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Jan Cox Talk 0377

The Grand Misdirection


August 8, 1988
AKS/News Item Gallery = jcap 1988-08-08 (0377)
Condensed AKS/News Items = See Below 
Summary = See below
Diagrams = None 
Transcript = Tneeded – edit before posting

Kyroots to 5:47


8/8/88 0377
Notes by WB

There is almost universal rejection of taking responsibility. Almost same thing as “I am submissive.”
Bureaucracy is parallel form of middle class illusion–a bridge between powerful and powerless. It’s motto: “I am not responsible.”
Consider the bureaucracy inside–a cushion saying “It’s not our fault.”
That one can ‘work their way up’ is illusion.
All apparent binary situations seek 3rd possibility because of harsh contours between positive and negative positions.

And Kyroot Said…

Organizations operate most efficiently when under attack, or
preparing for same, thus Men love to talk of apparent threats to
their health, wealth, and even survival.


Serenity is a Revolutionist’s game.


To a Revolutionist it’s all a matter of “nevertheless.” No
matter that at eye level things appear certain, inescapable,
preordained, the Revolutionist sez, “Never the less,” and presses


A well placed fanatic is like a super-duper dominant figure,
hence his attraction. (Compare with Man’s concepts of a god.)


If everybody’s saying it, it ain’t worth saying… now is


Everything’s an echo of sorts.


A Man overly infatuated can’t get off the train.


If you wanna get in some good practice for the Loud
Screamers Contest, get someone to keep asking you if you’re
jealous?, if you’re envious?, if you’re mad?


In, I suppose, some moment of unscheduled stupor, a downtown
fellow once wrote that, “Those who pass most comfortably through
this world are those with good digestive tracks and hard hearts,”
and for the life of me I can’t imagine why Life’s Chamber of
Commerce doesn’t have this placed as a welcoming motto on all its
City limits signs.


I’m not sure we were supposed to find any religious
implications herein, but a certain ole City sorehead recently
noted, “Each Man’s life represents a mad rush towards a place
where he can just hang out, stagger around in circles, and spit.”
Hey, don’t laugh, he could be right.


May I suggest to you that vis-a-vis the general operations
of the City Yellow Circuitry that you therein favor short
stories, and not lengthy novels.


A few days ago whilst strolling along a rather dreary street
in the City, from a roof top I heard this cry, “I no longer
believe there IS such a thing as normality,” and I began to
whistle as I walked.


That life seems so unpredictable, and yet not all that
surprising to City consciousness is witnessed by the fact that at
the track there are fifty twenty dollar windows for every hundred
dollar one. (And, I might add, ten bathrooms for every one lunch


The past is where all those who don’t “Beware the blank-
blanks of the mind” end up.


One sorta fine day Life looked upon the saying, “Misery
loves company,” and found it to be good. But upon further
rumination realized there was room for improvement, and need for
an update. So Life added, “Misery loves publicity.” Now it’s


Things that don’t matter, shouldn’t.


Never trust a god who takes sides.


When playing chess with a blind man be sure he’s blind, or
else be sure you forget he’s blind.


While one guy was telling a story, his listener suddenly
threw in a line of his own which caused the speaker to stop, and
admit, “That’s better than what I was going to say anyway… but
hell, ANYTHING is always better than what I was going to say.”

Only the strong survive and live NOT to tell about it.


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