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Jan Cox Talk 1258

Damage Control Is the Favorite Form of Progress for the Simple


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#1258 – 03/18:
Notes by TK

The “conscious drug” of choice among the simplistic is aspirin. To “sell out” is a form of aspirin, relief, sanity. Telling “what kind of guy I am” = aspirin; a primitive attempt to raise consciousness. Damage control is the favorite form of progress for the simple.

The News

Without a name, the wind blows in all directions
simultaneously, but once the four corners of the earth are
established, a schedule comes into play.

…..The above was not in reference to meteorology — but,
cosmology, albeit, transcendental, and to philistines,

…..Outre Academic Moral: All true “Graduate Studies” are
perforce, para-paradigmatic.


None but twits long for the respect of other twits. Course
to those — living midst the twits, this is not the way it seems.


Fragments From A Protective Service’s Spec Sheet
The body is the building, the brain, the monitors,
consciousness, the security guards.


How More Things May Be More Connected Than Most People
Wanna Think About
According to recent medical research, men over forty should
try and avoid any type of intrusive cardiac testing if they are:
diabetic, ten or more pounds overweight, or drive a Corvette.


City Health News Update
Programs of “self-improvement” are for those who don’t want
to be improved.


“Old man,” asked the boy, “Is it the cheapness of being a
smart-ass that accounts for its popularity!?”


A man with civilized, “personal problems” is a man who has
gone to the public pond a’fishin’ for worms.

…..The collective is your friend — as long as you’re not.

…..Thus it be that all great personal adventures are solo


You can never understand the architecture of bio-buildings
until you realize that security guards are never stationed on the
ground floor.


Current Court Gossip
The latest priest to be dispatched by the king was the
latest one to tell him again that everyone possesses the “divine
spark,” including his enemies — and his brother-in-law!


As he sat atop a hillside looking down upon the city with
all of its many institutions, systems, symbols and beliefs, a man
said to his mind: “Look, here will be our operating procedure:
I’ll just automatically assume that anything you’re drawn to
take seriously is a hoax, and fraudulent conspiracy.”

…..A viewer writes: “My old brain has served me just fine,
thank you!”


Additional Financial Terms & Wall Street Words Clearly Explained
Wealth: Twit talk.


Using his own developed tools and technology for
cosmological study, one man recently announced that he has found
but one trace of “weirdness” in the universe — and that was made
by man.


And now this — “Commercial Definition”
Death: The border on a certain kind of “Engraved


Luck: What twits will talk about when they seem to have
momentarily worn out the subject of wealth.


Out in a field, two men were talking and one of them said:
“What is so grand about discussing human consciousness is that
you can cut it up into as many pieces as there are pieces, divide
it into as many categories as there are categories, and say about
it, as much as is possible for consciousness to say.” Maybe it
was the sun, (I don’t know), but the other guy began to feel

And now for the more advanced, non-commerical Chemistry
Students, this definition: Death: A catalyst for life.


Is This Cause For Further Consideration!?! Even guards
assigned to upper floors still eat meals prepared in the


Life In The House
There was one place on one man’s linoleum floor whereon,
whenever he stepped, it almost sounded like someone calling his


The potential flaw in every knight’s armor is personal,
human anger.

…..A warrior’s true foe can never be slain by criticism and
frustration — this is why all dragons fear a keen, cold eye,
…and so should you …in a positive sense.


Question: If the truth-be-known, who are probably this
world’s most frustrated, irritated, hungry, anxious, and always-
potentially-pissed people? The Answer!? Mystics who didn’t
quite make it.


The “Consciousness drug” of choice amongst the simple is
aspirin — not unlike how “damage control” is their favorite form
of progress, and “repetitiveness” their hit version of sanity &


The Royal Tutor so told the young Prince one day: “All of
life is good, it is man’s mind that sees therein, parts being
right, and parts being corrupt; thus it is that the religious
always worship false gods.


Another guy tosses his bit in the pot, with these words:
“There is a great conspiracy, and it goes like this: Philistines
run the world, but they’re so ashamed of what they are, and
unable to change that they started the stories of there being a
secret group of conspirators actually running the world.”

…..The serpent lit a cigarette, and after, and after a slow,
soulful exhalation, leaned down and kissed the back of the
eagle’s neck and said: “It worked for me — did it work for

…..What Philistines “understand” — they don’t understand. It
works for life — and it works for them.


One day a man suddenly thought: “Do the mental circuits
enjoy bad news for the same reason the physical ones do being
hungry, in that they know what is to follow!?” And Professor
Presumptuous interrupts to add: “Well even if that’s true,
that’s still a helluva way to run a life, if you ask me.”
…Well just who the hell did ask him anyway!?


A Lesson In “Civil Balance”
The mayor’s brother-in-law said to a touring group of upset
& angry five year olds: “If there was any justice in this here
life, then those with guns would also automatically have a
Mortician’s License.” And one little nipper threw up on his

…..Meanwhile, (more or less), across town another young lad
was just asking his dad: “Why do men wear neck ties?” “To
prepare them for their ultimate strangulation.” “But once they
don suits, isn’t their hanging already complete!?” And the ole
man was so surprised at his son’s insight that he threw up on the
little nipper’s head.


Taking another man’s thinking seriously is as dumb as not
taking his physical presence so.


And now — The Visual Weather Forecast
If it looks cold — it is cold.

…..”Dad, you think that’d work for other shit as well?” “Sure
would son — why just take a good look at us!”

….. And now — Some Overnight News
The non-sleeping cannot be awakened. Thank you, and please
tiptoe out.


Artists who don’t know what it is that they’re trying to do
will sit for interviews so they can try and tell what it is that
they’re trying to do.

From The Secret City Syllabus
Questions regarding success and death are important;
questions regarding success and death are important; questions
regarding success and death are important — to twits!

…..Now get your self some good back-up singers and — “Get
outta here”!


Territorial demands do good dogs make — but not reflective


During a boisterous banquet several of the royal ministers
began playing a bit of interdepartmental, verbal, “grab-ass,”
and finally His Majesty momentarily brought things to a halt as
he noted: “Yes, I guess it ’tis pretty easy to make fun of our
priesthood.” To which the Court Philosopher added: “Yes, and
there’s none more deserving.”


Civilization: The security guards on a smoke break.


How Mental Life Works For Most —
As Regards The Mechanical Reproduction Of Music
Which would you rather have: A beat-up, scratched-up record
you like, or a new, clean copy of one you have no particular
feelings for either way?

…..There was (and still is) a certain neural planet on which
all useful definitions and descriptions come to the creatures in
the form of questions. …Well, I guess I should also tell you
that they have an entirely different concept of what constitutes


Two scientists were talking and one of them noted: “It is
being said by some that consciousness is the common denominator
driving, and holding all of reality together.” And the other one
replied: “I might be able to accept that if instead of
‘consciousness,’ we said, ‘that which consciousness
represents.'” To which his associate responded: “But wouldn’t
that put us right back where we started from!?” “Yes,” replied
his friend, “but what else is new!?”


The particular type of directions a knight needs for his
quest can always be identified in that whenever he hears such —
he smiles.

…..Unwarranted seriousness has kept more would-be warriors
home than any form of physical illness.

…..The Royal Philosopher addressed the Court: “I have some
good news, and I have some bad news, and the good news is that
there is no bad news.” It takes a real special kind of court to
accept news such as that!


Today’s Final Word On Primitive Views Regarding Man’s Need To
Change As Reflected In This Redefinition Of One Of His More
Popular Words Pertinent, (He Believes), Thereto:
Correction: A misnomer for growth.

…..And – compliments of the house – this complementary side-
definition: The Simplistic: Yesterday’s complex.

…..A viewer writes: “Listening to you sometimes makes my head
hurt …tell you the truth, I’ve always had trouble with it —
just never exactly like this. Oh, P.S.: I kinda like it.”


Up: A Poem
Man’s future is in the sky,
Way Up High,
Just Above his eye.


Those whose understanding of man is based on divisions —
such as sexual, social, racial — have no understanding of man.


Civilization: A Prose
The mayor of the bus stopped the city suddenly in the
street, stood, turned and addressed the passengers sternly: “You
people should just as well face the facts now! Everyone on this
vehicle is a whore! It’s just that some are already bent over,
while others are waiting to be. Now, shut up and settle down.”
And they took off again.


One guy pretended to talk about other people just so’s he
could secretly talk about himself! But he didn’t fool anybody!
Well, except everybody else — and himself — which was the
object in the first place.

…..One of the security guards one day suddenly thought:
“Humm, you know, if you look at everybody long enough on the
monitors they all begin to look like you.”


Psychology In A Family Way
“Remember,” chided a father to his son, “It was man’s
thinking that came up with the idea of him having an ‘un-
conscious’ — not consciousness.”


The Transcendental In A Nightclub Setting
Mystics are to priests as drinkers are to the bartender, as
the band is to the MC, as dancers are to the doorman.

…..Those who for the collective toil, will miss The Experience


“Hey,” complained a man to the judge, “They stole the idea
for the Gordian Knot from my brain!” (The court shortly took a


Looking surprisingly solemn, one father sat his son down and
said to him: “I’ve got to tell you the truth: Going through
life as a shit-head won’t cost you anymore than not — but, it
also won’t cost you any less.” From this short conversation,
later arose the well known: “Religion Of The Surprisingly
Solemn,” to which all shit-heads, (deliberate, or otherwise), are
joyfully welcome.


The Post-Survival Life Of Man: A Poem Concerning:
“How It Goes”
Those not hired,
Can’t be fired,
Buy all of youse
Can be kilt.


While on an inspection tour, one of the vice-presidents of
the security company made this note to himself: “The problem
with the monitors is that their electrical power comes from the
basement.” So he noted, but had no immediate remedy.


After the young knight had mounted and was ready to leave on
his first adventure, his father reached up and for a moment, held
tight his leg, and said to him: “Do not let someone else
interrupt your life for you,” then slapped the steed on its way.


A quest that is not original is not a valid quest.


A true artist cannot work by the hour.


The idea for “getting high,” (in its many chemical forms),
was taken from the security guards, originally assigned to the
mezzanine, who decided to try and move to higher floors.


One guy defines optimists as “lying pessimists.”

…..By some front line accounts, in yesterday’s skirmishes over
two thousand adjectives and adverbs were either killed or
seriously wounded.


Gathering pigs is no problem — but hollerin’ “Su-eee!”
without it sounding swine-like, well, now that’s another story.


Another definition from our: “Show Biz Handbook”
Being Born: Stage fright.


In a surprise move to “up-the-stakes” in post-mortem
punishment, god has just announced that no longer will the
unrepentant simply be tossed in a lake of fire, but will
henceforth get to hear him tell personal anecdotes about himself.


You can give a pig a badge, you can give a pig a gun, even
place him at the monitors, but you can’t make him write a


On Campus — (In Real Time This Time): Sociology is
psychology for minds too timid to confront the human condition,
while psychology is for minds too dense to face up to it.

One man was so dense that he was serious in spite of

…..”Daddy, who do you figure that man was?”
“Why son, I reckon he was the one known as: ‘Real Life.'”
“Damn Dad! That’s weirder’an shit!”
“Yeah boy, norm’ly I’d agree with ya, but — Jeeze! I gotta
live around here!”


A way to tell that a people are becoming civilized is that
they cease thinking of animals as their equal, and forget that
the basement is part of the foundation.


In The City — With The Simple
Among the trivial, pettiness and pouting can pass for
meaningful criticism, and with them, criticism is an acceptable
substitute for having no talent. See!!? You see how it all
works out.

…..On certain days, you could always be sure where all the
fools, dolts & dwarfs were in the castle — they would always be in
conspicuous, carping presence by the main gate whenever a knight
was setting off on a new adventure.

…..Although, according to reliable legend, Superman did come
from Smallville, only twits come from Twitville. See!? It all
works out.


While a bus was wedged in the tunnel, a couple of passengers
played this question-&-answer game as they waited: “What,” asked
one, “is the difference between a man-with-talent, who is pissed,
and one with talent who is not?” And the other immobile traveler
thoughtfully scratched his chin and replied: “How long you
figure we’ll be stuck in here?”

…..The Race-Of-Art does not go, necessarily to the swift,
…nor to the slow …nor, for that matter, to anybody.

…..There is indeed a transcendental reason that security
guards are called “flatfoots.”


Reality, (in the city): A synonym for “Expectations.”

…..And now — revealed for the very first time anywhere on
this planet — the dreamed-of: “Law Of Everything”:


The basis of all fear and sorrow, (and from which those in
the basement rarely escape), is the pre-neural knowledge that
we’re all “somebody’s dinner.”


A father and his sons were one day in the woods near the
city when one asked: “If we cannot change life, then what is our
purpose in living?” And one of his brothers attempted to answer
the question: “Is it Pa Pa, that we should therefore just — ‘Do
the best we can’!?” And another brother joined in to add his
view: “No, we simply, ‘Do what we must do’!” And yet a third
brother countered: “Are we not like birds in a head wind, against
which we cannot prevail, yet, fly we must!?” And the old man
picked up a pine cone and leisurely tossed it toward a tree.


As one security guard was momentarily lounging on an upper
floor balcony, he suddenly realized the true nature of his
forefathers’ gods. They were in fact: Stomachs, furnaces,
elevators, livers, and electric systems.


Religion: Myths taken indoors.

…..When the meaning of a myth is made into a ritualistic
practice the marrow is sucked from its bones, and when a living,
futuristic model of consciousness is given a name, and a
systematic structure, it begins an inevitable slide toward the

…..And thus it be that the only knights known are the knights


Mysticism As Consumer Goods
One who knows the subtle secret and tries to share it with
others tends to become entangled in something resembling “bulk


His latest book, detailing the limitations of the human
intellect, which seem to naturally track it even as it continues
to evolve, the author has entitled: “Our Maps Make Us Saps.”

Two execs were speaking and the senior of the two noted: “I
find the principle problem with minimum-wage security guards to
be how easily they forget the primary job they were hired for,
and get distracted with matters outside their scope.”


In a conversation, a father noted to his son: “You cannot
say that another man’s thinking is ‘wrong’ for is he thinks it is
right, it is right; it may be simplistic and childish, and he may
be from a past evolutionary era, and let it go at that.”


The mythology of one planet says that the transcendental
experience is not something one “does” – but something one
realizes, and that the mystical quest is not somewhere that one
“goes” — but somewhere one begins to recognize.


If part time help hangs around, they’ll find more to do.


From the lore of one people — their original “religious
myth” says that god created god at the same moment brain created
mind, and mind, monitors.


Mid-afternoon, one day, one guy asked himself: “Who is the
dumber? Those who criticize life, or those who take the time to
say that there’s nothing to criticize!?”


In Philistine armies, troops are cautioned to look back over
their shoulders, since it’s understood that they won’t be looking
ahead. …What do you think it is that the simpletons are
actually referring to in the term “knight blindness”!? (Spelled
with a K.)


A boy asked his father: “Why do dogs sleep so much?”
“Because their consciousness does only canine work, and no more.”


Top Secret Interoffice Memo At One Firm
Security guards should not be allowed to talk to themselves.

The speaker stepped out onto the pedestrian island, raised
his arms & declared: “A man’s personality is to him as a goose
is to its honk.” And a passerby stopped, thought for a moment
and said to him: “Don’t you have that backwards!?” And the
speaker lowered his arms, turned to the man and quietly replied:
“Bite my ass.”” Then began flapping them wildly and flew away.


Stuck Between The S’s: A Lengthy Yet Exhaustive Essay
You can’t be — too silly, and you can’t be — too serious.
What you can be “too much of” is — alert, and on the job you
were hired for.

…..Below the level of time is — no time,
Below the level of space — no space.
Below the level of consciousness — no consciousness,
And below the level of no consciousness — all


As Of Now: Unnoted Law Regarding The Architecture Of
The higher up you go — the quieter it gets.


What more might be said regarding routine thinking and
knightly perception? Consciousness beyond the monitoring level
is akin to the center spot on the top of a spinning top.

…..The higher up you go — the quieter it gets.

…..And he began flapping his arms madly, and flew right away.

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