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Jan Cox Talk 0921

City Mind Avoids Knowing Where It Is While Asking Where It Is


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#921 Jan 15, 1992 – 1:00 
Notes by TK

Kyroot to :26. Only a Neural Revolutionist can identify his universe, where the ordinary mind will only identify its neighborhood, nation, culture or at most its solar system. Only the Neural Revolutionist even wants to know where he is located, who would have any concept of what “knowing where you are” means or doesn’t mean. A Neural Revolutionist can’t know where he is unless he’s made it up. The ordinary mind avoids knowing where it is while asking to know where it is. Man is forced to stand in line and complain about it.

The News

It’s easier to think ideas than it is to have them.


In this one land, everyone’s very favorite holiday and celebration was Saint Stupid’s Day — (of course they didn’t call it that.)

…..{…and Kyroot noted: Then, in another land, they give out awards for all forms of “Human Activities,” except for those they can’t recognize.}


{Progress can go by many names, but only in a land where they have names. …(Change un-named is no change — [save with a revolutionist].) A kid once asked his Pa Pa, “Has anybody ever gone anywhere and then didn’t tell anyone?” And to continue the sport, the elder in return queried the kid, “Do the vocal enjoy the journey?”}


{…and Kyroot gave: Another Proverb From Hell: A rich widow is not a widow for long, but a dumb person can be dumb for as long as they like. …(“Well, at least,” noted one listener, “the adage had the decency not to try and tell us just what constitutes being dumb.”)}

…..{…and Kyroot added: Under the appropriate conditions — independence would be the best make-up; originality, the proper fashion. …(“And, at least,” noted that listener, “this maxim was also considerate enough not to define for us the meanings of ‘appropriate conditions’ and ‘proper fashion’.”)}


{One guy dishes it out as follows, (dishes he): “Those who ‘seriously’ predict the future are dunderheads; the serious are all dunderheads.” (He extends to us his thanks for our interest, and his best wishes.)}


{…and Kyroot noted: At one time some cities had an Official Clown, but since no one found it funny, they discontinued the practice. …(In certain semantic battles, articles have been shot for less than that.)}


{On most good Mondays the mayor would sigh the sigh-of-satisfaction for the whole city, “Ahhh — what a bland world ‘twould be without cliches.”}


The clandestine rebel station broadcasting progressive DNA-programming does NOT publish or announce tomorrow’s schedule; that’s why they’re the revolution and you’re not.

…..{To help keep the line stable and those therein pacified, life has man call certain things “fashionable, correct and popular” so that he’ll think they’re fashionable, correct and popular. …(And upon hearing this, a man in one part of town said, “Well — that seems clear enough — but then again, so do many other things, [now that you mention them.])}


They tell of one man who got up and down, and moved around so often that they named a carpet runner after him.


{One happy, bright morning, after a dark, fitful night, the king thought, “Anyone who seriously wants to tell someone else what to think had better have the world’s largest and dumbest army.” …(The State Priest, and other parts of a man’s brain thought, “It’s good we’re exempt from that inasmuch as we have the gods’ and/or other people’s ideas to go by.”}


{One guy keeps waiting for a book to come out: “How To Live Like A Real Thinker On $5.00 A Day.”}


One local god told all the creatures that if they didn’t have anything nice to say about him just not to talk to him. (He then made ’em all dislike him… …he says they might “learn something” from it. …[Yeah — so he says; …but hey, sir, yes you there, you look like an intelligent person, so tell us — would you believe anything anyone told you who obviously could have some vested interest therein? — Huh?, tell us, sir.])


Another, “Unrecognized Law Of Finite Existence”: Life wants everyone to stay-in-line, but to complain about doing so.


A man who says he hears our program on the aluminum side-handles of his grandmother’s walker sends the message that although he enjoys and is titillated by some of what we say, he still fears the idea of being intellectually independent, since he’d then have no one else to blame.


{The lecture was advertised as “The Origins Of Anthropology,” but one attendee said he was quite disappointed in that the model and example used was not what he had expected.}


{Yesterday in City Park, in the spot given over to the random speakers, one guy got up and declared, “In its wisdom, our own reality has provided that all local ‘men-with-a-mission’ also have weak kidneys; thus it is that those who want to ‘help-you’ are also inclined to piss on your foot.”}


Although you can’t prove it by the finite mind — shivering is not the same as being cold.

…..The secondary world is just as real as it can be to the secondary mind. …(Hey, would you have it any other way?!!)


One ole man, after years of contemplating the lessons of the city, told his kid, “If your name is Hercules, Moses or Bunyan, you can go around in circles and still be considered a hero.” (Except when he told him this, he misspelled “Hercules.”)
…and Kyroot continued: Via fiber-optic, atomic fax, a viewer communicates: “I just can’t tell whether you’re serious or not.”
…(And one of Kyroot’s kid nephews noted, “That’s why he’s Kyroot and you’re not.”)


This one reality used to say, “Wait up! — wait up just a second while I hold-my-breath,” whenever one of its creatures would begin a sentence with the words, “Well, you know what I don’t like?…” — (Hey, I done told you folks that some realities are R-E-A-L kidders.)


{And one man says he just can’t get over the fact that his mind won’t let him out.}


When one chap heard the adage, “An industrious man toils also for ten other lazy ones,” he slapped himself aside the head in sudden realization and remarked, “Then that means I’m intellectually carrying at least a million others.” (Being thus satisfied, he went to bed — good night.)


{“Say — listen,” said the atmosphere in one area, “Part of the trick of properly standing-in-line is to return all compliments and repay all kicks — so you just ‘watch’ all that slippery, subversive talk around here, bub.”}

…..{…and Kyroot added: Who could lay claim to a revolutionist mind who would not find anyone who found him impressive — less than impressive?!!}


{…then reaching into the envelopes, Kyroot said: The mail brings us this communique, “Dear Mr. Kyroot, (or whatever you are): After listening to you for some time now, I must say, if I thought you really knew what you’re talking about — I’d be scared to death; (and even if you don’t — it still gives me the ‘serious tingles.’) Sanitarily Yours” — signed and outta here.}


{One publisher saw to it that every book had at least one misspelled word in it; (“one publisher” is yo brain.)}


{One man with privileged access to the city’s space science secrets and technology attached rocket boosters to his large intestines; when later asked, “Why?”, he replied, “That’s just like you civilians to ask short, dumb questions.”}


The ruler of one neural kingdom thought, but did not say, “Those who take offense deserve offense.” (And numerous were the little ideas and electro-chemicals who thought, “Is he talking about me?!!”)


{Some worlds have a Child’s Revolutionist Camp where, (in between bouts of spittin’ up), their pretend little battle cry is, “Of course, eventually everyone must ‘do this’ for them self.” (You gotta admit, it is kinda cute to see collectives play being individuals.)}


Those in charge of City Thinking believe that, “A question is as good as an answer.” …(That’s why they’re in charge and you’re over here pokin’ around.)


{After a while, one guy renamed himself — and then wouldn’t tell himself what it was.}


{And the Ole City Philosopher noted: “Another underappreciated joy of everyday life is that only other people have ugly children and can be stupid.” …(Some people find the obvious irritating; some find it irritating to have the obvious pointed out, and others find the irritating obvious; [“Why, say little girl — whose little darling are you?”])}


{In the city, someone’s always paying the band to play, whether they dance or not. (So — Dig it!, and cut down on your sweat-and-carping-quota.)}


When this one guy’s thinking used to get loose and kinda creatively-rebellious, he was given to seeing himself and his mind as ‘getting in a ‘Buddy bundle’.” (From a subversive point of view — who better to cozy up to?!!) But to be fair and note the normal view for our normal viewers, ordinary life makes those still standing-in-line think, “Hey, if I can’t make better friends than mySELF — who needs friends?!!”, which is an even cruder form of the implanted notion of, “If there’s not someone smarter than me how can I ever get smarter?”, which is the routinely sophisticated reflection of being intellectually healthy and mass produced.


{As the waiting-line rides the train, life allows many things — but not smoking when we go through tunnels. …(In this brief pause, Kyroot raised an unrelated item: If man’s singular world actually had any indigenous prohibitions, then he wouldn’t have to invent them, now would he.)}


While off on a business trip one man thought, “You know, if the human mind really did know what it was doing, it’d ask — ‘Which came first, the chicken or the proverb?'” (He began to look around for a cheap — I mean — “bargain riddled” motel.)


{One of the first lessons they teach over in the “Secret City Leadership College” is that, “A serious man can prove any thing.” (This school has branches in many peoples’ minds; your mind is “many peoples’ mind.” — [“Hey Bruno — get real”]).}


{A fellow writes in: “One thing I enjoy about your program is how seldom you refer to yourself; I do, however, think your show would be more popular if you would refer to yourself more often.” Signed, “Yours So Truly.”}


{… and Big K noted: One ruler referred to himself in the third person because he was a third person.}


{Fable For Friday, (it was actually intended for Tuesday, but the alliteration would have been lost): There was once a man who, after having “lost his religion,” placed all of his faith in his word processor. …(In spite — he says — of your unseemly laughter, he still feels “liberal” compared to his brother who continues to pay homage to an electric stapler.) The mobs in one city stormed through the streets chanting and demanding: “Is God AC or DC?”, “Yes,” he replied. (And on they went.)}


{…and Kyroot offered this campfire remainder: The possibility of intellectual individuality strikes no fear in the hearts of the fashion industry.}


{A certain local reality in one universe decided, (but has yet to publicly announce it), that anyone who wants to “Be remembered by history” will have their choice: they can either be remembered incorrectly — OR, be remembered only by dunderheads. …(I do so hope that all of you haven’t forgotten to carry along your Organ Donor Card that states you’re glad you don’t live over in that place.)}


One man used the same calendar year in and year out; this man was everybody. …(And a viewer writes: “Hey, I think I get it: you’re not really talking about an actual calendar, and some particular person who was ‘that dumb’… Huh? — am I right or what?!”)

…..{Inside the box was a prize fairy tale that said one man used to speak in a code, which was okay, since he thought in a code.}


One guy’s muse told him, “If you wait long enough, every story has a happy ending.” (After the passage of several months, the guy checked back to ask, “Just what is your definition of ‘long enough’?” …[In some realities, creatures are recognizable by the fact that they’ll never let well enough alone — that’s why they’re called “creatures” — you know — like in, “creative,” and like that.])


{While in the grips of a festive city mood, one chap thought, “If my stupidity don’t kill me, my anticipation of it doing so will.”}


{Neural nautical note: There’re several ways to sail-the-oceans, but none of them involve sinking. (Advanced Version: There are several ways to sail-the-oceans, but none of them involve sinking — much less, complaining about it!)}


One small time god who helped train local leaders all over this one universe would always tell ’em all: “Remember, guys, a ruler with ‘no enemies’ will last about as long as a fat soprano in the third act.” (Anybody fit to deal effectively with their own city subjects and neural reign understands what this means.)


{The Guy In Charge Of Official Enforcement reminded his agents — and cautioned his friends — “Remember, most ideas can be traced back to humans.” …(Should we be pleased that few had little to worry about?)}


{…then Kyroot brought on that portion of the program — “The Intellect Marches On — (Or SOMEwhere)”: One man had a list of books, and anytime he felt the slightest urge to actually read a book — he’d add a new title to the list.}

…..{One man’s personal motto was, “A mind that can’t avoid its own self ain’t much of a mind.”}


{One day one guy said, “If I’m”W not responsible, then who is?”, and quickly added, “Hey, don’t answer that”; then on a later day, he said, “If I’m not responsible, then who is?”, then added, “QUICK! — somebody ANSWER THAT!!”}


{…and Kyroot told: While many of his “coffee-shop-philosopher” friends continued to be dismayed over one predominate proverb in their land that said, “Wealth brings worries — poverty already has them,” this one chap was pleased to discover a certain kind of individual thinking whose results were free from such concerns.}


{Although this may not be true — one man put on a suit before going to bed, and answered the phone in the nude. (What else he may have done — I don’t even want to speculate on.)}

…..{…and a viewer comments: “Well, it seems to me that history makes perfect sense! Gratefully Yours,” etc.}

…..{Groundskeeper’s note): It is true, many thoughtful people find the past particularly comforting.}


One morning, The Ole Bathroom Philosopher looked up from his shave into the mirror above the sink and said aloud, “Each person has one piece of the Greater Intelligence.” He looked up again at the reflection and silently said, “Somewhere, somebody’s got two pieces.”


{…and Kyroot mentioned: To be “post modern” you must first be Classical; to be hungry, you must have first et.
…(But — “Hey!” — everybody’d be a revolutionist if you could catch the train at this station. …[“I beg your pardon, but exactly which station is that?” — Yes sir, you are correct.])}

…..{…and on the next page a chap noted: “I will strive for no uselessness before its time.”}


{During certain passing periods, the king would allow the people to have bows, guns, knives, and other physical weapons — but that was all!}


After having traveled on down the road some distance, a man stood in the rear of the bus, amidst all the faux goo, and exclaimed, “For heaven’s sake, don’t shoot me — I just took a laxative.”


Although he understands that the corner shoppe can only offer chocolate or vanilla, whenever he’s there the revolutionist still searches his own mind for cherry, strawberry or at least fudge-ripple.


{…and as an “aside,” Kyroot noted: In a finite world, originality is much more than merely “dangerous” — it’s damn near impossible.}


{One guy mused, “Revolutionist thinking is the first form of a healthy virus.” And his partner asked, “Don’t you mean of an instructive oxymoron?” — “Yes, that also.”}

…..{One rebel slammed all the doors, reached for his weapons and announced — “If it ‘makes sense,’ it ain’t makin’ it outta here alive!”}


The true revolutionist will only allow himSELF to get between him and the fire. …(That’s why he can intellectually stay warm under any conditions and you can’t.)


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