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Jan Cox Talk 0980

What Is Rebellion but the Ultimate Originality?


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#980 Jun 3, 1992 – 1:20 
Notes by TK

Prologue to :02; Kyroot to :30. The upper end of the NS is constructed in such a manner that no one notices it. 

Those who don’t know what’s to be done always believe there is something real serious to be done. 

Who is so sensitive to insults of their intelligence? The dumb; it is like hoarding play-money. 

There is an unrecognized ratio between the expansion of the Secondary Level World and the expansion of speech.

“Additional. Comments” audio only (separate tape): Being civilized, being grown up is to be a discredited artist, empty of creativity. 

What is originality but the supreme rebellion?; what is rebellion but the ultimate originality?

The News

The human nervous system — at its upper end — is constructed in such a way that hardly anyone ever notices.
…(And a viewer immediately faxed us to say: “Didn’t you leave out the word ‘can’ toward the end of that sentence?”)


One guy looked through the dictionary to see what he could find… it wasn’t there… at least he didn’t think he saw it!


+ All intellectual inventions are flawed in that immediately after they’re conceived they break down.


One man dropped himself little hints… but do you think HE was sharp enough to pick up on ’em!


…then Kyroot inquired: How many horses forced to run might believe that a second time around the track would prove enjoyable? How many minds as regards thoughts?


Taking somewhat of a heroic, cinematic approach, this one chap was given to referring to his own intellect as, “The Miraculous Dissolving Man.”


The art of the primary can be summed up as: slumber, semen, fat and mayhem. That of the secondary is not so easily described.


…and Kyroot made note of some, “Logic Discovered At The Bus Terminal”: A man with cheap ideas can answer cheap questions; cheap questions have no answers; none of this makes the least difference to the city.


Life talks to every man; man just keeps changing life’s name. One day he may even get it right…….(but I don’t know that you want to be around to see it).


Two out-of-context — I mean out-of-town voices were talking and one of them said, “All art is just a rip-off of the revolution.” And the second one said, “Yeah, but so is civilization itself!” “Yeah,” replied the first, “but one thing at a time, ole bean.”


Even when he wasn’t getting anywhere this one guy’d tell himself, “Now we’re getting somewhere.” …(And once he had that down good he quit telling himself anything.)


…then that danseur noble, Kyroot, gave this dancing tip: It takes two to trip.


Those who don’t know what’s to be done always believe there’s something real serious to be done.

…..and a correspondent asks Miss Etiquette: “Dear Miss E.: What IS the difference between ‘serious’ and ‘important’?”


If the revolution didn’t have anyone to pick on it’d pick on itself. The revolution doesn’t have anyone to pick on, and the revolution doesn’t pick on itself.


In the closet’s closet — is always a wild man.

…..and Kyroot continued: Yet in the mind — only the mind.


An original kid asked his rebellious ole man, “Can the many ever be as slow as the few?” And his Pa Pa replied, “Can you spell ‘institutions’?”


And a viewer writes: “Dear Kyroot: As regards this neural revolution thing that you say has always existed in one form or another, let me ask you this: Who would be the closest to it — those of a religious, mystical bent or those more sophisticated and philosophical?” Dear Viewer: Which group wears the best shoes?


One day as he sat a’musing, the king said aloud, “Is it right that might should prevail over intelligence?….” And upon overhearing this his Prime Minister made a shocked face and thought, “Mein Gott! — have they slipped a ringer in on us?!!”


All kings start out to be artists.


And since he missed our last get together, Captain Obvious sends us another S.I.Y.F.D. (a “Special In-Your-Face Delivery”) and it goeth like this-eth: “Those who figure they won’t amount to much look for heroes.” …(“Oh yeah,” he addeth, “Local gods and civilization just love those who figure they won’t ever amount to much.”)


…then Kyroot conveyed some more “Noise From The Domestic-Help Domain”: If you knew what you were talking about you could say that the neural revolution was also like the ultimate attempt not to ever let the butler actually buttle.


In its drive to move the herd, life has caused men to believe several curious things. …(Oh, okay — “many”!)

…..and someone inquires of the Advice Doctor: “Dear Doctor: Just what is the distinction between ’caused’ and ‘made’?”


The game had been on for several hours with scores of hands played when the dealer said, “I’ll bet you four men with dictionaries against two men with encyclopedias.” And the challenged player fell into a comma.


During the morning session the rebel instructor gave the class this zoological quiz, “How can you spot a revolutionist alligator?” And receiving no response, answered it himself, “He’d be the one with no tail.” Then a bright voice from the back said, “Oh! — like a history book with no past?!” And teach said, “I like it, I like it! — what’s your name kid?”

…..and a viewer writes: “Hey Kyroot: I don’t know which of two ways this revolutionist stuff you talk about strikes me most: As either being crazy, or incomprehensible, or extremely valuable — SEE! — now you’ve got ME doing it!”


Over in this one place, one day, reality told its kid this tale, “While everyone else was counting, this revolutionist was running down the alphabet.” …(And an economist writes: “Dear Kyroot: I don’t feel as though you mention the matter of ‘profit’ often enough on your program — at least not in any manner that I can recognize.” …[Punch-out — I mean, punch-line, you know, like a “moral” and like that: It is those playing with funny-money who want to hoard it all.])


A chap standing dead center in the city wants it known that he has never seen any good come from telling people what they didn’t want to hear. …(He says he offers this “free, and with no sausages attached.” …[Oh yeah, that reminds me of that legend you wanted to hear: There was once a man who quit thinking about god, and god quit thinking about him. …(I don’t know WHY you guys continue to enjoy such tales….)])


…then Kyroot noted some instructions that do not come with your routine “Self Kit”: “Urgency, seriousness, and fear-of-tomorrow are the proper fuels to propel the Civilization Machine.”


One of the speakers in the park yesterday afternoon had this to say, “We are all oysters with shells of our own making, and who among us has the taste to plunge the knife into his own crack?!” …(I am told that after hearing painted this metaphorical picture-question no one in the crowd seemed to have the stomach to respond.)


…and the Advice Doctor received this communique: “Dear Doctor: Why do drugs, and what man calls ‘religion’ seem so compatible?” …(Turning to his assistant the Doctor said, “It’s nice that not all our inquiries are serious.”)


Standing before the agitated mob a voice cried out, “No! — the monarchy must be preserved at all costs!” And a man thought, “Same too with my mind.” …(So remember, boy & girl mobsters: Don’t ever let rebellious thoughts into your courtyard.)


When the ordinary don’t know what to do next they often want to take a vacation. The revolutionist knows that in the secondary realm there is no “leaving town.” …(“Dear Kyroot,” asks a viewer, “Does this imply that in the primary sense man is always certain, and only in his civilized affairs is there doubt?” Dear Viewer: I thought you’d never ask.)

…..and a kid asked the ole man: “Say, tell me the difference between the ‘civilized’ and the ‘secondary’.”


Two of The Three Talking Brothers were together one day talking and the first one said, “A man harboring two different views of the same matter will never know what to think.” But the second sibling quickly countered thusly, “Ah yes!, but a man with two heads will never have to seek outside help to have somebody bite him on the ass.” …(Brother three had to go pick up some plywood.)


Once, on a weekend, when he was about half-high, and thought no one would ever hear about it, this one god said to a friend, “Do you know what man’s supreme arrogance is? — Seriousness!”


The revolutionist is just like “dumb ideas,” (at least the ones with some intelligence), in that they both want to die alone.


Marching near the middle of the parade, under a banner that read, “Words Won’t GET-IT But They’ll Do Until The Real Thing Comes Along!”, was a woman who couldn’t be placated — and for very good reason. As it turns out when she was born her nieces and nephews named her, “Anti Placate”. …(A fellow with a used thesaurus, [who didn’t get swept up in that earlier poker game], reminds us of his view which is, “Men start words — and men can’t do a damn thing about them after that.”)


Without originality there IS no revolution.


The letter reads: “Dear Advice Doctor: Is it hard to be stupid AND be a revolutionist?” The Doctor says: “Why are you asking ME?!”


Another “Conversation From Out Of Town”: “What my ancestors thought is good enough for me!” “Ah yes! — and that’s why they WERE your ancestors.” …(After you’d left the room the guy that’d spoken first said he didn’t get it.)


There is an unrecognized ratio between the expansion of intelligence and that of speech.

…..”The thing about being king,” said one king, “is that you can talk all you want to and nobody can tell you that it’s ever too much… except you of course… and you wouldn’t do that to you… if you were king.”


Then, cornering all the kiddies over by the monkey bars, Kyroot whipped this surprise “Recess Quiz” on ’em: “What do the Philistines fear more than lard covered hand grenades? — Originality!” …(One nipper with a peanut butter & peanut butter sandwich mused, “Once you’re older, I wonder, how many steps is it from ‘being civilized & flavorless’ to demanding that everyone else follow suit?!….” ..[Later that evening at home, his ole man asked him, “Can you spell ‘inevitable’ in the present tense? And see man’s secondary world built on the bodies of discredited artists?” (Moral: Any artist who repeats himself — even once — IS discredited. [Son-Of-Moral: The city LOVES-S-S a discredited artist.])])


And the mail brings along this inquiry: “Dear Kyroot: Would a true revolutionist ever plan what he was going to say?”
…(and recipient-K. noted, “I don’t normally respond to form letters….”)


Human intelligence is one means by which the universe can change course. …(And a man suddenly catching a personal whiff of this for himself exclaimed TO himself, “My god! — the same has got to be true for man himself!” He sweated and shook for a bit, then thought, “There has GOT to be a way I can use this for myself!…”)


As regards certain mental matters outside of the main stream, one kid asked his ole man, “Once the revolution is alive somewhere, what can shut it down — kill it?” And the elder replied, “Becoming serious in a routine civilized manner.” (The ole man nudged the kid and added, “Same thing with your own life.”)

…..and a chap wrote to his mama: “Dear Mama: What’s the difference between ‘being serious’ and ‘growing up’?”


…then, speaking in his invisible voice, Kyroot asked some of the troops: There was once a man who knew a lot, but he never told anyone. Did he actually “know a lot”?


…and Kyroot passed on this item from the, “History Of Intellectual Affairs, Militaire”: The ordinary seek to slay the slain thrice. …(Delayed footnote: What is it, after all, you think nourishes continuity, and feeds civilization.)

…..Just a bit later this note was delivered to the office of the Advice Doctor: “Dear Doctor: Would we then conclude that a real revolutionist would leave the dead alone?”


A rebel artist looked upon the city with its many streets of sequence and thought, “Over there opportunity is the supreme seducer in that it doesn’t actually exist.” …(Men have said they’re aroused by that which they cannot have, but what could be more stimulating than that which cannot BE?! …[Though loath to so verbalize, many men have found the notion of gods, and the truth to be the consummate erotica.])

…..and a kid asked the ole man, “Is that why they say a revolutionist’s own mind makes him hornier than anything?!” “Hey,” redressed the elder, “No one’s ever said that!” “Well,” said the kid, “They should — they sure as hell should.”


Once he comprehended the nature of finite gardens, and recognized the continuity of his own planting, nourishment and growth, this one chrysanthemum would no longer even give himself the “time of day” — but hey!, that’s all right — rebel flowers don’t wear goddam watches anyway.


…and kinda off-to-the-side Kyroot noted, “Regarding ‘vacations, time-outs, and trips-out-of-town,’ and the like: To a revolutionist, his own mind IS the week-end.”


Then Kyroot reminded, reassured and frightened the little cities by noting: “When raisins are added, even oatmeal takes itself to be original.” …(FYI: Several gods, six kings, and a dozen civilizations contacted us to ask if they should take the above “personally”.)


Even after graduating from the tenor to the 5-string, the rebel picker keeps reaching for the sixth one on his banjo.
…(More dirty travel secrets shamelessly revealed: Ordinary mystics and intellectuals will jump right off the very first time the conductor yells, “Next stop — ‘A Really Weird Place’.”
…[Additional “Free-Weight & Philosophical Sweat Tip”: Any one who gives-up ain’t no revolutionist! — period, the end, finis, get off the train!])


And this letter in to the Advice Doctor: “Dear Doctor: The more I talk to my dog the more he seems to sleep. What gives?”
…(A woman who used to help handle the Doctor’s mail would sometimes translate inquiries that concerned animals into questions regarding man’s secondary world.)


…and a viewer writes: “Dear Kyroot: My brother keeps betting me that some day you’re gonna quit calling the revolutionist the ‘revolutionist’ and start calling him the ‘artist’ instead.”


Over in that semi-invisible camp just outside the city, a rebel sarge told a younger trooper, “Those who believe that the ‘secret’ is that there IS no secret, are like men who suspected the existence of a ‘miraculous train,’ and were satisfied to go to the station and, in awe, watch it once whiz by.”

…..and a local god takes us to some task, (writes he): “Heretofore, amongst decent, civilized men, the use of parables has been limited to a religious context.”


A revolutionist can resist anything — except the revolution. …(“Oh,” said a bystander, “I reckon that’s how you can tell he is one — right?!”)


A reality and one of its creatures were talking and the reality said, “Let’s play a game — I’ll ask you a question — ready?: What is the purpose of being ‘civilized’?” And the creature replied, “Whoa! — Is this a trick question?”


Everyone’s a prophet — and everyone’s wrong.


And today’s mail also brought in this letter to the Advice Doctor: “Dear Doctor: Which is the cheapest shot at becoming a revolutionist — drugs, or education?” Well, I don’t know sir — which did you spend the most on?


Over the p.a. came the announcement: “Once both teams are on the field the game can begin,” and The Lamb turned to Mary and said, “Save the two teams already being present, can there even BE a playing field?” (And once more the joy of Mary revealed the pride in her issue.)

…..Station WDNA sends our message for the day: Only the revolutionist can be pleased, impartial and comfortable with his ancestors and descendants whether he personally has any or not.


A one-of-a-kind ole man told his kid, “The trick to our kind of thinking is to leave out as much as possible.”

…..and believe it or not, Captain Obvious received a letter today which asked, “Dear Captain: Would real art be complex, or simple?” …(And upon hearing this Miss Etiquette mused, “It’s a good thing that wasn’t asked about originality.”)


…and, from who appears to be that same viewer from last time, comes this: “Okay Kyroot: Let me put it to you like this: If life does want to know more, why doesn’t it just go ahead and tell us, and not fool around with stuff like this ‘neural revolution’ you keep talking about?”


A real king makes all lands he visits his own.
…then Kyroot took a step further: The revolutionist as the ultimate cartographer — in that in maps he draws he names all areas whatever he wants them to be.


…(Fair’s fair — [and so is fair], thusly): Only the revolutionist deserves himself.


…then just for fun Kyroot gave this definition without telling what it described: “Those who can turn what they already think into something else.”


…then Kyroot said: What IS originality but the supreme rebellion.

…..then added: And what is rebellion but the ultimate originality.

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