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Jan Cox Talk 1262

Be Well. There is no ” Getting well”


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#1262 – 03/28:
Notes by TK

The miracle of the human spirit’s resilience is no mystery, it is built-in to Life. The mystery is that it must be pointed out and marveled at by man.

The News

We Open With A “Viewer’s Viewing Tip”:
There are long myths and allegories — and short ones, there are
deep ones, and shallow ones, simple ones and more complex ones,
but constant throughout it all is one plain fact: If you know
what the hell I’m already talking about you wouldn’t need no
damn, penny-ass “Viewer’s Tip!”, and we’d like to extend our
warmest and hardiest welcome to all the new stations joining us


The Un-noted Relationship Between the Brain & The Mind, And
Fashion & Fashion
You can either wear clothing made of naturally crinkled
materials, and thus never have to press them — or, move to a
land where the background itself is wrinkled.
…(See what I meant!? — Alert viewers don’t need a mental,
marital aid to follow this!)


And a crumply viewer writes: “You one time said that,
‘Thinking is fun.’, and I’d just like to say — maybe the way YOU
do it!”

…..And, in spite of my opening remarks, maybe we should offer
up this little item that was already prepared, entitled: “Things
You Should Remember As You Watch Our Show”: Only those who take
crap seriously take criticism of crap seriously.


All systems are no better and no worse than the people
running them, which (men knowing this) is why all systems
establish written rules controlling their operations so as to
remove the “human element” which can be capricious and
inequitable. And as with all things civilized and rational, this
sounds fine — unless you actually think about it for more than 3

…..A real knight, on the true mystical quest, is always his
own system and rules. …And anything less than that, leaves one
fighting dragons. …And we all know that dragons don’t actually


After another quarrel, the two lovers talked: “Life is too
short for us to suffer like this.” And the other replied: “No,
life is too long for us to suffer like this.” “Too short!” —
“Too long!” “Too short!” — “Too long!” And do you get the
point!? — Far beyond any notions of rhetorical irony!?
Words! — What a beautiful concept.
Words and Man! — What a compass do we alone hold!?

One man who periodically felt as though he should be
“improving himself” thought: “Well if I don’t do something, my
anger’s gonna be the death of me.” And his stomach chuckled and
told him: “Naw, don’t sweat it — cancer’ll get you first.” And
the man felt a lot better.


A father told his son: “People aren’t necessarily as stupid
as they may first appear: (For instance), men know full well that
their own minds will never explain what life’s about, so they’ve
tacitly agreed to the collective ‘make-believe’ that there are
books — not their own puny intellects — which have such
answers.” …And to himself the kid thought: “Yeah! — let’s
see a hippo do that!”


A man asks: “Is part of civilization’s job to make life
seem more challenging than it actually is?!”


Fashion Doesn’t Mean Much Unless You’re There At The Time.
“I say old man, but do you mean clothes or Christianity?”
“Well — yes, as a matter of fact I do.”


As an example of how undeserving this one king was of his
position, he would only attack his neighbors when he was drunk,
or extremely upset. What a pisser of a monarch! And one, (I
might add), who rules tiny kingdoms far-r-r and wide.


A man visited a famous sage and said to him: “The reason I
haven’t come and studied with you is that I suspect a horse old,
ordinary, and weary enough will eventually appear to perform as
well as one young and trained.” And the mythical one asked:
“And how old and how weary are you now?” And the man replied:
“Well, I’d prefer not to say — lest I have to think about and
give myself the: ‘Are-You-Sure-The-Last-Train’s-Left!?’ Blues.”
So the sage just smiled and as a farewell gift handed the man a
picture of a trans-dimensional merry go round, filled with all
manner of marvelous creatures to be ridden, both now, in the
past, and off the edge of the print — into the future.

…..Marginal Moral: Wait long enough and things that can come
— will come, but, true entertaining-enlightenment is mostly a
matter of timing.

Outside the annals of routine, recorded history rests the
fact that the original idea for poison arose as a reaction among
certain knights, (before they worked the bugs out), to the
possibility of there being tie scores in jousting bouts.

…..Zeus never had to threaten real warriors with punishment
after death, all he had to do was wave at them the potential of a
life not lived to the extreme.


One man asks: “How come the collective can make you sick,
but can’t make you well?”


If you “act” more important than you really are, one of two
things will occur: You will either begin believing that you are
more important, or else other people will begin to treat you as
though you are, or else you’ll just look like a complete idiot!
But, hey! — “Either Way”, (I always say).


When civilization is working properly, its people daily
engage in rituals which seem hit-or-miss in their efficacy, and
even whose original purpose is now forgot. Not unlike, (from one
view), the blind runnings of a fish school — but without the
attendant chatter.


A man near city hall walked with a placard that announced:
“Temporary things give only temporary pleasures — but what the
hell do you bozos think life’s about anyway!?”
“Daddy, does that imply that a permanent mind would be
permanently satisfied?” “Wow son! — Good-d-d question!”


Those who offer mystical help to the general public are
themselves asking for help.


Talk: A mental word game men play at odd moments.


The Physics Of Theology — Or, The Theology Of Physics, (Take
Your Choice):
Up made up the idea of down same as good did evil, and god did
satan, once man’s mind had invented them all.
…..All crackpot kings — I’m sorry — all public rulers soon
realize that to hold to power they must concoct an enemy for the
people to oppose or else there will not be sufficient dynamics in
play to bind together the elements necessary to even have a
collective, public life.


Some Con Game News
The bigger the scam, the more important the trappings — just
look at civilization!


The fear that real mythical knights must overcome is not
physical — but emotional, and not based “out-there” — but “in-
here” — here where the true adventure waits.


Men were not the first creatures on earth to try and
construct a psychological model of themselves so as to
“understand” themselves; hippos tried it first, but soon gave it
up as a useless endeavor.


There was once a planet of automobiles, and they eventually
learned how to start themselves. All originally considered this
a great step forward, but soon some began bemoaning what they’d
done. Moral: There ain’t no moral.


Anyone who can “find fault” can be a critic, but one who can
find fault and make you believe that it was YOUR fault — well…
now he may rise to public office.


All rituals were originally entertaining, but once they
outlive their names — they become nonsensically serious.


Out of His Grace’s hearing, the Royal Keeper Of Etiquette
once said that a man who’d write a second volume of his
autobiography would pee in a fire truck’s gas tank. When he made
this statement he didn’t know that at that very moment a herd of
trained horses was wildly trampling on his freshly painted
potato garden. And no viewer wrote in about this one.

A man asks: “If we weren’t constantly talkin’ and arguin’
about civilization, do you think it’d go way?”


Conversation overheard at a local tango palace: “Anyone who
believes in the philosophy of: ‘I’m okay, you’re okay’ ain’t
okay!” “Yeah, but then again, anyone who’s actually bound to any
systematic mind-set’s not okay anyway.” “Would you care to


Doesn’t the fact that you can learn something from the words
of others that they themselves didn’t understand give you some
hint as to the basic nature of words!?


The ordinary’s need for intellectual entertainment is
reflected in their physical counterpart, (to wit): They will
again-and-again watch men play a game wherein the same action
repeats itself time-after-time; in a like manner do they
passively accept what little mental sport they do pursue.

…..In pre-vedic times did that great civilized-mystic and
urban-showman, P.T. Zorotoaster set down the basic requirements
for the masses to subsequently follow: His path of the 3 Great
Precepts: “C.E.M.” — Custom, Expectation & Monotony, (sometimes
known simply as, “The Way of Habit, Habit, Habit”).


The reporter’s first question to the important public figure
was: “What would you do if you were in a coma?”


Okay: The Good News, The Bad News & Our Semi-Annual Bed and
Linen Sale
Trying to become your own creative, conscious individual is like
one fish attempting to not only escape the school itself, but
also the net of their collective realities and perceptions, and
ultimately the apparent dependence on what they all call,

…..The difference between a mythical knight and a crazy person
is that a crazy person is crazy.


The Mind: Imperfect eyeglasses through which men attempt to

…..A boy inquired of his father: “Which is the greater
impairment to mental clarity — drugs or opinions?” And the
elder replied: “I am obliged by civilization to say, drugs.”


One reason men insist that their ideas of god come from the
permanency of the written word is that they are well aware of
their unpredictable neural condition due to their ever-changing
physical needs.

…..Okay, put it to you in a different allegorical setting: If
the body itself could conjure up supernatural images, it would
picture the transcendental as the universe’s most astounding
meal…or sex…or 6K run.


Some times, when this one man would begin to feel frightened
and helpless, he’ll hear a voice that says: “Wait a minute, and
I’ll check the monitors….”


Question: How can you tell that a knight is lost? He
starts acting seriously.


How can you tell that a wise man’s about to die? He starts
wantin’ to argue.


What is the difference between ship-building and map-making?
Same as between a knight with hemorrhoids who rides on just the
same, and one who stays home ’til he can get some treatment.

…..”Daddy, would a mythical tale like that ever lie to us?”
“Well I don’t know son — but why would it!?”


Okay, an easy one: What’s the difference in being ordinary,
and not being? — What the ordinary say it is.


One day a kid asked his dog: “What does it take to be a
‘public figure’?” And the dog knew the answer!: A really loud
bark, and loads of testosterone. …(Course he left out, “Low
I.Q.”, but hey! — he’s just a dog!)


In case you’re interested: During their own time, there
were three versions of every famous, historical mystic — (and
if they lived long enough, four).


One man wondered: “What if — (in an unbiased manner) — I
finally think of everything that can be thought of, what will I
think of then!?” — How come more people like that can’t be


The uncivilized die but once, but the drawback to this is
that they never live but half a life.


Looking up from the books spread on the table before him, a
man thought: “The many tales of mythical adventures and
spiritual quests are indeed fascinating, until you realize the
origins of them all!” And the librarian said, “Shhh, don’t think
so loud.”


The crown prince of one kingdom had secretly tattooed on his
upper arm these words: “A Serious Man Is A God-Damned Pathetic
Man.” And next to this he had surgically implanted, a little


From one ad hoc view, the whole notion of a mystical
“tradition” came from would-be knights of the past, themselves
fairly alert and anxious, who feared that there might not
actually BE a tradition.


People live in cities for the same reason they live in each
other’s thoughts.


A viewer asks: “Isn’t all this, ‘mystical tradition’ stuff
little more than taking everyday existence — which is already
unnecessarily too complicated — and just making it more so!?”
And though I doubt ’twas his intention — that comes darn close
to a quite adequate explanation.


A mother told the child: “Once you recognize the glue that
holds all of this together you realize that there is no such

Magazines have “Letters To The Editor” sections for the same
reason people say: “You know”.
Reporters report on the job of reporting because of the
monotony of the news.
Men believe collectively — “They know the truth”, so’s they
won’t have to face up to them not, individually.
And lastly: Due to all of the above, do knights insist on
being knights, no matter what the hell it ever amounts to.

…..A viewer writes: “Would you please explain the connection
you intend between your metaphorical use of the two terms: ‘The
King’ and ‘A Knight’? And please excuse the sorry state of this
letter, but the envelope exploded in my face as I was licking it.


(Just for a slight shift in scenery), from one view you
could say that the mystical adventure is a struggle between the
force of the collective, and an individual’s desire to be an


A true knight derives no moral from what he accomplishes.
“Daddy, is that why it’s so quiet around here?”


As regards the, Mystical Tradition, do remember that at
any particular contemporary time it is not a “tradition,” but
always a neo-tradition.


Historical Sidebar
A knight living amidst the civilized was the original
inspiration for the idea of, “A wolf in sheep’s clothing.”


One kid came to the conclusion that if people were any
simpler, he’d be his own kid.


The Head Of The Order told a neophyte: “Leave it to the
crown and the crowds to debate the existence of ‘free will’, a
knight knows that he has none — and has only that which he has
no choice but to do.”

You can stare at reality — the trick is to get it to stare
back at you.


A knight has but one weapon — his mind;
A knight has but one armor — his mind;
A knight has but one steed — his mind;
And that pretty well covers it.


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