Jan Cox Talk 1286

Without Sense of Urgency, No Man Will Pay Attention to Anything


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#1286 – 05/23:
Notes by TK

Preaching to the converted. Who else are you going to preach to…who else will listen? Without a sense of urgency no man will pay attention to anything.

The News

meeting 1286 1994-05-23 set# 94044

Facts! — On The Move!
Just as a full stomach can absorb more poison than an empty
one, so too can some kind of particular mental condition…do
something sort of similar regarding thoughts and stuff…
Hup, two, three, four, hup…


There was once a boy who was interested in things
extraordinary, and one day he found a magical pair of glasses
which existed for him for thirty seconds, and when he put them
on, and closed his left eye, and looked at the world only through
his right, he saw half of the planet’s six billion people
attempting to be mystics and help lead the other half, and when
he then closed his right eye and looked out with his left, he saw
the situation suddenly reversed, with the other three billion
now striving for transcendentity, and a position of authoritative


There was once a land of mystics whose meditative mantra was
not “Ommm” but, “Left, right, left right.”


Mortal Existence: A Poem

Life is hard,
Reality’s tough,
And local conditions don’t
Take much guff.

Left right, left right.


While your car’s being lubed — let’s break it down one more
time: When entertainment becomes serious it’s no longer
entertainment, and no knowledgeable person ever mistakes
seriousness for entertainment.

…..The defining, operational-reality of this lies yet hidden
deeply within uncharted areas of non-local physics, and though,
of a less disciplined approach, you might more easily gain an
appreciation of the concept if you remember how quickly came the
demise of vaudeville once men acquired a mental awareness of

…..And as long as they still haven’t greased your ball
joints…and we’re speaking of family…and, death, let me remind
you that the word “seriousness” has but one true synonym, and

Forget lingerie catalogs, the real “adult novelty” is this
kinda thang.


The Power And Purpose Of Proverbial Wisdom
If you’re floating down stream it’s good to have something
to hold on to.


A kid thought: “Let’s do something exciting!” Then
thought: “I’ll grow up.” A man thought: “Let’s do something
exciting!” Then thought: “I’ll be more child like.” Then
thought: “I can’t do that! — I’m a grown man — with grown-man
duties and responsibilities.” And life thought: “Why don’t I do
something new and exciting!?…Hummm…Let’s see — I could
create an incomplete creature, and enjoy watching him
grow…Humm…” And life rubbed its chin as it momentarily
pondered whether such a creature itself would derive equal
pleasure in witnessing its own evolution. …(If you want the
“inside story” on this, I’ll tell you: Life almost immediately
forgot the question, and proceeded to produce man as you
generally find him now — except for a few individuals (here-and-
somewhere-where) who somehow slipped into reality, via this
initial, brief reflection by life.


A viewer writes: “I continue to find much of what you say
as completely unexpected, even befuddling — like a lot of times
I can’t tell if what you say is sarcastic and critical, or
something else entirely!?…And it’s this possibility that really
drives me up the wall! — I hear it! — and yet it can’t be so!
I hear it! — and sometimes it makes perfect sense, and yet — it
just can’t be so.”


Being An Employee Of Life: An Essay
Life wants everyone to be satisfied…and if you don’t like
the word “satisfied” try “busy”…and if you don’t care for
“busy” try “distracted” and if you don’t like “distracted” then
get back to work and forget it!


How Life Keeps Too Many People From Trying To Become Mystics
It’ll make most of the people who once believed they
wanted to be mystics become religious instead, and those that
this ploy won’t work on, life’ll make ’em believe that they
actually have become mystic. Wow!

When the king of one country faced up to the terrible
physical condition of his daughter, he declared that her hand
could be won only by he with a full front lobotomy.

…..If you’re not immediately struck by the meaning of this,
then consider the fact that on most reputable campuses the
Schools of Medicine, and of Architecture are separate operations.

…..Some men live alone, some live with others, some men live
with others — and yet alone, and some live alone, and yet even
more alone — but: No fangs live sans rattlers.

…..When the king of one country finally realized the full
nature of his state, he privately announced that he and himself
were now united, and “one-on-the-throne.”


If you’re gonna take the ordinary games & hobbies & pursuits
of life seriously, then you need to remember that it will be the
serious who will win and succeed.


The Infrastructure Of The Intellectual City: A Conversation
First Voice: “There is something that can be said about any
topic man can come up with.”
Second Voice: “Ah! — but it could be that man comes up
with topics just so’s he’ll have something about which something
can be said.”
Third Voice (of an agent): “I like it! — I like the whole
concept! — Have me an outline by Friday.”


Anyone can see physical vices as a “dumbing of the body” but
few can carry it to the higher area of the intellect.

…..The International Body Council has contacted us to complain
about such matters as the above being brought to the public’s
attention; they say that we’d be better off filling this time
slot with a good action movie, or a situation comedy with a moral
at the end. Hey! — when you’re right you’re right, and when
you’re in the majority, you’re always right.

…..The latest planetary census reveals the presence of more
physical activities than intellectual ones, and the infinite,
cosmic beauty of it all (at least in local terms) is that on the
playgrounds — on the teeter-totter — you can have a prince on
one end, and an oaf on the other, or an athlete and a nerd, or
an artist and a philistine — and it changes not the balance of
reality in that goofs come and go, but see-saws are forever.

The Impermanence Of Impressions — Or:
The Uncertainty Principle As Applied To Human Feelings: A Play
First Actor: “You sure can’t depend on emotion.”
Second Actor: “Well, you can always depend on having some.”
First Actor: “Well, big deal!”
Curtain down — house lights up.


There was once an artist who kept all of his botched
creations, saying that they helped remind him of his always
present, potential fallibility, and less-than-perfect talent.
Another man said he didn’t need all that, that he had himself.

…..On this one world, was once a band of men who thought of
the physical universe as being as allegorical microcosm for their
own mind.

…..In some solar systems, if you “stand a certain way” — at a
certain time of day — you can conceive of the new appearance of
the sun as being either the beginning of something, or the end of
something. Thus (in transcendental galleries) even a flawed
piece of art will still have a price sticker on its bottom.


Weak people most enjoy tales of weakness — not of strength,
which is how religion came to be practiced only one day out of

…..On thirty-five year old street corners, one man would sit
with his guitar and sing the blues song: “Before You Accuse Me
Take A Look At Yourself.” Only (by age fifty) to realize: “Hey
— I am yourself!”


Consistency: A Poem
Consistency if the key,
Consistency is the key,
Therefore you should not forget:
Repetition suck,
Repetition sucks,
Repetition sucks.


The long forgotten allegorical reason that men put flowers in
cemeteries was to remind themselves of what grave damage
solemnity does to living plants.

How do you identify a mystic? — He leaves no foot prints in
soft stuff.


One kid (who grew up in a family of transcendental
mechanics) pictured other people’s ideas as “jumper cables.”
(Related juicy gossip: The town fathers eventually requested
that he never visit the public library again.)

…..Heat rises! — Which is why men’s minds are on top! —
…Well, applicable at least to some men. And germane to
additional academic areas: This may be why most universities
give the Engineering School, and the Sexology Department their
own buildings — which of course brings up the matter of their
school Fight Songs: One being: “Work That Skirt.” And the
other entitled: “He’s So Intellectually Built That When Seen
From The Rear Walking It Looks Like Two Nobel Scientists In A Bag
Fighting It Out.”


A viewer writes: “I didn’t know you were ‘serious’ about
all this!”


The World Of Man: The Birth And Re-Birth Of This World:
A Commentary
The World Of Man: Proposal — objection,
Acceptance — rejection,
Construction — demolition,
Point — Counterpoint,
Invention — improvement,
Me — you.

…..Beyond this lies only the realm of the mystic wherein is no
such rising-&-falling, pushing-&-pulling, Oh Yeah!?: A Poem: Oh


Simpletons (and some of the ordinary) will try and take
verbal responsibility for “what they are”: One who actually
knows — won’t talk about it.


How can you tell that a mystic’s actually disappeared even
if you still physically see him? Well, there’re two ways: When
a humorous one turns serious, or when a serious one ceases to be

…..Now — the next question: If you don’t know that the real
mystics exist in your own mind, then just what the hell do you
know!? …”Hey! — is that supposed to be a joke, or are you

…..Okay — bring on the next contestant, but be sure this
one’s already been to the restroom.


You can over-eat, and you can over-talk, and the space
between verbal meals can be the most nourishing.


Without a sense of urgency, men won’t bother with anything
— either in the physical, or intellectual realm. Does this help
explain mysticism’s limited appeal? — Do ducks carry umbrellas!?


Local conditions contacted the show to say: “That viewer
who wrote in earlier shouldn’t have known that this is serious


In spite of what the collectively religious are made to
believe, no one is “spiritual” who is not first an individual.


Life sends this reminder: “Local conditions are not the
final authority on what is serious and what is not.” ** …And
later — seriousness popped in to ask if anyone had been “talking
about him”!? — He said his nose had been itchin’ like a horny
ram in an army blanket.


One guy stopped to wonder: “Who but mystics, and other
weird sorts, can actually enjoy hearing and thinking about things
in a way that disturbs their normal, neural equilibrium!? God,
what a weird bunch of people!,” he thought, “I wonder where I
might join up!?”


A Family “Health Tip”:
If you have a child who ever shows any signs of being
interested in non-standard explanations-of-things, encourage him
to become angry — as quickly as possible.


The Political Philosophy Of The Wolf Pack
There are but two types of alpha males: Those who we like
and respect, and those who frighten us.

The Real Philosophy Of The Pack (As Practiced Inside Your Head)
The first mentioned type of leader is unknown to my way of

…..Only those knowingly holding invisible tickets will
actually ever “take this trip.”


Oop! — We interrupt now for some late breaking serious
“medical news”: Although there are many symptoms — there is but
one disease. Now back to your regular fog machine — I mean,
