Jan Cox Talk 1024

Only Man Seeks Approval


Audio = Stream from the bar; download from the dots
NOTE: there is a 19 minute addendum on the audio that was not for camera.

Summary = See below
Condensed News Items = See Below
News Item Gallery = jcap 92104 -1024
Transcript = None
Key Words =


#1024 Sep 14, 1992 – 1:19
Notes by TK

Kyroot to :30. Only man seeks approval; it is the basis of the absolute need for plagiarism, but it is also pathetic. 

Talent and thinking are not necessarily the same thing. // Audio-only :19.

The News

92104- 1
…and Kyroot said:
The gravity of earth is such that it draws men’s attention before anything else.

…and Kyroot said:
A rebel who feeds his weakness feeds his enemies.

…and Kyroot made reference to:
“The Great Struggle: — (If It Does Exist) — Redefined”:
Now between security & stabilization, versus non-aligned imagination.

…and Kyroot said:
Those who REALLY know how to be selfish never discuss the subject.

…and Kyroot observed:
It’s hard to keep something even as frivolous as a carnival going
If you don’t have another upcoming town scheduled.

Editor: Mis-print here

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…and Kyroot said;
The “Good, Uplifting, Encouraging News For The Day”, (believe it!):
Only a revolutionist REALLY knows how “bad things are”!

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…during special times of special upheavals
Many in the city say to themselves in secret:
“I have anomalies in my electrical circuits,
And little stark-fish in my bloodstream.”
(I know it sounds a bit silly when put to paper, out in the open,
But at the time it does them a lot of good — it really, really does.)

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The man first in line at the stamp machine said to a woman who had just stopped
To tie her shoe:
“History only proves one thing — that man has a decent memory.”

(A viewer comments:
“Although it seems I’ve heard fiction take a few blows on your show,
Isn’t that, after all, what these Kyroots are themselves?!”
[And K. kounter-komments: What is it that men’s minds could say that would
truly be ‘non-fiction?’])

…and Kyroot said:
One earth observer recently noted:
“Perhaps both the most human and most pathetic of displays
Is men seeking approval.”

With every new car the ole man gave his kids,
He put this note under the wiper blade:
“A fool has nothing to lose supporting foolish ideas.”

(At a sophisticated condo party one tenant asked a neighbor:
“Why do bankers never see UFO’s, or astronomers religious apparitions?”
[Tip: The proper answer is not as simplistic, or incriminating
As ordinary, critical revelers would have it.])

…and Kyroot noted:’
A man with the stirrings of complex thought aroused within,
Said to himself:
“If you try and go by the wisdom of the collective
You’ll be lucky to even GET by.”

…and Kyroot said:
Just before the morning “Goo break” the rebel teacher told the students:
“Having categories can be useful — meaningless, but useful.”

…and Kyroot said:
Ragged-edges are of little significance until you begin to LIVE out there.

(Someone inquires: “Is this why the word, ‘Conversion’ doesn’t appear in
Most rebel dictionaries?”)

…and Kyroot read from, “Captain’s Star-Fleeting Manual” for a fabulous Friday:
“And yet again,
The scene seemed intent to play itself out,
Wherein the voices agreed: ‘Let us study and discuss the maps
Until-we are too tired to travel!.”

…(And local life said: “GOOD-D-D voices! — good little voices.”)

Hint time! — Hint time!;
Another of those medically safe, pure, and purely objective hints —
Free of all harmful negative or discouraging additives;
Just the hints folks — just the hints:

Talent and thinking may not be exactly the same thing.

…then giving you a “knowing-nudge”, Kyroot said:
Take a tip from hip buildings: You can either sweat from the bottom up, or from the top down..

Searching for a fitting verbal picture the man finally stated: |
“Ordinary thinking is like the missionary position of the intellect.”

…and Kyroot said:
Seeking to look out after your own best, self-interests can prove most entangled and puzzling
If you DON’T know who you’re working for.
…(Which is one reason men are drawn to religion so that they can
Try to believe that they ARE in service to a known entity.)

After being around humans too long,
This one dog,
(As he began to think he was “improving”)
Decided that instead of fleas he now needed beetles.

(One day, [when they could both talk], a brain said to a stomach:
“That’s the striking drawback to suicide — no encore’s possible.”)

To the Advice Doctor a man writes:
“Dear Doctor: Do you think Kyroot would consider the writing of human interest stories
After a natural catastrophe concerning those involved
To be a form of plagiarism?”
Sir: What do you think?

(A good thief can steal from many sources;
Man is such a thief,
And life offers such a variety.)

And Kyroot brought forward this expansion-cum-update:
Truth IS: In the secondary world,
The “Real Drifters”
Can’t EVER show up again even if they wanted to.

…(And K. addendumized even this exposition:
Not only is the above, “Hard but true,”
But the knowledge OF same can save you
Many useless, “prices-of-admission.”)

This morning one of the speakers in city park proclaimed:
“Only the stupid are not pissed — and the intelligent who ARE
are obviously NOT intelligent enough!”

..(No one in the crowd seemed to have the nerve to respond.)

…and Kyroot said:
Regarding the rebel’s own self-reconnaissance:
Even when no one else was looking–he was.

Query: Is confinement with an acknowledged, “No possibility of escape,” really a prison?

Addendum: Those of limited vision,
In speculative stockades,
Always dream of the outside.

A rebel advisor told some troops:
“Another financial benefit of thinking in this non-aligned manner is that
You save the expense of having to pay someone else to tell you
When to feel ashamed and exposed.”

…and Kyroot said:
Whenever the rebel surgeon would operate on himself
And an inch needed to be removed,
He’d secretly take off a foot.

A viewer writes:
When I first ran across your show on tv I thought it was a comedy;
Then after watching a few more I wasn’t quite sure what it was;
And now I’m beginning to think it might be a horror movie.
Does this mean I’m starting to understand what it REALLY is?”

(And quietly Kyroot asked: Do you want to reply, “Could be,”
Or let me do it?)

…and Kyroot said:
In a certain land, (yet to be fully explored),
If you are captured the king will give you your choice of
Either being executed, or publicly laughed at.

And, oh yeah, another viewer-wrote:
“I decided that trying to ‘figure-out’ what the revolution is, is a chump-job;
Since then I feel better and get more out of the show.
Yours, etc.”

One ole semi-straightened-out-sorehead said:
“Being alive’s a funny proposition — not funny enough to make you laugh — but, funny.”

…a viewer inquires:
“Why do you continue to use the figure of, ‘The ole sorehead’ in your stories,
When you have plain, ordinary people available?!”

…and Kyroot said:
A person out-of-control is still under someone’s control.

(The ducks told the chickens: “No matter HOW crazy you act,
They still expect you to lay eggs.”)

And, oh yeah again –one man says:
“When you’re the combination that I am–
An ole sorehead,
a human,
and an objective observer of life,
at least you don’t have to go out looking for examples to scoff at.”

Then Kyroot told this, “Fable,” (you fill in the appropriate adjective after you hear it):
One man spent all of his wealth, resources, and savings and then realized that he had
Another forty years to live!
(Note: And the problem was not that he would “hungry for-food….”

Standing in his driveway a man looked up and mused:
“If ‘feeling bad’ HAD any positive aspects
We’d all be feeling GREAT by now.”

(Another interesting chapter in the care-&-feeding of creatures in a closed-system.)

And a man asks: “How can something be ‘interesting’ that doesn’t work?”
And Kyroot answered: Same way they’re interesting when they DO.

(Another interesting chapter in the continuing saga of trying to get a refund
For merchandise you got in a store where you work,
Which prints the only currency known,
And in which you were born and will be buried. . . . . .
[Under such conditions is not the notion
of “refunds” at least mildly interesting?”

…and one of the rebel tour guide/amateur-historians noted:
During the recent ten thousand years,
There HAS been a high jacking — no one’s ever told the bus driver!”

A correspondent who has been following these programs
Contacts us to say that he is planning a new book to be entitled:
“The Natural Superiority Of The Secondary Over The Primary World,”
(With the subtitle: “How To Starve OR Stuff Your Way To Health And Happiness.”)

(There was once a man who had a little rule,
And his little rule said:
“Never compliment the primary world — it doesn’t need it, and can’t hear it;
And never compliment the secondary world….”)

Unauthorized data regarding secondary, military maneuvers:
Phantom foes can be driven away with baseless threats.

…(Armies of dust are subject to wind;
…[Which is why you should never toss holy books up in the air;
…(Of course, at battlefield level no one is supposed to take any account of this.)]

…and Kyroot said:
A fellow confides in us — just in us, mind you — that at an
Extraordinary, singular, unforgettable moment in his life,
He once suddenly realized fully the direct simplicity of even HUMAN life;
And at the same instant recognized exactly what the revolution “WAS,”
And how near IMPOSSIBLE it was due to a like directness and simplicity.

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…a man near a lightning rod notes:
“If you CAN’T really understand what this revolution-thing is all about,
At least it’s good to know no one else can either.” — (Zap! – Boom! – Tra la la la.)

And still, oh-yeah-yet-once-more —
One man says it’s harder for him to be rebellious in cold weather
Since his best parts tend to shrivel up.

The Advice Doctor received the following letter:
“Dear Doctor: Since we’re all gonna get sick and die what difference does it make anyway?!” Dear Sir: I’m not THAT kind of doctor!

…and Kyroot said:
It is a mistake to simply believe that it is those in the basement who want to
Bring dawn those upstairs — No!, look to the bourgeois on the middle floors.

(That which would hinder a rebel is never “way out front,” OR “too far behind.”)

…although it is not codified in their military manuals,
The true attitude of city thought-generals is that:
“A good and tolerable foe is one that is far — far away.”

9 2 1 0 4 -4 5 Though being allegorically tempted to slap the young sapling up side the head,
The ole man instead told the kid the following:
“Simplistic thinking is not allowed to RUN in our family,
And you should at least today take note of the fact that
To SOME identifiable entities in this world
A septic tank is paradise.”

(Goo field parallel: The food chain runs in only one direction
For those who LOOK in only one direction.)

…and Kyroot said:
A person with serious Mary problems doesn’t have to LOOK for additional Lamb-difficulties.

(And the Emergency Room team supporting Dr. K., added:
“It’s hard, but it’s true;
And it’s better you know it now than later. ….
except for the fact that if you don’t know it already,
him telling you won’t help.”
…[“Yep!”, said an orderly, “it is hard, but
It could be worse — at least it wasn’t a gun shot.”])

…and Kyroot said:
A man thought an amazing thing: “Trying to figure life out is fun only as long as it’s fun.”

(K.’s korollary: If more people ever thought this just imagine how depressed would be
The city’s commercial real estate market.)

…and Kyroot said:
One day when The Control Forces in charge of one local reality
Were momentarily “not looking” this one man thought:
“Recovery from attempted suicide is not much in the way of real progress.”

…(As soon as their attention was back on him he pretended he’d never, thought it.)

and Kyroot said:
The salesmen showed the customer several models mortals might be:
“Over here we have: ‘A tired man is a happy man,’
And then we have: ‘A successful man is a happy man,’
And right here: ‘A happy man is a happy man,'”
And the shopper exclaimed: “And you mean I really have my choice?!”

(The old magician told his young apprentice:
“The most important thing in this kind of act is to
Get the audience to ‘play along’ with the illusion you’re trying to perform,”
And the lad asked: “But what if they won’t?”
And the older one replied: “Oh, but they WILL! — indeed they will!”
…[Someone might ask: “Well in that case why did the experienced conjurer
even bother to SAY that you should ‘(get the audience’ to play along with the chicanery?!”])

A man offers this “tip,” (says he):
“Note that ALL the popular religions are FILLED with personal anecdotes! —
Huh?! – Huh?! -Got the point?!-Huh?!”

…and Kyroot said:
From the center of the mind
To its outskirts
Is as far as any city bus goes.

. .(If you want to go any further
You’ve got to be willing to chance bicycles-with-wings, or
Hang ON to someone’s skirt.)

One of the tenants turned to some friends and said:
“If it is suffer we must — 1st us do it in the basement.
(Stupidity subdued is stupidity managed —
except for the fact that if it didn’t ever say anything,
it couldn’t be stupid to begin with. …

[I don’t like it, Martha, I don’t like it one little bit.”]

And this letter from a viewer into our other associate here at the show:
“Dear Miss Etiquette: Is it ever acceptable to laugh at something
Just because you don’t understand it?”
Dear Viewer: You mean OTHER than oneself?

Over in the city
One parent told their child:
“Never date anyone as ugly as you, or be friends with any as dumb.”
And the child thought: “SO! — it’s to be the life of a hermit for me, eh?!”

(A viewer writes:
“I wish you’d stop all these stories about ‘Ole men & the kid” kinda stuff;
Even if it IS meant metaphorically — everybody KNOWS people don’t actually
talk to themselves like that! So hey! Come off it.”)

A man who does NOT work for the city sent this message:
“NOBODY deserves to be picked on! —
but looked at even more expansively, no one deserves ANY thing.”

…{He acknowledges up front
The insanity of this,
But says considering the audience
For which it’s intended
“What’s the problem- Eh?!”)

Looking at his canine bud on the floor, a guy thought:
“When it comes right down to it,
My talk probably means about as much to me as it does to him.”

…(“Jeeze!”, wheezed the curtains, “what a thing for a human to say!”)

“Yes!”, boomed the confident voice, “yes, boys & girls, ladies & gentlemen:.
A revolutionist doesn’t LIVE by the same rules as everyone else — yes, sir-ee, he does not;
And you want to know WHY? — You want to know really WHY? —
Well, I’ll tell you this much:
It’s not for the reason you’re NOW thinking!”
“Yes!” the voice boomed on, “Yes, indeed it’s true.”

A correspondent enters into it with us with this observation:
“If I have correctly understood something you recently said,
And I expended it into another area, then I am faced with this possibility:
That all ignorance is caused by knowledge –
— Could this be true?
Yours,” etc.

…and Kyroot-0/-The Akropolis said:
In Athens,
Those who decide to become Socrates,
Unwittingly, as their second act,
Arrange for an accusatory quorum of the Senate.

This conversation from the “D” section of the human song book:
First man says: “Experience changes as memory changes.”
And the second man says: “But my memory doesn’t change much.”
. . . . . . . . . . . and after a considerable pause the first man says:
You’re not waiting for me to reply to that — are you?”

…and Kyroot said:
Through clichés, proverbs, and truisms
Men comment on the nature of human nature,
But only non-aligned, revolutionist thinking
Can comment on the nature of the systems that CAUSE men to make such comments.

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And still another letter in to the Advice Doctor today:
“Dear Doctor: Some times I believe I hear Mother Earth calling me,
And at other times I think it is Father Cosmos;
Which do you think it is?”
Sir: I am not that kind of doctor either — perhaps what you need is an acoustical engineer.

Extract from a recent in-city, important conversation between two important figures:
First voice says: “A man with a rash may be the last in line-to see the priest.”
And the second voice says: “Is there any particular reason for this?”
And the first voice replies: “Yes, several,
And one of them is that the man may want to see a physican-first
To determine just how he GOT the rash.”

Moral, (if thou insisteth): Even the dumb aren’t all THAT dumb when necessary.

From our tv audience comes yet additional correspondence:
“Before I go ahead and watch your show too much, I want to ask you:
If I DID start thinking out of the ordinary
Could I ever stop it and go back to like before?”

(Tip from the “Cable Huckster’s Secret Handbook”:
“Shows with poor ratings pretend to get an increase in ‘Letters From Viewers.'”)

With direct eye contact,
An ole men told the kid:
“You can forget about wars, and earthquakes, and monetary depressions,
For until you’ve had trouble in the condo among the tenants — you don’t know what trouble is.

…then The Kyroot Konsortium “The Mother of All Info Sources”: announced:.
Whenever the end-was-near
This one man wouldn’t say anything.
(Service-provider’s caution.: This datum is useful only to those who experience
Multiple “ends-are-near.”)

Harboring certain seditious sentiments for several seasons,
This one man one day told himself quite sincerely:
“If drowning — a rebel shouldn’t take anybody else down with him’….. Hell!”
(He added to his thoughts), “He shouldn’t even take HIM down with him!”

And Kyroot offered this useful “short circuit” for some otherwise useless plans:
If you discuss death, you’ll die.

…one man’s mind told him:
“Some of these ideas wouldn’t be so bad if they weren’t so short.”

…and Kyroot said:
Man’s future is in fur and fat.

…and Kyroot said:
What the ordinary perceive as man being in conflict with his environment
Is no less than progress itself.

…and Kyroot said:
The fuller future is in fur and fat by the jukebox.

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And now for, “The Gospel According To Kyroot”: There AIN’T no gospel.
(He says to remind you to:
Drive home carefully,
Have a nice hot meal,
And don’t let it get-you-down.)

…and off to the side Kyroot made a note:
In both the primary and secondary worlds it’s never simply a question of being,
“Pleasured” or not,
But always a matter Of:,
“A little of this — a little of that.”