Jan Cox Talk 2875


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Jan’s Posted Daily Fresh Real News

Providing The Super Strength Needed To Crack Über Goobers Since 1848
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August 9, 2002 © 2002: JAN COX

One of the oldest concepts men have employed in an effort to
CatchOn to what is going on, and thus satisfy themselves,
is to: live in the here & now — live only in the moment,
an idea that has fascinated men, ranging from philosophers and mystics,
to warriors and diamond cutters.
You should note that the body does so instinctively,
and should it not, disaster results;
it is to thought that the idea refers:
saying that you would be better off if your thoughts dwelt only on the here & now;
if your mental attention was held to the circumstances of the moment,
and further note: except when thoughts are perforce dealing with an immediate challenge to survival, or trying to solve a tangible problem in the physical environment — such a state is neurally unnatural;
under minute-by-minute, everyday, civilized, mundane conditions,
thought does not live in the here & now because
it finds nothing at the moment to live for;
the ordinary mind in ordinary circumstances has nothing worthwhile to do,
not by any definition related to activity at all pertinent to staying alive;

what thought normally does in its free time can only be called, worthwhile — ipse dixit — — from casual thought’s own view exclusively.

For a samurai in battle, having his thoughts on the instant environment can make the difference between living or dying,
and for a man attempting to fathom the nature of himself and life, so doing can mark the boundary twix some insight and tepid torpidity,
(and can also aid everyday people in avoiding tripping and bumping into things).
But as with all things in the universe in which men can involve themselves:
the clearer the understanding of the conditions of the undertaking,
the more promising are the efforts put therein,
and of much practical significance, but generally ignored,
is the fact that it is completely unnatural for thought to live in the instant moment
(except for circumstances supra speared), and that one way of looking at this is that thought usually has nothing worthwhile to think about,
but just as a heart will continue to pump blood ’round the clock,
no matter the quality of the fluid at any given moment,
so too does the mind roll ever on.

In our employment here of words to converse,
it could, not without foundation, be said that the all inclusive scene of a man GettingIt
is two fold: the ultimate occurrence in his brain when he realizes what is going on,
and the other (related, yet not the same thing):
the temporary anomalous mental states that not uncommonly occur in the brains of people born with that CertainHunger, which in fact are the source of the idea among such people that they should be, living-in-the-here-&-now.
These extraordinary brain experiences (as delightful and encouraging as they be)
are not in themselves the actual realization of what is going on:
their entirely non standard characteristics reflect a normally unrecognized reality about the mind, and thus a person’s conception of what is going on,
but these states come and go (when they do) beyond the control of the person,
but what men thereafter feel they might be able to control,
is where their thoughts are at any given instant:
they are much attracted to the idea of making their thoughts stay right here —

in the here-&-now — and wander off no where else.

If this were accomplished, a man’s life would turn upside down, and inside out —
at least on the inside,
but it is what he should discover for himself in the effort to accomplish this
that is its use and value — not in questions of actually succeeding or failing.
What that CertainMan quietly learns through the thoroughly unnatural and frustrating effort to make his thoughts (which is a polite way of saying:
thoughts attempting to make themselves) think about nothing other than
the circumstances of where he is at the moment and the conditions of whatever it is
he may be doing (even if it is nothing),
is something that cannot be described to any man beforehand;
it is like a man being born on a bus, and to him the bus is his natural environment,
and in no way does it feel separate from him;
in the bus he lives his life, and from its windows he sees the world,
and should he undertake a philosophical study of life, and himself,
it will naturally be a study of his life as it is on the unnoticed bus.

CatchingOn is realizing you are on the bus —
and there is no way you can begin by trying directly for this realization;
it must be reached by methods indirect and ultimately, irrelevant;
you must (as improbable as it sounds) somehow almost “trick” yourself into
the supreme realization (encouragement-in and methods-for, these daily writings’ purpose).

When you do realize what is going on,
you understand the unspeakable reality that makes ring so true
the idea that you should live only in the here & now;
there is a secret surpass awaiting in the realization;
ask yourself: based on your own recognition (by now we assume…on a good day)
that not only do your thoughts never stay where and when you are,
but that wherever else they are, they are up to nothing worthwhile to you,
then: what would be the advantage if they did stay only in the here & now?

Those born with that SpecialCuriosity are also born with the automatic inclination to believe that they understand fully the nature of their dissatisfaction —
but the grand surprise is in their sudden realization one day that they do not.

While this does not mark the end of what you can do and enjoy,
it does finally put your neural feets on the right road.

Bon voyage — mr. greyhound.

If you want to try to make your thoughts stay in the here-&-now
try giving them something worthwhile to think about,
and just the idea that: “My thoughts should stay in the here-&-now”
may not be adequate.