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Jan Cox Talk 1256

I Don’t “Have Sensations”– Sensations are Me


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#1256 – 03/14/1994
Notes by TK

(*) “Selling out” is survival in the City—it is sanity. Mystics make their own nervous system evolve. Life makes the NS grow in man COLLECTIVELY, not individually. Health and hypochondria are the hobbies of the neurally dead.

The News

Two guys were at an all night restaurant having coffee and
talking (it may have been a Denny’s, but I’m not positive) and
one of them said: “I’ve got this new, neat notion of just what
‘being civilized’ actually is.” And his friend looked up with
interest, so he continued, “It’s like taking the idea of survival
too seriously.” And his buddy stopped in mid-sip and replied:
“But how in the world can you take the idea of survival too
seriously!?” And the first guy said: “Yeah, I know — that’s
what makes it so neat.”


One man suddenly shouted: “If you think that minimum-wage
security guards are something — just wait’l you get a load of


The poor hate the rich, the weak hate each other, and the
dumb hate themselves…if they’re intelligent enough to even
realize it.


A Symbolic Saga From The Sea
While hunting for large, whale-like information, one man
lost a mental leg in the struggle, and now thinks with a limp.


The Philistines always see “power” as a matter of wealth,
while artists perceive it in terms of intelligence. The
Philistines don’t “care much” for artists.


From Our: “Big Blue Book Of Alternative Myths”
As per one version, God did not drive Adam & Eve from the
Garden as unruly bipeds, but rather folded them up into paper
airplanes and sailed them out.

…..A viewer writes: “Dear Sirs: I would appreciate it if you
would leave me out of your questionable creation stories.”
…And on the back of the envelope his wife added that “Truth
is, he’d just as soon a’been left out of creation itself!”


At the first annual “Alternative Counting Society’s” Banquet
& Awards Dinner, the opening speaker set the tone for the evening
by explaining: “Statistics don’t mean shit — except to shit

Money is to actual survival goods as, respect is to fear,
charity is to pack bonding, and romance is to a post-screwing


There is yet another way in which a more alert man has more
fun than everyone else: While the ordinary have only
“entertainment” he has two forms thereof: The temporary, and the


As they sat down with their strings at the musing pond one
warm afternoon, a boy asked his father just what would happen to
a knight is he ever did actually complete his quest, and the old
man replied (more or less): “Well, I guess after that he’d
either have to become a health nut, or a world-class


Definition: Civilization: Elephants ruled by fleas. …Oh
— alright then: Elephants with flea-brains ruled by fleas.

…..”Professor, why do animals so lend themselves to mortal
similes and comparisons to man?” And the learned one replied:
“Moo-o-o!…and, Baa-a-a, even.”


Political Theory Updated
Seriousness: The opiate of the masses — the fearful, the
confused, the stupid!


The History Of Warfare, Up ‘Til Now
The battle for men’s minds,
Succeeded that for their behinds.

…..If they dance, and the artists begin leading the
Philistines, the Philistines get…”fidgety”…”on edge”…and
tend to want to leave.


Intellectual Urbanized Survival
If you don’t know what to eat — steal! If you don’t know
where to go — run! If you don’t know what to think — quote!

One man summed it up simply: “The past sucks. My past,
your past, all past — the past.” And over his shoulder as he
left, he said: “And if the past doesn’t like it, let it sue me.”


Long before there were even such words as: Physicist,
mathematician & cosmologist, mystics were out there searching for
the “Theory of Everything.”


“Tell me, old man,” said the boy, “what is the grandest lie
being told on this planet?” “That our ‘self-image’ is
established by others.”


In the bio-survival world, nothing is prohibited, and in the
neural, post-survival, everything is permitted. Yet another view
of why Philistines hate art — and life.


To help keep his mouth shut, one man secretly adopted the
approach of: “Don’t talk about the pitiful.”

…..Just for fun (assuming that he was able to be faithful to
his idea) would you like to speculate on how hard it would be to
get him to tell you “what-kinda-guy-he is” !?!


While haphazardly watching a monitor, a man in a guard’s
uniform suddenly thought: “I don’t ‘have sensations’ —
sensations are me.”


A sailor’s never home,
A soldier ne’re at peace,
A knight’s quest never at end.


This sort of thing is the paradigmatic example of talking
about something while actually talking about something else,
because of the fact that you can’t actually talk about what
you’re wanting to.


One day while sittin’ around talkin’, The Spirit Of Death —
(actually he’s just, Death, but he thinks that calling himself
“The Spirit Of Death” makes him sound more impressive) well,
anyhow, The Spirit Of Death said to his polar-based counterpart:
“Boy, these humans! — if they didn’t have death to fret about
they’d start worrying over life!”


The tribal leader (one day in a private meeting) said to
some of the village elders: “A man is responsible for who his
children turn out to be in the same way he was his parents.”

…..Put in a more colloquial context: One local man flatly
states: “Never let a guy named Bubba paint the ceiling of your
church even if his last name is, Buchatarotti — or some crap!”


Entertainment: Neural activity beyond the bio-survival
level. Enlightenment: Neural activity beyond the entertainment


Newly Converted Philistine: An artist who’s received an


“Old man,” asked the lad, “what is this world’s sorriest
sight?” “A neural creature regressing,” he replied.


One city celeb’s personal theme song is:
“I may be wrong but,
I think I’m marvelous,
But I’m never wrong so,
How can I tell!?”
…(He cautiously solicits your opinion on the matter.)


Another distinction between psychology and the Mythical
Quest is that psychology’s focus is on the ill and
malfunctioning, while the Quest is interested in only the well
and the super-well.
Further note: Those actively on-the-quest become the quest,
and are thus themselves only interested in their own well and
super-well facets.

…..Or, more informally put: As the doctor told his patient:
“Feeling bad doesn’t really require much — just being alive’ll
do it.”

Ordinary consciousness is kinda like an under-employed watch


There is ultimately one thing that even the world’s most
enlightened man can never force you to do — and that is to give
up being unnecessarily serious.

…..There is nothing more serious that “survival” and nothing
less so than “entertainment.”


One man says that now he too is toiling diligently in the
area of artificial intelligence, but in his case it’s for
personal use in his own mind.


From a passing car a voice shouted out: “Only dopes quote!”
And a lad asked his father: “Did he mean only dopey, ignorant
people quote, or that only people on dope, quote?” And as they
waited for a light to change, the elder scratched his chin &
replied: “Well…humm…how about this: Why would dopey people
need to get on dope!?” And as traffic stopped, they took a left
on Puzzling Blvd.


The mystical knight’s quest goes from discovering lakes to
discovering water therein, to discovering droplets in the water,
to discovering molecules in the droplets, to discovering atoms in
the molecules, to discovering quarks in the atoms, to
discovering new lakes.


Make no mistake about it — in the normal collective world
the Philistines are supposed to be in charge. …(Believe me,
it’s better that way.)


In the wondrous world of cats, goo, and security guards,
victory claimed is victory achieved.


“Speak to me, old man,” said the lad, “and describe to me
this life’s most captious form of imprisonment?” “Word forged

One earth creature (with hair of indeterminate age…but, at
least middle) hummed to himself as he strolled along and bummed
with himself:
“I’m so happy I could spit,
I’m so happy I could pee;
Any happier’nd I’d — even be —
Happy bein’ me.”
…And, dear friends, that kind of potential happiness (as your
old Uncle Elmo used to say) — is, “serious doo doo.”)


The ordinary find occurrences of increased consciousness
inexplicable in that they try and describe them in terms of
“spatial displacement” whereas they were temporally so.


At the intellect’s routine level of operation, even “facts”
— (be they apparently real & valid, or illusionary & spurious)
— even “facts” are boring; which is why both scientists and
priests tend to be Philistines.


And now for your sulking enjoyment: This Sort Of Stuff
Explained Again!
Entertainment for the elite.


Urbanized Artistic Values Necessarily Updated
In the city “selling out” is surviving!


A certain father, in the attempt to stretch his son’s
thinking capacities, one day said to him: “Even should we accept
the collective’s psychological model of man, you must understand
that a more perceptive man still wouldn’t allow himself to have a

Some of one guy’s best thoughts made him call them


One man swears that he has really about “had it” with local
reality — he says that every time he calls for the bomb squad,
they send over a team to clean out his septic tank.

A farmer and his mule, having a beer at the roadhouse just
outside the city, offers this description of “collectively-
acceptable art”: Legalized plagiarism, permissible cannibalism,
legitimate incest, and harmless vomit.

…..The mayor’s unemployed, half-brother had a further comment
in this area: “Money and art have two things in common —
neither one of them means shit.”


From “Scaramouch’s Scrapbook” This Definition:
Humor: A mystic’s hors d’oeuvres.


Test Yourself
How to be absolutely certain that you are either: Dumb,
stupid, ignorant, too earnest, too squinty-eyed, too un-talented,
far too civilized & jittery. — How? — I’ll tell you how: You
still believe that all important news must be either bad or

…..As her son grew ever-more involved in daily arm-wrestling
with local conditions, a mother finally took him aside and said
to him: “You’ve by now, no doubt heard the term, ‘pussy whipped’
and probably puzzled first over the actual need for such a
meaningless term, and secondly, what does it actually represent
in a meaningful metaphorical sense — so I’ll tell you: The term
is an attempt to distract an individual man from the collective
fact that civilization will ‘whip’ us all.”


The difference between “friends” and the “academic process”
is that friends don’t quote each other.


Birds are cats expressing how it feels to be a cat — and be
aware of it.


A knowing man does not the collective “kick around” when
around the collective.

…..Or, put perhaps a bit more comfortably: Real artists
don’t waste time talking about Philistines with Philistines.


More: “Important City Definitions”
Fame: Potty training for adults.

The Last Word On Conspiracies For The Day
Consciousness has no secrets.


One man said: “My house is falling down, but I don’t care,
the basement’s dry, and I only go there periodically to check on
my foundations.” ** Another: “Health Report From Another


And Now, Another Episode Of: “How Men Go Astray”
They begin to take the “meanings” of words more seriously
than their sound. And now my brethren — go forth and go astray
no more — ya’ll.


“I ask of you further, old one, what is presently the most
distracting misstep made in man’s study of himself
psychologically?” “Either the belief that cats can truly become
birds, or that there is some unfathomable chasm between the two.”


The “down-hill-sled-ride-of-aging” actually affords two
possibilities: One is the dulling of the survival runner, the
other, the sharpening of the entertaining, creative one.


The older you get the smarter you have to get…or else you
just get older.


The Difference Between Individual & Collective History
The nervous system grows in Man, but few men grow the
nervous system in them.


Okay, an extended re-mapping of the area: Philistines
defined: Those with an inherent aversion to change, enlightening
entertainment, tutoring for security guards, and the discovery of
new bodies of water.


According to legend on one world, consciousness has a middle
name and it is the terrifying initials “P.T.”!!!
…..Now Time For Some Combination: “Crime & Stupidity News”
One man says he ain’t being a patsy for nobody! — includin’
his self!


On the damp and dreary morning when the knight was to
commence his quest (it could have as well been a bright and
cheerful one, but in this particular instance is just happened to
be “damp and dreary”) he cinched tight his armory, sheathed his
sword, then said to his trusty steed: “If I should fall in
battle, and you return here alone, and any ask about me, just
say I said: ‘Screw them’ as I happily embraced my fate.”


And “Definitions: More Conclusive, More Complex”:
Mystic: He, amongst the collective, who has a non-
negotiable center-of-gravity.
A More Conscious Mystic: He who has no common-based center.

…..And one citizen sort of snickers at the whole affair,
saying: “The only reason men call it their ‘I’ is that it’s
what they use to scan the monitors.”

…..And the smiling knight repeats: “Screw ’em! — and pass
the hor d’oeuvres.”


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