Jan Cox Talk 1301

All Criticism Is of the Past


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#1301 – 06/27:
Notes by TK

There is no bad news except about the past; there is no criticism except of the past. To be conscious is to not suffer—a genetic alteration.

The News

Trying to explain extraordinary things to ordinary people is
like trying to commit suicide while explaining how it’s just good
healthy exercise.

…..If boulders were stupidity, volcanoes could use them as
throat lozenges.

…..Many severely educated people do not enjoy hearing
psychology mixed about with geology — but this was not
completely unexpected.


As the dancers danced, they also whispered: “The greatest
mystery is in how much we have forgotten.” “Nay, the mystery is
in how much we have neglected to forget.” A while longer they
glided about the floor, then confided again: “Well, ’tis also a
deep mystery of how much that is irrelevant that we remember.”
“Ah! — now we move into an area of some positive potential.”
And the band continued to play: First, from the left side of the
stage, then from the right, and on and on they danced, danced
away the night.

…..Psychology: Simply Explained
Men who believe they have “mental problems” do not yet
possess a mental worthy of entertaining, real problems! The
older, established city said to the up-start young suburb:
“Stand aside boy — this here’s a man’s job!” And Doctor Johnson
asked Doctor Freud: “Why the hell did you make the words
‘psychology’ and ‘problem’ start with the same letter!?”


A member of the audience stood and asked the featured
speaker: “Do you think that dead people probably speak in Olde
English?” And the expert replied: “But what if they were
Swedish, when alive!?” And the man with the question had to
thoughtfully rub his chin & sit back down.


Myths, Cosmology & Confidence Games: An Illustrated History
In one universe, on this one world, which had thinking
creatures, there were several popular religions, all of which
said that the Gods & Forces Of Creation periodically send down
physical representations of themselves to help protect the
beings from their own potential self-destruction. Meanwhile (on
another near-by planet) the creatures there hold the belief that
the creative powers ofttimes send out shills who will stand
around calling out fallacious bus schedules. Meanwhile (on this
lovely orb) creatures who can actually think (somewhat
independently) can take their choice of legends and myths, and
smile (somewhat sincerely) in the face of the continuing,
attempted “con.”

The Mind/Body Relationship: A Hydro-Electrical Technical Paper
When steam’s produced from tainted water, a foul smell it
will have.

…..Please note that while this is scientifically valid, it’s
not really much so since men made up the whole idea of
“scientific.” But further note that this exceptional condition
does not render the original statement, invalid — and there,
friends, is your “Mind/Body Relationship” and then some.


Having “good character” proves one thing: That you’re a
good actor.


When you can experience consciousness freed from mere
thought, you’ll understand what a monk would be with no
monastery, what a hermit would be with a city residence, and how
clear skies feel at the sight of even clearer skies.

…..Metaphysical Update
There are two kinds of men who know what’s going on in life
— those two men standing over there.

…..Fact Update
Simple people do not care to have the apparent “complexity”
of their lives made simple.

…..And now just room left on this page for a final: Stick-
Out-Your-Tongue Update:


Will take the way
That offers greatest promise;
But just like you,
On fruitless days,
It will take the easy one.

…..As per the legends of one world: Once the Forces Of
Creation had made man, and fully realized what they’d done, they
named him not: Adam, or, Khan, or Venesque, but, “Oil Slick.”


To understand the nature & purpose of civilization is to be
able to set aflame, the images of smoke arising from the
illusionary fires of the city.

Man: The only creature who comes up with his own “rules to
live by” and then complains about them.

…..Before men conceived of the concept of “Fables” — (so they
could attribute all forms of stupidity to animals) they directed
it right where it belonged! — But that didn’t last long!

…..Question: How can you tell that men are becoming
thoughtful? — They begin using metaphors and allegories.
Question: How can you tell that men can’t think straight any
more? — They have to use metaphors and allegories. Question:
Where’s all this leading? To the death, resurrection, and death-
again of metaphors and allegories. The civilized wrap their dead
in clean, white sheets in symbolic imitation of a mystic’s new


And the day came when one man thought: “God dammit! — I’m
about to have a fit!” Then thought: “God dammit — I’m about to
have a baby!” Then thought: “No, god, dammit! — I’m about to
have a stroke!” And then (god dammit) came close to actually
having an original thought. But — alas! (god dammit).


The simple believe there is magic in words; the more
sophisticated believe there is magic in what words may represent;
and there is always this small, outlaw group who see today’s, and
tomorrow’s magic as phenomena arising from pre-vocal days. **
Things only speak as they get older — but the question is: What
sounds does aging make!? …that are useful!?


When you are mentally part of the collective you always
believe that many of those around you know more that you —
that’s why you all stick together. …(If that makes any

…..Fact: A herd does seem more intelligent than an individual
cow — but then again, life is smarter than man — so what!? —
What good does that do the independent thinker!?

…..A guy told his gerbil: “You know the most striking part of
‘thinking-like-everyone-else’? It’s that you’ll be no worse, or
better off than you would have been any way.” And little Wilbur


Definition With A City View
A Public Mystic: A philosopher run amuck.

The speaker spoke: “When you’re in love — every day’s a
holiday.” And a man up front called back: “How about if you’re
in love with yourself?” And the speaker said: “Who said that?”
And the man who’d said it, pointed to a guy next to him and
shouted: “He did!” And the speaker leaned forward and said:
“And I’ll just bet you’re now going to tell me that that other
guy is the ‘yourself’ that you’re in love with!?” And the man
and the guy next to him both began slapping themselves on the
cheeks, as they leapt and squealed: “Ye gads! — Ye gads!” And
the crowd broke up …except for those who understood what’d

…..It’s harder to separate an individual cow from the herd
than it is to separate lightening’s attraction to the herd. The
independently alert, only run for cover, when they can provide
their own cover.

…..Split Personality: Another attempt by in-town sheep to
cash in on one of a mystic’s methods.


Without religious literature, man would have no literature
— for he would never have become amored of repetition.

…..How To SAve Money On Education: A New Intelligence
Consumer Tip
You are already adequately civilized & sophisticated when
you can accept mythology as history, and allegory as fact.
…(Of course if you want to go all they way, and really get
“fancy-ancy” you can start mistaking the “collective-you” for the
individual you — Who knows!? — they might end up making you
mayor of the city!)


And a viewer writes: “If sanity is a merry go round — then
what the hell d’ya call this!?”


Telling no one else, one chap privately decided that “being
a mystic” was like trying to turn a sock inside-out when it was
inside-out to begin with. (P.S.: This was not precisely what he
meant, but was as close as he would come.)


Additional Item Regarding The Festivities Over At The Big “C”
Being masked helps make the ball more tolerable — ‘cept for
those whom it strangles.
…..Number 47 said to his consciousness: “Psst! – Let’s break
outta here!” And it replied: “Shoosh! — Don’t let your mind
hear that.” And just then his mind said: “I heard that!” But
a lot of difference that made! — (the implication being “none”
which itself should tell you “some” — verging on “a lot.”)

…..If you think something’s wrong with life — you ain’t quite
got it, if you think that nothing’s wrong with life — you still
ain’t quite got it, but you’re getting closer. Note: To
transcendental thought “closer” and “verging on” are not spatial
distances — but states of mind.


The Balance
When thinking’s just a hobby, consciousness is more.


And now a late breaking story from the nearest city: If it
ain’t bad — it ain’t news. So what else is new!? — And —
why!? — And why aren’t there additional possibilities!? And who
convinced you that they’re not!? ** Anyone who believes that bad
news is actually news — or that it is ever “late breaking” or
that it is even “meaningful” is certainly the city’s kinda guy.


As the author sat, autographing copies of his new book which
was entitled: “If You Let A Mystic Move Into Your Spare Bedroom
You Won’t Need A Library,” a man approached him and asked: “Do
you mean that metaphorically, or literally?” And the scribe
sighed softly to himself and thought: “God! — I wish I’d taken
up basketball.”


How To Stay Simple
Stay upset.


A man’s mind is like an old shoe in which his brain feels
comfortable. ** Mystics are the sorts of pilots who engage in:
Massive-air-strike, bunion removal.

…..Front Line Philosophy
No one can hurt you but you, you are you because life made
you you, therefore: No one can hurt you but life, and if it’s
life doing it! — there’s not a damn thing you can do about it
so: “Give it up, Gwinevere!” The heads of Imaginary Foes make
poor over-the-mantle trophies for real warriors.

Amusement Park Update
As long as you speculate — you can ride.


A viewer writes: “Why don’t you say that a mystic is like a
Public Service Announcement in a world of commercials!?” Well, I
appreciate your interest in our show, but I only use my own
original material.


The Proclivity Of Phenomena, Or: How Things Tend To Go
Around Here.
If you couldn’t think, you couldn’t worry, and if you
couldn’t worry, what would you have to think about!?


Creation, Dreams & DNA:
Our History Of Man, Today:
Snails do not alone, leave trails.


Religion was initially to inspire the mystical in man, then
came psychology to promote feelings of the familiar; and lastly
— always lastly — still exists the few, still out front.


One guy thought: “Almost all cliches were originally neat —
…if people would just quit repeatin’ ’em.” ** The title of
this item was: “The Beauty & Music Of Words — In Their


The simple do myths of death — the complex, of life.


The danger in getting “too smart” while staying in the city
is that it makes you get real wide in the hips.


One man says he once heard mystics described as “wealthy
boat people from Mars.”


An expanded state of consciousness entails first:
Disassembling the mind, then putting it back together in a manner
never intended. …in this lifetime.

One guy’s theory is that “Everyone’s crazy” he says he
doesn’t actually believe it, but that it helps explain a lot.


In one geometry, what is mystical thought, and
transcendental ideas other than a: Proper complexing of the
simple, and a simplifying of whatever’s left!?


While playing with a neighbor’s tree, a kid thought:
“Wouldn’t it be funny if everybody actually knows what the
‘secret knowledge’ is but that nobody but mystics think it’s
important!?!?” And the birch had to muffle a giggle.


The normal topography of consciousness is thought, but this
is not the only shape it can take.


The Religious: Would-be mystics who couldn’t write their
own material.


One guy’s motto is: “Hey man! — life wants you to be more


You know — a mystic is a lot like a Public Service
Announcement in a world of commercials.
