Jan Cox Talk 3303

To Awakened Consciousness Everything Is One-of-a-Kind


The following recordings are from Jan’s final years, when his voice was diminished and he spoke in a low whisper. Some listeners may find these tapes hard to listen to, or difficult to understand. Thus, as another option, transcripts are being made and will be posted.

Otherwise, turn up the volume and enjoy! Those who carefully listened to Jan during this period consider that he spoke plainly and directly to the matter at hand, “pulling out all the stops,” as he understood that these were to be his last messages to his groups, and to posterity.

Summary = See below
Condensed News = See below
News Item Gallery = None
Transcript = None
Key Words =


Notes by TK

Storied havens such as Shangri-La, Camelot, Eden, Utopia, etc., are metaphors for the third reality. To awakened consciousness everything is one-of-a-kind. Sort of like how popular songs are unique and endlessly nourishing to men. One-of-a-kind-nesses are like cobblestones on the road to enlightenment. Everything in second reality is fungible: barren, inedible. (40:24) #3303

Jan’s Daily Fresh Real News (to accompany this talk)

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Redefining For The Few, The Concept Of Intelligence
MAY 23, 2005 © 2005 JAN COX

The dreams potatoes have of heroes come in two flavors:
those of super potatoes, and those of another vegetable family entirely;
question: which do you see as having the greater potential for superiority?
(“Are you insinuating that one’s own home town could be as interesting as
a foreign locale that has captivated one’s mind, but which one has yet to visit?
I must say that I find this somehow disturbing and now wish that I had not tried to unravel and understand it to begin with.
[Is there any way that you can make this train back up?]”)
Well, sure — everybody wants their money back after the train has
jumped the tracks.
(“Pa pa, how old do you have to be to start teaching yourself to pre-wreck?”)
“Just old enough to ask about it.” (There’s no trivia like tuber trivia.)

One man was so into humbleness that when he wrote his autobiography
he gave his self a pseudonym.
(Muttered a passing defrocked attorney: “God obviously loves a moron.”)

In one land, a doctor will only call you under two circumstances:
when your last tests have revealed that you are seriously ill – OR:
when you haven’t been to see him lately and he has a house note due.
In one place they use Doctor as a metaphor for the inherent King in your mind.
(Also in the rougher part of town, it is sometimes known as:
“The thoughts that appear automatically in your mind will surreptitiously
kick you around like you can’t imagine.”
Counters the thinking normal to one man:
“Anything that goes on behind my back is of no interest to me.”)
And there it is sports fans: A blindingly brilliant description of: Being-asleep-and-of-ordinary-consciousness.

On one world, talking about a matter will always make it sound more serious.
(This world, [in case it wasn’t clear to you at first blush] is in man’s mind.)

If you’re not ready for a sexual relationship to fall apart,
forget about counting-the-ways-I-love-thee – there is only one, and it cannot speak,
(plus, attempting to count the ways will ultimately and fatally
loosen the wheels on any little love wagon).
(One father’s tip to a son: “Let hormones do their job in peace;
neurons already have quite enough to talk about without getting herein entangled,
[what with that entire inner reality they’ve created for man’s distraction].”)

In his efforts to get-his-way, one man would often tell people that he was dying,
and one day someone told to him that such a gambit was not really going to
do him any good; he pondered this for a bit, then curiously asked:
“Are you referring to dying, or saying that you are?”
(as he was simultaneously thinking: “This could be important……maybe?!?”)

Fragment Of A Conversation.
“Don’t look for morals to those situations where none exist.”
“And where might that be?”
Question: Can you answer that question?

There was this one fellow who would often preface his comments by saying:
“I probably shouldn’t be telling you this…” –
then one day he suddenly seemed to start heeding his own musing.
(In a certain obscure quarter his popularity quotient immediately rose.)

As evening was putting out the gin and looking for the olives, one dry chap confided: “There are some parts of Life that I enjoy, and some that I don’t,”
and from the shadows a voice reciprocated: “Life says the same about you.”
And a man listening to all of this mused:
“Life (leastwise as it appears in the stories here) sure will put people up to
making a lot of semi-humorous and meaningless little comments on its behalf……
and you know what’s weird, until I started reading your Daily News,
I never noticed this.”

A neat story with no moral attached is much more than a mere story,
or else is the man whose mind can read such story
and not itself attach a moral thereto.


Jan’s Face-It-Like-A-Man News
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