief through the various drugs I have
herein provided.” ** At the end of each day’s game: One team
feels up — and one team feels down.


Everyone knows you can be more alert — (caffeine proves
that) — but only a mystic makes a life’s work of it.


Every time the future of man speaks publicly to man it is
heard on two simultaneous levels: It is heard literally by the
ordinary, and not-so by the not-so.


From Our: “It Should Be Obvious” Files:
All of civilization’s organizations are external attempts to
help man become better.

From Our: “Less Obvious” Section:
For some, this is unnecessary…plus, it doesn’t offer
enough help. …(Also: This group does not feel hostile-toward,
or critical-of the situation — they simply understand it for how
it is.)

…..One man said he could tell he was out-growing city life
when invitations calling for a three-piece suit made him want to
attend in as few syllables as possible. “RSVP,” said he,
“Retire Some Verbiage Promptly.”


According to legend on this one world: When certain of the
beings there grew tired of trying to “think-their-way” to a
higher, mystical state, they resorted to more physical efforts,
such as drastically changing the way they looked, how they lived,
etc. — and after they grew frustrated with this, they then took
what they’d learned from the first two approaches and tired to
apply it to how they “felt” about being alive.


Forever wrestling with the “problems of man” is like a life
time in training for a re-match with the Tar Baby.

A dreamed-of: “Mysticism for the masses” would be the same
old gruel with its hemline either raised or lowered for the


Might the ultimate description of all mysticism, and
transcendental states of consciousness turn out to be: “The
ability to hear genetics speak!?” …(Don’t bet against it.)


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