Jan Cox Talk 1077


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Summary = TBD
Condensed News Items = See below
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Transcript = None
Key Words =

The News

To start with — the mind wants to say: “Okay! — where do
we start?”


Your first stage of physical maturity is your fate — the
second mental one, your luck.


One man began to think about himself as though he weren’t
there — and pretty soon he got so sick of it that he left.


“Man” is just another word for man — don’t take it so


The collective is more than the individual writ large — it
is the potential individual writ cumbersome, laborious, and heavy


The apparent collective certainty of the herd can be like a
pacifier to little individual frightened calves.


One man tried to talk to others about the “process of
collective thinking” as contrasted to the possible individual
approach — but when he started to simply speak about the
collective as opposed to the individual, things seemed to go
better with his listeners.

…..One, two, three, four.

…..A noun-addled cow — is a contented cow.


The fuel that runs the trains of the brain is such that the
tracks are open in only one direction at a time; this can’t be
changed — but you could take a plane.


From a deeper view: There is no such thing as cooperative
talent, or collective intelligence.

The way that the ordinary tell that it’s going to rain is —
that they get wet.


One man said: “I’d rather be dead than be ordinary!” — And
the built-in safeguard and beauty of the thing is that if you are
sufficiently ordinary — you can’t tell the difference anyway.


Slow minds believe in time.


Cows can bear the sting of the whip, the choke of the rope,
the burn of the branding iron, but what they cannot stand is the
sound of laughter — even potentially aimed in their direction.
* There is no one to even mention in the same breath with life
when it comes to discussing efficiency on the range. *


What the thinking of the collective finds “overly complex,”
that of the individual takes as “barely minimum.”


A man’s mental radar can forget many things, but it’s not
quite so easy getting hormones off the screen.


One of the trickier characteristics, and elusive aspects of
new, non partisan ideas is that they seem to lack the standard
passion the mind expects. * The pleasures of independent
thinking are like a puppeteer whose primary fun comes from the
tickling the new figures do to his own hands. *


It’s hard to see the bright side when you’re in the herd —
or your thinking is still tied thereto.


No one owns any idea — which is why those who can’t come up
with any of their own so passionately protect the ones they’ve
stolen. * Another way in which life’s larger platoon — (man’s
institutions) — are arranged so that the separate units —
(individual men) — will unknowingly, and with no direct,
continual prompting, faithfully defend the company as a whole. *

The individual scratches where the collective can’t reach.


There was once a quite ordinary, everyday-kinda guy who, for
some unaccountable reason, suddenly became aware of what life’s
all about — …and he was pret-tee upset!


The serious take one another seriously.


Seriousness: Solidarity amongst the stupid.


A film about suicide — run backwards — is one alternate
description of the intellectual life of a man.


Truth-be-told: Being a little pregnant is easier than being
a little serious.

…..If you want to verbally identify yourself with any group
(be it nationally, religiously, racially, sexually, or
otherwise), then you are a part of the collective, even if you
dress out of the ordinary, and have the words, “I Am An
Individual” tattooed in the middle of your forehead.


Today’s non-strenuous, “Lolk Fore”: The individual is the
gold tooth in god’s smile — …if there was such a being…and
if he had dental work…and if there were any real individuals to
hear and comprehend this little tale.


The dumb tend to grin like sheep, or scowl like hogs
whenever they say something especially dumb, or plagiarized.
* The secret’s in the blood! — The secret’s in the genes! —
There is no secret! — It’s all right there in the open! — In
the genes — in the blood. * After some years alone in an
airship, one man thought: “The fact that the brain doesn’t bleed
should have tipped me off.”


When you’re trying to get away, it’s hard to see what’s
wrong without thinking that there’s something wrong.

Under routine conditions — true originality is of little
value — save to the originator.


If the collective is goods — the individual is services.


Metaphors, myths and symbolism are like a train that can lay
down its own track just ahead of itself. * Now try and imagine a
parallel situation as regards an independent thinker and his air-
e-o-plane. *


One of the useful methods life makes subtly available to all
of the civilized is in their ability to believe that things are
worse than they are so that they won’t — blah, blah, blah, and


Peering deeply within himself, one man said: “You call
that, ‘thinking’?!”


With your thinking still wired to the collective, neural
network — you’re “home free!” — Which is all right as long as
you can be satisfied with the fact that you were born “home free”
— have always been “home free” — and will die there. * Those
inclined to independence-of-mind have their own secret synonym
for the concept of “freedom” — which can’t be said aloud in the
company of creatures with only two ears and one mouth. *


Ideas can be run-down, roped, and hog-tied, but putting your
brand on one is a bad idea; given enough time — it’ll come back
to similarly mark you!


The mentally independent doesn’t use words such as,
“regression,” and “deterioration” except in reference to things
physical…and even then, he doesn’t use such words.


If human existence was no more than a “battle,” then man’s
proper, and only needed maxim should be: “Life is a battle —
which you know your going to loose — so why all the fuss?!”
* Notice: Even when men accidentally get on the right mental
track they’ll say: “Boy! — I sure don’t like the way this train
is headed!” * Additional Note: This is another reason men enjoy
the idea of a trans-systemic god — cause if they do have a
useful idea that they don’t personally care for, they can believe
that somebody else — “God” — said it to them.


There’s little real humor in the herd.


A man who knows a lot says a lot — …and pretty soon he no
longer knows a lot. * On slow days, life sometimes lets the
stupid believe they’re outsmarting it. *

…..Okay! — I’ll tell you just how smart life is! — Life is
so smart that it doesn’t even have to think!


The “Thinking of the collective,”ù and the “Individual mind”:
Two entities that can run indefinitely by eating themselves.
* Fresh neural areas have never met a new food stuff it couldn’t
taste at least once. *


The inside of a man’s mouth doesn’t lookù like it feelsù to
the man — (be my guest in raising this three inches higher up
the head and running with it.)


Additional Irrelevant Info: There’s no way to prove you
know what you’re doing — other than by surviving death —
without anyone knowing about it. Impertinent said to Irrelevant:
“Buy you a drink? — What’s your sign? — Come here often?”
* When you’ve gone far enough — that you can’t look back —
you’re getting closer. *


One man carried along so much collective baggage that he
constantly ran the risk of either being charged extra, or having
some of it thrown overboard.


Once a man’s mental neurons have reached their natural
maturity, his sub-cortical ones heave a sigh of relief. …(And
is worse comes to worse — the other way around.)

The herd canù enjoy an individual cow who displays someù sign
of originality so long as he doesn’t try to “go-up-in-the-world”
any higher than is possible by standing on the shoulders of his
fellow cattle.


The dense can afford to feel superior.


To the independent minded — only their own original
thoughts seem to have sufficient speed — and even then —
they’re normally only good for one run past the grandstand.


Anything that one human says to another is attempted
entertainment. (Men must believe otherwise or else the word,
“serious” would never have been born, nor its many collective
progenies now so well entrenched among us.)


Men made up the word “happiness” so they’d have something
specific not to be.


The collective is a Cadillac — the independent, a Ferrari;
the herd, a train — the individual, a skateboard.


Those with pea brains want to introduce legislation to
change the official, comparative Definitions-Of-Sizes between
such items as, beans and watermelons.


A company of men has a particular intellectual, electrical
charge which may or may not be particularly suitable for the
running of any individual member’s mind.


Cliches, plagiarism, and collective knowledge are all so
close to real thinking that most people take them as such.
* When the independent minded go to the fair, they not only shoot
the metal duckies, and knock the milk bottles down, but slay
those who run the games as well. *


Comparisons were made to be broken.

Any source intent on making men feel shame, guilt or remorse
is a common collective source — no matter what fine, other-
worldly-sounding name it may bear.


In the very middle, depths of the herd, arise some of the
more bizarre dreams of escape.


One of the uses of telling other people what they should
think is in keeping those who don’t know what they should be
thinking, distracted.

…..Mortal death: That period just after “distractions” have
run out.


The serious will continue to do the same old dance “’til the
cows come home” — blind to the fact that the ballroom is a
corral, and that they’re being entertained by an all cattle
orchestra. “Wow!”, said one fish to the water, “no wonder it’s
so hard to get outta here!”


The independent minded’s response to certain collective
aspects of life should be: “Hey man! — I don’t ‘do’ the past.”


Protectionism is the antithesis of individualism.


When an organization can’t succeed in its professed goal —
it offers testimonials.


Talent that is not personal is not talent — any more than
thought not individual, is thought.


The herd holds everyone’s head hostage — and the only
possible ransom is a subtle wandering-away.

One man thought: “Starting with me! — I’m sick of smart


The hearing of the collective is such that all new ideas
sound like they’re going-too-fast.


The individual thinks in disappearing ink.


Bird-spotter’s special update & insert: The untruncated,
eagle-us independ-us is recognizable in that it is the only
winged creature that can swallow its own head.


Over a social drink, some axons and dendrites concluded
that: Trying to actually change the way the mind thinks and the
brain operates is not unlike tying to swim upstream in a river of
molten lava. …(The man’s mind in which this was taking place
took note and said: “Hey!, thanks a lot, guys! — ‘Cheer-me-up’,
why don’t chu!”)


There is no such thing as, “limited vision” to those of
limited vision.


The individual sees where the collective has no eyes —
smiles, where it has no mouth.


A real thinker is not intellectually cooperative with


Life fed one planet with one main river; it was then up to
the world to divide it into the necessary tributaries, and


The more exact the understanding — the less specific the

Man must constantly step through a new door, and the new
door is always, individualism.


I have seen the future, and the future is man.
