Jan Cox Talk 1348

The Importance of Thought Is Its Mere Existence, Not Content


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#1348 – 10/14:
Notes by TK

(**) The purpose of speech: distraction from direct perception of reality.  E.g., “charismatic leader” diverts by explaining away the herd mentality of man.  THE IMPORTANCE OF THOUGHT IS ITS MERE EXISTENCE, NOT ITS CONTENT.

The News

For the ordinary mind the height of hubris is it thinking it understands anything.
* * *
A sign in the semi bombed-out, reputed mystical-run dry cleaners announced: “We’ll put softeners in your sheets,
We’ll put starch in your shirts,
But the one thing we won’t do is put ideas in your civilian head.
…(all shoe repairs will be ready next Thursday -that’s right — next Thursday! —
Always — next Thursday.)”
* * *
A saying used among a certain band of transcendental explorers states: “Those who can’t wait, don’t wait!,
But those who ‘can’t wait’ sometimes must,
But that still doesn’t change anything.”
And: some telecommunications news: one man called every number in the book -and just look where it got him.

To the one of his sons who showed the least promise
The ole man offered him this advice:
“If there is anything resembling a substitute for stupidity it is good humor.”
Kindness dictates that some of what one might say to hormones, one would not say to neurons —
….And in a weird kind of way — vice versa.
* * *
Only those locked into binocular vision
Mistake a spider’s strength as superior to that of the web.
— of course within a closed system, this is how it perforce must be -and there are two classes of closed systems: the one out there, and the one in you.
* * *

As he stepped back in the house, a man was suddenly struck with the notion: “What if my thoughts “Talk about me” while I’m not here!?”

Consciousness, as a circus act described: a band of squirrels doing tricks balanced atop a pole supported by a group of unpredictable beavers.

As they were purchasing some cotton candy a young boy asked his father:
“Is reliability and predictability the same thing?” the kind of question which helped reassure the elder as to the little one’s species.

Only two classes of people can, on human consciousness, unconditionally depend: man-the-collective, and

As they rambled along, partaking of their gossamer confectionary, the boy and father came upon the booth housing the:
“Guess how long you can hold your breath” game.

Progress; a brief survey
When man’s intellectual world is not complex enough, he makes it so.
* * *

Just as there is effort, and there is success,
Just as there is a race, and then the finish line,
So too is there a similar situation in the struggle to become more conscious — ….Not the same, but – similar and not really even similar.
Above the hat rack in the city cafe hung a sign that said: “The only thing you are permanently is dead.”

Noise can be fatally distractive to a neural warrior.
“Don’t forget”, reminded one chief to his son, “The, ‘enemy’ is not — out there,
But in you —
In your own limited awareness.”

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Reality is simply reality — until you put man in the picture, then you must modify your description thereof.
* * *

At fifteen, one boy asked himself: “Why be ordinary!?”
And at twenty-five: “Why be stupid!?”
And at thirty-five: “Why be a slave!?”
And finally thought: “Why are we made to worry over what we are, other than to keep us from becoming something.- other than we are!?”
In the history of this planet,
Only two men have ever, “Out smarted life” —
— and both of them are forever, still being born,
The carny guy cocked his straw bowler over to the side of his head,
Tugged on his lower lip, squinched up one eye as he gave ’em a good goin’ over, and announced his conclusion: “You’re forty eight years old,
Your weight is a hundred and ninety-two pounds,
And you won’t be able to hold your breath over five more minutes.”

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As he stepped back in the house, a man was suddenly hit with the idea:
“What if my thoughts ‘talk about me’ when I’m gone!?” and his thoughts said:  “Well, you shouldn’t be gone…

One city chap marks his (quote),”Progress” by the fact that he has moved from letting television drive him crazy, to letting radio do it.
…(“One step at a time.” says he.)
* * *
A certain non-standard population-group, (now extinct), held the belief that life originally spoke directly to man, …(but that was before the days of telephones & other forms of
electronic communication.)
* * *
Once upon a time in a deep, deep wood was a deep, deep man who
Communicated with himself, (or so it was believed),
And based upon this belief, his shallow, shallow, but perfectly normal neighbors told him to either “Stop it,” or get out of town.
And now for some: new age news: one guy’s a channel for foreign forces only — and a “Hit” wherever he goes.

A man returned to his library for a second time,
Letting his eyes sweep the shelves as to himself he marveled: “And to think! — men just made it all up!”
** *
And dipping into our mystic’s dictionary we find, “Normal conversation” described as: “Hearing other people talk to themself — out loud!”

Life provides needed medical treatment that man might otherwise reject through a simple device known as History.’

Until man had a mind all he had to do was: hunt, eat, sleep, mate, and play around — “Jeeze!, what a limited life,” soon thought he, and – bam! — hardly ‘fore you knew it, he was neurally off and running,
Some generations later, some of his progeny noted: “Jeeze!, thanks bunches.”
* * *
Analog anthropology asphyxiated: Men made up all the many and diverse creation stories to try & get out of a bind.
* * *
The sign on the side of the partially inflated upper altitude weather balloon carried this message: “There will be no allegories in heaven, (thank god), unless of course you happen to be there literally.”
…(no one within sight of the apparatus asked to take a ride therein.)
“Okay, okay! — clear the beach!, clear the beach!” announced the shore line police, “Especially all you little sand grains.”

“Health”, a conversation overheard in the city:
“It takes a real man to drink all of the water his body needs,”,
“Yes, and one who’ll think all the thoughts beneficial for his head.”
* * *      

The truly interested man does himself discernable harm to forget (as is commonly believed) that
Part of the purpose of speech is to distract man from what is happening in life, not to explain and clarify it as is commonly held.
Talk has a singular ability to keep man from looking at certain things too bluntly.

The so-called: “Truth”:
A cheap shot men take at one another.

94103 — 7
Between lovers,
You ask about the other’s past at your own peril —
— same as with the awakened and what their mind used to think.

And one warrior thought:
“If it’s got to be noise, then let it be original noise.”

A field guide test of intelligence
An oak tree is stupid,
Pussy willows, less so,
The wind even less, and after that, I wouldn’t push it if I were you. ….(if you get my drift.)
* * *
After years of metaphysical reading & reflection,
The monk sat one day silently in his cell and thought:
“Okay, if feet are real, then shoes are allegorical….Right” hummm…”, mused he fearlessly forward,
“No, maybe it’s like this:
If the mouth is literal then words are metaphorical,
Humm…”, hummed he some more, “Wait, I’ll bet this is it:
If I really were a physical person sitting here in an actual location then all that I’ve thought about it is both moot and meaningful, useless and enlightening.”
And just then his cat brushed against his leg.

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Only a man who understands everything understands how much he understands -…And thus, understands everything.