Jan Cox Talk 1373

Test of Religious Achievement Is Always Only Verbal, Not Internal


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#1373 – 12/12/1994
Notes by TK

Perfected, esteemed, citizen requires no more than behavior conforming to civilized norm. At the next level (religious, spiritual) only verbal conformance is required. No internal demonstration of proof is possible. To feel guilt is to have the de facto sense of ideal of perfected man as something to strive for.

The News

The relationship between: premise & conclusion, intro’s and text, the mind and the things it thinks about, (as per a short story):
There was once a man who found a strange and beautiful bird in the forest and decided to bring it back to show to his friends….No, strike that:
There was once a man who bought a really neat car, and took it over to show to his friends            

One man opened a unique travel service —
He said that you didn’t have to “Go anywhere” to – “Go somewhere”. Interested travelers were able to hear this in
Two totally different ways,
…Which is the ultimate demarcation line between those who actually do go somewhere, and those who simply dream about it,
There is a man who says that he used to think that life was really unfair! but after he became involved with this sort of activity
He gained a whole new conception & appreciation of the term.
“Snakes for sale! – get your poisons snakes right here!” the hawker cried, and those knowledgeable travelers,
With a true sense of the destination
Passed right by, saving themselves an unnecessary expense,

A three-page rhyme, (+ or -):
The simple’s main hobby’s the body, the bit-more-complex have the mind,
The stage that lies just beyond these two, leaves all such distinctions behind.

The mind’s basic job is to comment, distinguish, define and to name,
But those who’ve pushed neurally further, find silence and speech all the same.

Man’s nat’ral state is to
Share and be verbal,
What he thinks, he wants to convey -but those who have seen
Beyond mere mentation
Are left, by and large with
Nothing to say.

The mystic’s rules of poetry are the same as for warfare: declare victory as soon as possible — and get out!

The blunt trauma physics of a mental reality:
You can say that ordinary people are dumb — but, they’re as smart as they need to be,
And you can say that ordinary people are as smart as they need to be — but, — they’re still dumb!
* * *

Now some important travel news:
If only the mind,
Runs the mind —
— where do you go from here!?
* * *

Yes, it’s time for: “L.B.P. – let’s be plain”:
If you’re not attempting to awaken, you’re simply an unpaid shill for life.
…(important people don’t want to be plain! — life doesn’t want them to be!)
** *
Non-physical pecking orders & power structures
Hold together the same way civilization itself does — by spit, distraction and pretend.
** *

There are always those re-discovering the pervasiveness of dichotomies in the life of man —
Some go on to determine particular examples detrimental, thereby awarding them an undeserved significance,
There is no underlying significance to any particular dichotomy -their significance lies in the fact that they exist,

All thought is a separation.

The problem with a mystic debating an ordinary mind is that, even given all the time in the universe,
The latter will never come up with a suitable subject.
* * *
Critics of man
Keep their job
Since no fault is found in missing unintended targets.
* * *

After weighing all the previous descriptions of that special state, (“Satori, awakening, enlightenment” etc.),
One man considered calling it simply: “Super thinking”. ….(I don’t know why he didn’t      do you?)

The officer with the city’s rodent patrol told the home owner: “Sir, you will. Forever have rats as long as
You believe some rats are tolerable and others not.”
The Deeper-hole verity of this is what unperceivably keeps many
Standing by the door, apparently lacking the power-to, or knowledge-how to step on through.
There have been those mystical figures purported to have said that all mystical traditions should be uncer1moniously destroyed —
…But in case you’re truly curious, the term, “Mystical traditions” was a really bad translation of what they really meant,
…Well, either that or it wasn’t, and what they knew beforehand would be men’s immediately mistaking of what they said was itself a
Blunt- lesson and example of what they intended.

How to tell that you are seriously civilized:
You believe that everyone needs professional help.
…(believing this to be of benefit also shows how lost you are.)

That which the more-awakened will lapse to criticize will in turn do him the greater harm.
And a gentleman writes to the travel advisor:
“Dear advisor: once a person has visited madras
Does that mean they now reside there whether they ever return or not?!” …The advisor had the decency, (if not insight), not to answer this. …(how about you!?)

Life is not arranged for ordinary people to be able to do this -in fact it’s barely arranged for those who can do it
To do it.

Ordinary thought is no more than the breathing of the mind, and just as automatic as that done by the lungs.

In re vanity & mystical teachers
Those whose ass accommodates smoke blown there up possess greater anal dimensions than understanding.

If “Humility” was a valid word, (and hence had a legit antonym), it would be: “Ignorance.”

“If you’re smarter than everyone else around you, it’s hard not to let it show.’ “No, it’s not — it just proves how dumber you are than them.”

A systems failure: when trying to expedite what you’ve planned to do interferes with what you’ve planned to do.
This is, on a broader level, also a human failure – (and a proper one at that)

Mystical medical:
Hungry stomachs eat brains.
,,,(okay, not so much mystical as “Under-appreciated”)

When only the mind is in control of consciousness — you’re done for, you’re done-in, and befuddled! —
In other words: you’re in a perfectly normal state of awareness.

Query: how comes man by attributing the greatest intelligence to those animals who best physically adapt,
But apply not the same approach regarding his own mental operations!?
One chap says that he just “Loves” questions that have no answers! -“And even,” (he adds), “If they do — no one knows what they are.” (All-in-all, he seems quite taken by the notion.)

Without an awakening,
No matter the extent of one’s knowledge, or sophistication,
One’s consciousness will (put most charitably)- always be parochial
Definition: a mystic: the inner-antithesis of an ole “Stay-at-homer,”

All interpretations are excuses,
All excuses are thought-based,
Ergo: all interpretations are thoughtful) excusatory, and incriminating.

Elemental mystical schools introduce new terms & descriptions
In an attempt (whether understood or nay), to break-up routine thinking;
More advanced such endeavors introduce silence to break-up attempts to
Describe what they may be up to.
One man damn-near understood what he was doing! -not quite enough to talk about it —
Yet not quite enough not to.
….(how about you!?)

All those with personal experience of the state
Eventually come to say: “Ah, but I’m sick of thinking about it.”

Only one thing stands between a man and a higher state of consciousness -and it cannot be told —
Well, sure it can — but then it’s even more trouble.
“Snakes! — get your red-hot, deep-fried, fresh-alive snakes, right ‘cher!”

Without the rituals and symbolic trappings
Children are inclined to move to other playgrounds,

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Trying to say exactly what the greater, awakened state of consciousness is like attempting to describe the architecture of a building by removing pieces of it until it collapses.

A mystic hung a sign on his door:
“Lessons in how to control thought”,
And some clouds came to apply,
Only to be told: “No, you’ve got it already.”

Revealed, here now, for the first time:
“Why the science of neurology isn’t getting anywhere.”–
When they open up the skull and look in, they don’t know what they’re looking for.

Everyday thinking is like a train —
Sometimes the cars are connected, and sometimes they’re not, super-thinking is like tracks that have jumped the cars.

Thought, discrete — satori, seamless.

All are born in Eden, all are driven out, all wish to return,
But none seems know just how.
All are born in Eden,
All are driven out,
They find themselves slaves in China, wishing to return,
Half a world away from home,
Yet, Cathay is the route.
* * *
The consciousness of the awakened is like a traveler without a home -without a home, yet always at home.
* * *