Jan Cox Talk 1304

The Thing-Most-Serious Can’t Be Presented, “Seriously”


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#1304 – 07/04/1994
Notes by TK

How do you know you’re civilized? Believing others know more than you do. All civilized things are malleable, changeable, fashionable. The Mystic would starve eating ordinary info; the ordinary mind is a cannibal eating it—the meaninglessly obvious—yet it thrives. Only the unrealized is potent, important, meaningful. It is the EXAMINED life that is not worth living.

The News

One man used to have a sled-dog team, but realized that
having routine thinking made it redundant.

…..A dad said to the lad: “Let’s play a game. Tell me:
What’s the one thing you can’t starve to death?”


How Man’s Artistic World Most Often Works
Hormones hurt — and tell neurons to, “Sing The Blues”.


One guy asks: “What’s better than becoming ‘more
conscious’?”, and answers: “Knowing someone who is.” (He says
that his original version was: “What’s easier than becoming
‘more conscious’?”, but says even fewer people liked that one!)
…(I assume he’s engaging in a bit or irony — what d’ya
think!?! — Am I giving him too much credit!?)


In another solar system resides the belief that just before
you die, if you smile real big, you’ll go out happy. But there’s
also a counter belief that says if you struggle real hard, just
as you’re expiring, that you’ll go away even happier.
A most strange legend has it that one creature from this
cosmic area left and landed on another world, and got the beings
there to apply this idea to the relationship of their thinking
and physical maturity. …(And please don’t ask which other
world this might have been.)


One recent night, as he was close to dozing off, a man lay
and thought: “If it’s hard for a proficient pole vaulter to ever
take up weight lifting, then consider the difficulty in ever
coaxing a car to try it on three wheels, or prompting a train to
take it to a runway.” This whole area of reflection seemed to
cause him great, gripping discomfort and frustration — so his
mind quickly leapt in and soothed: “There, there….now you
just calm down and go to sleep.”

Gang Definitions
Sanity, normalcy, acceptable, (and the like): The ability not to
think outside the ordinary limits.

…..And a viewer writes: “After careful study of things you’ve
talked about, shouldn’t there be like a middle, an interim term
for an area somewhere between thinking and consciousness!?”
Quite so, sir, and evidently you were not about when I presented
the concept of “neuralizing” — the act of noticing something
without describing it.

A traveling psychologist came to the village promoting his
approach of: “Hey — let’s all feel good about ourselves.”, and
when the king heard of this, he said: “Hey — let’s don’t.” —
And the people didn’t.

…..In one kingdom, (aka as one guy’s own body), a foreign
spirit came to visit, and after looking things over from the
bottom of the commoners to the top of the royalty, it scratched
its head and said: “Well just who is in charge of things!?”
But alas — this is a trick legend, in that men cannot
normally do this to themself. Oh, they can dream about it, write
about it, and discuss it until the cows join the merchant
marines, but see — to actually “do it” requires what was
mentioned at the very beginning of the tale — an extrinsic
force — a position of awareness not native to ordinary
consciousness. And without this — the trick’s on you! — And
the king stays the king.


One man hit himself so hard in the back of the head that he
could no longer look behind him.


One day The Big Guy and The Snake were sitting around
talkin’, and the former said to the latter: “Now that that pair
I created down in The Garden can think, and now that you done
about figured out what’s really going on around here, if you want
to, I’m gonna let you try and talk to them about it.” And
contrary to the Big Guy’s expectation of The Snake’s enthusiastic
reaction, the scaly one just sat for a while, looking thoughtful,
then finally replied: “This is a gag, right!? You’re just
trying to get me to go down there, and end up doing a cheap
imitation of some landlocked mystic, right!?” And the Big Guy
was forced to slap him on the back and have a good laugh.

…..Hey, boys & girls: Genes may joke, but they don’t play.


A Fresh Look At The Score-Keeping Of Reality
Criminals don’t kill people — statistics do.


The Logic-Of-It Explored Once More
You can’t be conscious of consciousness unless you think, and
once you do think, (ordinarily speaking), the act itself then
forever limits consciousness.
And a healthy looking, sweaty kid with a cortical, nordic
track asked: “So what can a poor boy do?”, and the salesman
replied: “Okay, if I said: ‘Think about it!’, you’d know what I
meant, right!?” And the lad agreed, so the man continued: “Then
— ‘Think about it’ — and every time you realize that you are —
go beyond it!” And the kid took off a’runnin’.

Time For A: Pop Quiz
What’s the difference between a salesman and a mystic? Answer:
Everything in the world. Then another youngster suddenly
thought: “In that case, then how’re you ever gonna find a place
to purchase transcendental data!?” Come on, let’s all run!


The speaker on the corner proclaimed: “Only men with an
extraordinary range and flexibility of awareness can mentally
encompass the extremes of opposing ideas, dreams and proposals.”
But a chap in the crowd stepped forward and countered: “Oh yeah
— how about men with silly putty for brains!?”, and most of the
crowd chimed in: “Yeah!”

…..The editor of the publishing house, (who was actually the
king in disguise), said to the aspiring author: “I don’t care
what you “call” it — fiction is still fiction! Now get on outta
here and let me sleep.”


Two cats were talking and one of them said: “How could you
identify a really bad case of fleas?”, and the other one asked:
“How?”, and the first one replied: “When the spraying for them
itself kills you.”
The second feline mulled on this notion for a while, then
thought: “If Aesop were still alive, (and I believed in him),
I’d be tempted to allegorize this into application regarding the
relationship between humans’ condition-of-consciousness and their

…..A dad asked the lad: “You realize that man’s the only
creature that doesn’t bite or scratch his primary irritants off


Our Public Service Announcement For The Night
Dear Viewers: Least you get misled by what I say: Do be aware
that humanity is not “stupid”! Everybody knows full well what’s
going on! — It’s just that everyone else is too “polite” to say
anything about it.
Thanks for your attention, and have a pleasant trip.

…..And following this brief commercial break we’ll return with
the story of how life once had local conditions call everyone on
the planet together for what was announced as a “Very Important
Meeting”, but when everyone arrived and settled down, they were
told it was all a joke. So stay tuned — and we’ll be right-t-t back!


The head of the Physics Department of the University Of
Hamburg has revealed that on several occasions he has been
visited by an extraterrestrial UFP — an Unidentified Flying
Psychiatrist — who has disclosed to him the fact that,
“Seriousness is caused by fear”.


A sure way to spot prevailing collective, (and thus,
vacuous), thinking is that it is always respectable.

…..Seen from a proper distance, the overall parade of man is
going somewhere, and appears to be orderly. But this can’t stop
a few from internally having a bit of individual sport.
Although it’s never been done before, I see no reason why
you couldn’t, (in passing), reverse the normal course of the game
& claim that life purposefully made so many ordinary minimum-
conscious men so that it wouldn’t be so likely to give a
disturbing amount of attention to its favored few, struggling for
more. Huh!? — How ’bout it!? — Usually it’s the mystics that
seem to get the short end in verbal comparisons such as this.
Why not a break for them for a change!?


This one planet, in gratitude to the man who saved its
summer home from mortgage foreclosure, offered him his choice of
rewards: He could go to this other world and either: Help the
creatures there, or entertain them. But he, (being no dumb, off-
the-rack, hand puppet), leapt not too hastily as he paused and
pondered: “Humm….didn’t a certain reptile recently almost fall
for this same gag!?”


One man thought: “The unique thing about drugs that I
really like is how they help to talk-to-myself better.” And his
normal neural juices said: “What the hell you think I’ve been
doing for you all these years!? — Teaching you to make money in
your spare time at home, stuffing envelopes!”


To believe, (at the ordinary level), that others know more
than you is simply your continued support of cannibalism.


How Life Keeps The “Local” Talent Show Going
It makes it so that most anyone with a guitar, paint brush, or
word processor who doesn’t “feel so hot”, can make others
temporarily feel likewise. And with that particular kind of
“delight” singular to humans, several people began leaping about
and squealing: “Uuuuh! — We just ‘love it’ when we hate it!”

Some Mental Pathology
A “Rembrandt-deceased” does not dance-with-the-angels, but with
the Anti-Rembrandt…..same as with your frontal lobes.


The civilized growth of man is important only to one person
— Earth.


And lo — And, Ho — The day came when the man to himself
decided conclusively: “I will either: ‘Discover The Great
Truth’ and awaken to a new state of consciousness, or else I
will kill myself.” And his self’s potential younger brother
replied: “So what’s the difference!?” And no viewer asked for a
repeat of this story.


Today’s “Inspirational Thought” From A Quasi-UFO
To be a, “humanitarian”, you’ve first got to be better than your
run-of-the-mill “human”. …(If nothing else, it helps keep down
the number of unnecessary charities.)
“Daddy, Herbert Clausen, (that kid who lives over by the tracks),
says there ain’t no synonym for, ‘oxymoron’.” “Why son, (chuckle,
chuckle), you just go right back and you ask Little Herbert if
he’s never heard of the word, ‘unnecessary’.”

…..Some time later that day, one of the faux fellows on the
saucer rubbed one of his fourteen chins, and mused: “Even given
the fact that it’s humans doing it — still: What in the world
does the notion of ‘necessary’ have to do with consciousness!? —
which is where all this particular story got started!?”
And once again, boils & goirters, an example of why all normally
perceived extraterrestrials are imaginary….just the kind the
ordinary prefer.


One city reveler confides that the way he tells he had
“real” fun over the weekend is when he wakes up Monday morning
and finds: His head caked in blood, his car covered in dents,
his bed full of strangers, and his hair won’t lay down for spit!
In a Land-Of-Metaphor, a man’s consciousness might make similar
observations regarding matters not necessarily so physical.


Our New Myth For The Day
Once upon a time — long away and far from certain — on another
world, a certain man found a certain rock that everyone had been
searching for. And the first time round, he ran back to them and
proclaimed his discovery.
Second version: Since that one didn’t work, next time, (after he
found the certain rock everyone had been searching for), he
casually wandered back to town, and metaphorically revealed his
Third Edition: Based on the striking failure of his previous
successes, this time round, (after making the miraculous
discovery), he didn’t say nuthin’! And pret-tee soon a large
number of very important & intelligent people began to look him
up and question him intently about anything “out-of-the-ordinary”
of which he might somehow, be aware.
Fourth Version: I’m assuming that you immediately recognized
that last one for the bullshit that it is, and now probably care
to hear no more from me on the subject. Well — “Boo Hoo!”


Super All-Around Update
The thing-most-serious can’t be presented, “seriously”.


Lesser Update
How can you tell that someone’s lying? They use a lot of


One man presents this: “Allegory For People Who’re Afraid
Of Allegories”, (he says he offers it up in the spirit of not
personally “liking” people who’re afraid of allegories. And it
goes like this): “People with savings accounts are afraid of
death.” He assures me that he has an even harsher version, but
from the goodness-of-his-heart, he’ll refrain from revealing it.


After reading extensively about: Mysticism, transcendental
thought, & the like, one man paused to finally muse: “Just what
is the difference between The Great Liberating Experience, and
the erasing of a blackboard!?”
Be sure and stay tuned. In the next half hour we’ll be
bringing you the latest scores.


One man adopted the motto: “Waste not — want not.”, while
his brother forged ahead to: “Want not — want not.” …And
life has requested that I not offer you up any potentially,
personal commentary on this matter at the present time bomb.

The crude don’t care much for allegories, the more
sophisticated do, but not for what they actually represent. This
leaves it to those other few who understand the biological
purpose of words to keep writin’ ’em up, and then trashing them.


And now for tonight’s reading from “The New Intelligence
Book Of Important, Historical Quips & Dialogues” (page 222, upper
left column): “Being alive is no laughin matter.” “You can say
that again.”


Most unexpectedly, a certain man appeared, advertising
himself & his services as: “The Mighty Z: He Who Takes The
Mystery Out Of Mysticism.” ……Need I comment to you on his
glaring lack of local success!?
You can say that again.
