Jan Cox Talk 1043

The Rebel–Thinking for Pleasure, Not Profit


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#1043 Oct 30, 1992 – 1:09 
Notes by TK

Kyroot to :54. The Neural Revolutionist thinks for pleasure, not for profit. // Audio-only :09.

The News

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...and Kyroot said:
There is a certain reality that only awards prizes to those who are original -- and only those ...(And a man asks: "Did you say only'?! -- and if so -- where IS it?")
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...and Kyroot said:
One guy's view was:
"Anyone who can make themselves 'better' is either a genius, or wasn't much to begin with."
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...and Kyroot said:
Men who can't think, think about the past.
...and from a viewer:
"Dear Kyroot: Is everything you say meant to be taken literally?" Dear Viewer: How do you mean that?
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...and Kyroot continued a previous point:
Regarding the problem of people not buying your book if you have no book to sell -Consider further: The difficulty out-there is the difficulty within.
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...and Kyroot said:
One man named his children after dead ideas; He says so they'll have something to aspire to.
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...and Kyroot said:
You might look at it like this:
Revolutionist thinking concerns the plain reality that no one cares to talk about.
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...and Kyroot said:
A man pondered:
"Since the secondary world is just made-up anyway_
Shouldn't fiction then be its proper recounting?!" --
---- Then suddenly thought: "Sweet Jesus' Drawers! -- That's what I'm living NOW!"
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...and Kyroot de la Trump said:
The condo, the universal	---	your floor, the local.
...and Kyroot said:
One man named his own mind Rover, (said he): "Well if I don't call him -- who WILL?!"
...and from Kyroot:
Definition Exposition:
The revolution: EVERYTHING in a different context.
.and more from Kyroot:
Expanded Definition Exposition:
The revolution: EVERYTHING in a NEW context.
...and Kyroot queried:
From a revolutionist view, what is the difference in thinking that is different, And thinking that is new?,
And Kyroot answered: The former can be a step toward the latter.
...and Kyroot said:
For inspiration, a star poet need only look up.
(You may file this under: "Efficiency.")
...and Kyroot said:
Yes, progress does take its toll,
And if you're one who believes this can be a negative comment, 
Then you're part of the toll it takes. 
...and Kyroot said:
All hobbies transform energy -- and are thus vital.
...and Kyroot said:
As the tempo and complexity of collective existence increases, the more life becomes like a headline.
...and Kyroot said:
One guy was first in the hearts of his countrymen.
...Oh yeah: He was also his own countrymen as well.
Aeronautical News From The Hangar Of Kyroot:
The human intellect is the only craft that can fly, by flying apart.
One man thought: "If I can just hold on for another twenty years, I'll be twenty years old."
A certain king,
After listening to the Court Philosopher rant on about the "connectedness of everything", muttered to his royal self: "Men who string things together should be strung up!"
Combination footnote, reminder and curio:
Everyone's intellectual monarch is really just a pretender-to-the-throne --- But you knew that already --
-- And look what good it's done you.
	 (A listener pondered: "We could say to ourselves instead:
'Look what good you've made OF IT!'")
Running in the house backwards the lad exclaimed: "Now I see: Life is a metaphor for sports and war!"
His ole man, (being inadvertently at home at the time),
Flung himself from an upstairs window -- (just as an allegory).
...and Kyroot said:
Man's physical inclination to gather in groups is a
Direct result of his mental cells wanting to get in bunches.

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...and Kyroot said:
The collective thinking of one city unknowingly held this attitude toward the too creative: 
Let a man with
Nothing to sell,
Take his ideas
Straight to hell. . . . no offense intended.
...and now from Kyroot's "Item Pad":
Item: One cow can't think.
Item: A herd also -- but much MORE efficiently.
...and Kyroot said:
With enough mirrors in one's house
A man can begin to see shadows where no forms previously existed.
...and Kyroot said:
Although you can't profitably separate yourself from the living herd, A certain internal distancing IS possible.
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This letter in to Kyroot:
"Although I know you're speaking English it still seems like you're talking in a foreign language."
...and Kyroot said:
The secondary world is one of ants eating the feet of other ants, Then critiquing both of their performances
As they all await the arrival of a new generation of feet eaters.
...and Kyroot said:
There's a sure sign in everybody's backyard.
Now clear the ring! -- make way for another exciting episode of: "Truisms In Conflict":
"Forever is a long time."	"Crap! - forever's not so long!"
A man writes:
"Dear Miss Etiquette: Does everyone in the world have an evil twin except a revolutionist?" And Miss E. replies: "Dear Sir: I'm sorry, but would you repeat the question." "Certainly: Dear Miss Etiquette: Does everyone in the world have an evil twin except a
From today's comic strip:
A certain man who undertook to think, started out keeping notes, But as he became better at the task and looked back at his notes, He found that they now all said the same thing -- they all said:
"Notes" -- that's all, they just said: "Notes"	(plus they all smelled funny --
"funny bad!"- like in rotted meat.)
...and Kyroot said:
The collective thinks for profit -- the rebel, for pleasure.
In reply to something said on our last show, a viewer writes:
"But Dear Kyroot: I have seen a rabbit turn in more than one direction!" And Kyroot asked: And how was that?
And the viewer replied: "Well, he could turn this way, and that way." And Kyroot said: Oh.
Another example of Kyroot's: "Science Passing For Myth":
Long before the creatures had the ability to remember,
Local reality told them : "Don't worry:
All difficulties can be overcome'. . . . inasmuch as you'll be the ones MAKING the difficulties."
A certain rebel theologian, (a little Kyrootian humor tossed in), recently noted: "The author of all creation-myths was not some god, or mortal spokesman,
But the medulla oblongata."
...(And, may I personally add:
Be sure and tell all your friends and neighbors about this!	---	NOT!)
...and Kyroot said:
To try and cheer up some of the kids,
The teacher led them in their favorite quiz game: "Okay - What causes more stupidity than tumors?", "SERIOUSNESS!" answered most of them.
...and Kyroot said:
All right, you might look at it like this:
You can either think -- OR continue to take what your mind naturally does as thinking. ___
Latest bumper sticker seen on the local cosmic commuter train:
"Adjectives Are For Sissies--	Adverbs, Sisses With You-Know-Whats." 
...and Kyroot said:
The most that most men know of the collective is their own mind; ...And of course individually, they don't know this.
A man wonders: "Is it necessary to understand something to understand it? 
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The speaker stood on the soapbox and said:
"The universe of the human intellect is like a gigantic merry go round and each man's individual mind like a horse thereon."
And a voice in the crowd shouted: "Well yours is broken and needs painting!" And the speaker frantically looked down at himself and said:
"Really?! -- are you SURE?? 	
One man says he now wonders if the revolution doesn't always come about by someone enjoying individual thinking so much that they try and tell others about its pleasure and possibilities.
And Kyroot noted:
The first person ever used as a model for a work entitled, "The Artist", was a revolutionist---	but he didn't pose for it.
...and Kyroot said:
The people, taking their lead from their leaders, and vice versa, bemoaned: "We live in perilous times!"
And time scoffed: "You clowns haven't even got a CLUE!"
This letter:
"Dear Advice Doctor: I have just discovered on my own that when I read words I either think of other words, or see pictures;
How come no one's ever mentioned this before?"
(The Doctor sent him back a tv schedule of the Kyroot Show.)
...and Kyroot said:
A certain man with his own backyard and sky,
Who'd long tried to unravel what life was about,
Eventually concluded that if he could figure out
Who PAID the squirrels and chipmunks for their efforts the rest of it would fall into place.
While we all know that men before him have had such passing notions, He is exceptional in that he takes squirrels and chipmunks to be Primary metaphors for secondary reality.
...and Kyroot repeated:
If life wasn't so simple such complex explanations wouldn't be required.
...and Kyroot expanded:
If life was any more complex such simple explanations wouldn't be possible.
* Tomorrow life will BE more complex. *
...and Kyroot told about:
The Unknown Good News Secretly Announced Daily In The City:
"NO ONE Knows What They've Doing, But See What Little Difference It Makes."
Another great thing about being part of the collective is that you INDIVIDUALLY never have to heave a sigh of relief.
...and Kyroot said:
In a personal "efficiency drive"
One man narrowed down all of his slogans, mottos and words-to-live-by to just this one:
"Weird! -- But Right.
...and Kyroot said:
When they go out for fun ordinary people take along either guns, or sexy underwear.
In another universe, their "Rebel Spotter's Guide"
Says that a revolutionist can be identified as being the one with a Suitcase full of contemplative vibrators.
...and Kyroot said:
There are two types of fleas who will join a rebel's circus, or watch a show like Kyroot's: 
Fleas WITH feet,
And fleas without.
A man's mind finally told him:
"Not only am I now sick of being a plagiarist,
I'm also pretty tired of being a stay-at-home cannibal."
And the guy said: "Well why are you telling ME all this?"
And his mind suddenly slapped itself and shouted: "My GOD! --
Does this mean I'm getting free at last?!"
An ole man told the kid: "A hobby that frightens you is no fit hobby."
Footnote: No ole man ever said this to any city	--	or if he did, they didn't hear him...
	 ...(thank god).
...and Kyroot said:
At The Ole Sorehead's Bar & Grill,
One man gave this versed history of himself:
"Where on a quest -- he made a mess."
...(He says, hell yeah he knows it doesn't exactly rhyme -- but what the hell do you want?!)
...on an alternative note:
A bartender who works there on weekends made this observation:
"No matter HOW often -- and I mean that literally! --
No matter HOW often you vacuum your floors, your floors will still be there!"
...and Kyroot said:
Mentally speaking:
The collective stay together because they look more impressive than they do individually.
...Allegorically speaking:
A kid asked the ole man: "How impressive might a revolutionist look?" And was answered: "He might not look impressive."
Then, pretending to be an announcer, Kyroot pretended to announce:
Remember: Hormones don't cause seriousness -- PEOPLE DO!
And some hormones who heard this thought:
"Yes, even though that's true --still -- how do we STOP it?!"
...Fresh Scientific Item:
The primary world can only be "serious" for a limited amount of time; The secondary world HAS no such constraints.
And those same hormones thought: "Thanks a LOT!"
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The speaker said: "The investigation of thought stops thought." And a kid in the crowd punched a pal and said:
"In that case let's investigate our thoughts."
Check-Point: A revolutionist is only inspired by the revolution.
And now, for your viewing satisfaction: "More Famous Proverbs STRAIGHTENED OUT!":
-There's no fool like an old fool." -- Wrong!;
When the old get old, they don't REALIZE they've become foolish.
(And a viewer wonders to himself "Did that actually 'straighten it out'?"....)
...and another viewer writes:
'It won't do you o-n-e BIT of good to try and play on my sympathy!"
And now for another chapter in that continuing drama: "Words! - The Mind! - And Other Human Stuff!":
To clear the mystery and set the record straight
So that history could move on to other pressing questions,
One man declared: "All right! -- I'll admit it! -- I built the pyramids!"
Tune in next time when you'll be equally informed and aghast.
And for "serious" rebels, (whatever, he says, the hell THAT would be), Kyroot noted:
A revolutionist has only one kind of real fun;
All other fun is just pleasant "time outs" between real fun.
...(0h what fun it is to ride in a no horse open sleigh-a!"
...and Kyroot said:
While the nervous system is undeniably a "two way street," the brain continues to consider itself a cul de sac.
The voice within many a man's mind has cried: "Let me out of here!", But only a few learn how to take this seriously and other-fuckin'-wise.
...and Kyroot said:
Once he could see,
One man got Q-U-I-T-E an eye full!
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An ole man told the kid.
"I'll give you a tip that you may or may not find to be immediately useful, and that is that on a real basic level, people are not really as serious about what they do in life as they appear to be, but this pretense is about the only way to cope."
(And the kid thought: "I just KNEW that had to be the way it was.")
* Easy to hear -- difficult to remember. *
The world's original oxymoronical description: A rebel with no talent.
KYroot's, "Made Up Story For The Day", (don't you wish):
One time this collective said to itself: "If we ALL act weird no one will ever notice!"
Moral: The collective is your friend.
Moral-moral: The collective is YOU!
...(That is, if you're still standing over there with them.)
Then foY your sight-seeing enjoyment, Kyroot pointed out this visitor's favorite in the city:
A man who has a 
Two-bit mind,
Can always have a
Two-bit time.
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...and Kyroot said:
The collective thinking of man is like the world's strongest spiderweb; Made up of the world's weakest individual strands.
...and Kyroot said:
One man suddenly stopped & thought: "Everything you need is right here."
Footnote: No city ever thought this	 (thank god).
More of Kyroot's, "Science Passing For Food": A pie is not a pie until it's cut.
Question: How CAN a person intellectually feed himself without suffering the ills of Incestuous cannibalism?
Answer: You KNOW what the answer is!	-- Okay, what? -- To be a rebel, my boy!
("Well, shit!" thought one lad.
"Now that's about the answer to EVERYTHING, now ain't it?!")
In the speaker's spot in city park a chap heaved-to and began to address those assembled: "A man with glass sexual organs should never...", and a voice from the crowd interrupted: "When you say 'man' do you mean the species or the gender?"
And the speaker appeared momentarily flustered, but then pressed on:
"A person with glass sexual organs should never...", and another voice intruded:
"By saying 'person' do you now intend your remarks not to be limited to either sex specifically? And after a brief pause of the speaker looking off in the distance,
He returned again to his comments
"Any person whatsoever who has a glass brain...", and the crowd broke out in spontaneous applause.
* Multi-directional bunnies, and those with active condos, busy in the basement AND above, Can find humor in the darndest places. *
"Dear Advice Doctor", goes another letter,
"Can a man ever 'know-too-much-for-his-own-good'?"
"Sir: Yes, under one specific condition -- if he ever THINKS he does."
Yielding to temptation, Kyroot popped in long enough to say:
You do realize that the above is more specifically related to NOT knowing, than to knowing?!
...and Kyroot said:
By late afternoon,
After they were ALL pretty well sweated-and-liquored-up,
Local reality flopped on the grass and said to some of the creatures: "Once you die, EVERYBODY will be provided with a ride home."
** Men find the earth to be much too immediate and direct to be a metaphor --
	in fact -- they've never even CONSIDERED IT! **
...and Kyroot said:
Under just routine conditions, collective and rebel thinking can meet;
It generally proves brief, non-injurious, and of no monumental significance.
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...and Kyroot said:
The secondary world of man is the only life boat that in times of calm Will dispatch a floundering liner.
* Moral For The Slightly Wet:
Ersatz despair makes ersatz hamster wheels go round. *
A kid asked an ole man: "Since it's Friday, can I be ersatz when I grow up?", And the elder replied: "If you must -- and hand me my rifle."
And this further correspondence between Miss Etiquette and a viewer:
"Dear Miss Etiquette: Just what IS the ultimate purpose of this revolution-thing?" "Dear Viewer: About the same as is with art."
"But Dear Miss Etiquette: I don't find that art HAS any purpose!"
"Then Dear Viewer: Well, there you are."
..and Kyroot noted:
Rather than staying in apparent conflict with the physical world one man decided: "If I'm nice to it -- it'll be nice to me!" -- then he died and it ate him.
...and Captain Irony said: "Hey!, why didn't somebody call ME?!"
The two-headed man with a woman's beard,
Who swung from his lips, ate hand grenades, read palms, trained elephants, and owned the carnival,
Looked around and said:
"The revolution could just S-P-O-I-L everything!"
...and Kyroot said:
The collective is a shill.
...and Kyroot inquired:
Who has forgotten that five words can say it all ?
...and Kyroot added:
Except in this instance when I had to use more to ask you the damn question about it!
A certain philosophical bricklayer told his apprentice son:
"Time-based problems will bunch up on you -- like your shorts on a hot day."
A viewer writes: "Dear Kyroot: Just what IS the benefit in being the one who WRITES The Kyroots, other than being able to always get in the Final word on each page?"
And Kyroot asked you: Do you find any possible connection between this and you being Kyroot to your own MIND?!
Over in one galaxy, the "Fact Stating Voice" stated:
"Only the short-lived is of value.",
And several unusual creatures said amongst themselves: "Quick! - let's do ourselves in!"
...and Kyroot said:
One man kept a copy of himself on ice just for such occasions.
...and another man put himself on the SPOT! -- but HELL!	what'd HE care!
...and Kyroot said:
What the ordinary call respect is a form of in-herd submission; A rebel mind holds no such regard.
_and Kyroot said:
In man's finite-experienced reality there is only one real magic -- the mind.
...and Kyroot said:
All -- all that keeps a rebel going is his love of the revolution.
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...and Kyroot continued:
All that should keep a rebel going is his love of the revolution -For if it becomes otherwise it becomes just another hobby, or exercise.
It is only a true artist who sees pleasure as the supreme profit.
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The first time the ole man showed the kid the inside of the neighborhood mental saloon he pointed to the heads on the wall and said:
"Only TRUE animal lovers can fully appreciate the beauty of mounted trophies." And thus before ever taking his first drink, the lad became high.
From around a corner comes this explication:
A revolutionist: A warrior with no war to wage.
...and Kyroot said:
When EVERYBODY'S in costume -- NO one looks funny.
...and Kyroot said:
The collective hide in what they don't know -- the rebel comes clean and stripped in what he does.
To those near by, a man said:
"Telling others what to do is a pestilence! ---
Although I'll admit, it pays better than being a revolutionist."
Our new slogan:
If you've not part of the punch tine -- you've part of the problem.
...and Kyroot said:
The true rebel gives it away.
En passant footnote:
The difference between the neural revolution and a political one is that the latter doesn't always promote progress.
...and Kyroot said:
In the rebel mind, the purpose of the revolution is to depose the king and replace him with NO one.
Now for more from the secret dictionary Kyroot keeps partially under his desk:
The Truth: Today's sunrise. New Thinking: Tomorrow's.
...and Kyroot concluded with a fable:
Once upon a time a group of people abandoned all that they owned and knew, and took themselves to a far away place where they spent
countless days meditating and reflecting on the nature of life; then, they began to get old....
....And no longer cared as much....
....And did not notice this occurring.
And Kyroot noted: This is fable -- NOT necessarily history;
For there is a way for a rebel to
Live with his own ole man in a new relationship
SO tender,& SO powerful as to be SWEET in its excruciation.