Jan Cox Talk 0872

The Ordinary Mind Knows Nothing on Its Own


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#872 Sep 23, 1991 – 1:00 
Notes by TK

Kyroot to :21. Enriched simplicity is like being hip, while he who lets on he’s hip is no longer so. The continual flux and conflict of thoughts is the opposition that keeps the ordinary “I” stable and enthroned. The Neural Revolutionist uses collective maps less and personal ones more. The ordinary mind knows nothing on its own, w/o institutional formulation from somewhere within the spectrum spanning state to religion.


…and Kyroot said:
Instead of just talking to himself
This one guy decided to get married, and
His partner said, “Nobody asked ME.”,
So the guy said, “So I’m asking.”
And his brain bud fluttered its eyes and said, “I do.”

…and Kyroot said:
Purposeful distraction is a form of instruction.

…and Kyroot said:
In a brilliant, breath-taking move,
The people of this one reality
Divided up their alphabet into separate letters.
(After THAT,
It was all gravy,
Down hill,
And sailing as smooth as a lawyer’s request for an extension.)

…and Kyroot said:
Feeling that the time was ripe and promising,
The ole man took the kid into the back room,
Closed the door and warned him,
“When it comes to ordinary city affairs you sure need to remember that from, ‘being sincere‘ to being ‘serious‘ is just one small step.”

…and Kyroot said:
The general had two different stories;
One for the king, and one for his own staff;
What he told His Grace was, “It’s best to be strong and smart” –
(Can you guess what he told his own men?)

…and Kyroot said:
One man finally decided that if he could ever get the external, physical affairs of his home and office perfectly and permanently tidied up,
that his mind would follow suit.
His sofa and two filing cabinets asked if he’d consider
the alternative approach and work on his brain first.

04/24/91- (3.5′)
…and Kyroot said:
Were it not for the physical potency of hormones,
the validity of the phrase, “Out of sight, out of mind” would not be so incontrovertible.

04/24/91- (4)
…and Kyroot said:
One man says that life is already such a challenge that
He’s decided .to go ahead and look at it as being a challenge.

…and Kyroot said:
The head of the Philosophy Department received a post card that asked, “Does man write with his hand, eye, or tongue?”

…and Kyroot said:
A certain deity noted,
“One of the nice things about being a god is that you don’t have to make decisions.” And on hearing this,
One of his creatures thought,
“WOW! — same down this way.”

…and Kyroot said:
Referring to himself as a “constant viewer”
One correspondent says that although he has no particular “Ax to grind,”
He still wonders where he COULD get such an
Implement sharpened if he ever wanted to.

…and Kyroot said:
Only the revolutionist leader has no natural constituency.
(What additional employment benefits could BE desired!)

…and Kyroot said:
Upon reflection
This one fellow says he’s inclined to
Think about his best intellectual efforts as,
Synchronized Swimming for The Mind.

…and Kyroot said:
The rebel sergeant told some of the fresh recruits,
“Around here we don’t mind if you’re hurt by bullets,
But anyone injured by words gets a stretch in the stockade.”

…and Kyroot said:
In the city,
Most men’s operational definition of reality amounts to little more than their
passing impression of temporary order.

…and Kyroot said:
Bending over and whispering low,
One older view told its younger counterpart,
“There are two types of men who deny and dismiss
The idea of a continuing, world wide conspiracy: Those who know nothing about it, And those who do.”

…and Kyroot said:
In one other-worldly-lab
They decided that ANY experiment was quote, “Successful”, un-quote, that didn’t either kill you,
Or cause you to lose your grant.

…and Kyroot said:
Another episode in that popular series,
“That’s Why Gods Are Gods And You Can Only READ About ‘Em”:
This one Big Kuhuna had one favorite game,
And one favorite only;
He called it, “Hey – Let’s All Look At Me.”
And what with him being a god and all,
He easily had the power to enforce the game’s ONLY rule.

…and Kyroot said:
Just being alive and being normal is sometimes known as, “The Simple Solution.”

–and Kyroot said:
To the revolutionist,
The difference between “purposeful” and, non-purposeful” is kinda like the difference between
“Knowing what you’re doing”
“Doing what you’re knowing.”

…and Kyroot said:
No two thoughts are alike (except for those forty-nine million over there).

…and Kyroot said:
After years of controversy regarding his reign
this one reality – in admitting nothing – admitted EVERY thing.

…and Kyroot said:
Life itself doesn’t HAVE to be serious — not as long as it has YOU to do it for it.

…and Kyroot said:
When it was heard that a certain writer didn’t read other people’s books
He was asked, “Is that so that you won’t be possibly influenced by their work?” To which he replied, “Quite the contrary.”

…and Kyroot said:
Some time later he was then asked, “By, ‘Quite the contrary’, do you mean that literally the opposite is true?”
And he replied, “Most certainly.”

…..(And even later on,
the man who had asked these questions felt confused and strangely refreshed.)

…and Kyroot said:
If you believe certain other people are inferior to you,
There’s little chance you’re correct:
If you think they’re about the same as you, you’re probably right;
If you feel YOU may be inferior to them, there’s again a slight chance you’re correct.

…and Kyroot said:
From the mail, this letter:
“I myself, am an intellectual,
And therefore NOT a faithful fan of your program,
But I do wish to respond to what seems to be
Your most recent general, though subtle, thrust
By telling you that if I ever discovered
There WAS some specific connection between
Intelligence and hormones I’d kill my self.
…(Plus I’d NEVER watch your show again).
Mentally Yours, etc.”

…and Kyroot said:
Life IS precious if that’s all you’ve GOT!

…and Kyroot said:
The ole man bellowed out,
“I told you never talk to a cripple about his condition.”
And the kid yelled back his protest, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And the ole man kicked him smartly in his bad leg.

…and Kyroot said:
Responding to a comment regarding his reclusiveness,
This one chap said,
“Well, if I WANTED to talk to anyone, I’d turn on the television.”

…and Kyroot said:
In the time slot between the Talent and the Beauty Portions,
(Given over to lamenting, and in some pageants known as the “Lamenting Segment”) one contestant lamented,
“If it weren’t for me, anybody wouldn’t have me.”
And his cousin, Mister Pseudo-Congeniality, replied,
“I believe you have that backwards,
I believe what you MEANT to say was that
If it weren’t for yourself YOU wouldn’t have anybody.”
And the by-now-flustered, first contestant
Ripped off his sash, threw down his tiara and screamed, “That’s the very REASON why they shouldn’t ALLOW relatives to appear in the same Kyroot!”

…and Kyroot said:
Yesterdays struggle with the body; Life’s future, with the mind.

…and Kyroot said:
One man said,
“I used to find it fun to try and imagine what it would be like to be someone else.” And his buddy said,
“How curio-so, I used to do just the opposite.”

…and Kyroot said:
A completed equation is a dead equation.

…and Kyroot said:
Whoever would break stride long enough to take one,
was handed a card that informed them of the card-hander’s view:
“History is the only science run by amateurs.”
(Over coffee, he admitted that he
didn’t know whether he was referring to the academic, or the personal.)

…and Kyroot said:
For his birthday,
One chap gave himself the following maxim: “All mirrors are metaphors–except those into which I gaze.”

…and Kyroot said:
As he half-heartedly pushed the pancakes around on his plate, he mused, “Is it possible to be alive without being irritated?
Is it possible to be irritated without thinking?
Is it possible to be ALIVE without thinking?”
(And he said THAT was as far as even HE cared to take it.)

…and Kyroot said:
This one god quit even going around his creatures;
The way he put it was,
“Once they started interviewing each OTHER – what’s the use.”

…and Kyroot said:
Although everything may “have its season,”
the revolutionist never tells the field hands when it might be.
(In city, neural affairs:
when underlings know your business – you ain’t GOT no business.
…[or, as ole uncle No-Name used to say,
“If someone else knows what your decision is, your decision is already half ruint.”])

…and Kyroot said:
Things collectively held to be serious
Can be of no consequence to him seeking the ultimate joke.

…and Kyroot said:
The king told the accused, verbal traitor,
“Give me a single, acceptable reason for your actions, And I’ll free you, or something equally as good.” And the man replied, “My hormones made me do it.”
His Grace turned to his Major General and directed,
“Execute EVERY body, then kill yourself,
And leave cyanide pills for me and the kid.”

…and Kyroot said:
Although he couldn’t explain it, admit it, or define it,
This one man thought of everyone else as the “Before” photo, and himself as the, “After” shot.

…and Kyroot said:
On the annual occasion when the city would allow the Minister Of Old Inner Affairs to publicly speak, he this time proclaimed,
“The mental and spiritual workings of man
are like the continual re-setting of a clock.”
(There are those who believe that even
once a year is too much.)

…and Kyroot said:
As he was about to die,
This one man, pushing himself FAR beyond any previously known bounds of patriotism, Declared,
“I regret that I have but one life.”

…and Kyroot said:
Making that noise singular to revolutionist camp reveille,
The sergent fell the troups out,
And told ’em,
“Okay, look sharp, Early Morning Proverb Update:
Listen close ’cause I’m only gonna say this once: ‘Fear is the mother of all thought.'”

…and Kyroot said:
Only those who CAN’T, say they can.

…and Kyroot said:
Whenever he’d hear one of his creatures proclaim,
“We cannot know where we are going if we do not remember where we have been.” This one reality would realize that he’d again stumbled into,
The Backward Zone.
…(The school catalogue assures all prospective students that the study of garbage CAN be,
“Most refreshing.” )

…and Kyroot said:
The king stood before parliament as does one’s neural I before All the combatants who keep it enthroned.

…and Kyroot said:
A certain lad, filled with promise,
Was constantly reminded by his elder leader
Not to let ordinary men know what you’re thinking,
And at a later stage in his life he suddenly realized there was a REAL simple way to accomplish this.

…and Kyroot said:
The Revolutionist University has no departments, or separate courses.

…and Kyroot said:
Once the crowd had calmed and hushed in that speakers’ area of city park, the ole sorehead pulled tight his tights about him, and took center soapbox. He stroked his beard, gazed dramatically down, then off to the distance, then began to discourse,
“All the world’s a play,
And all the men and women paid too much to get in.”

…and Kyroot said:
Standing at the head of his own table,
He rapped on a water glass for the attention of His own dining counterparts,
Then announced,
“In my continuing attempt to bring you nothing but the best in human thought,
I have spared no expense, and have, in fact,
Now arranged for the use of someone ELSE’S mind.”
(He sat himself down- to appropriate applause.

…[One bundle, seated down toward the simple end of the repast noted, “Tis tricky to think with your mouth full”].)

…and Kyroot said:
A recent letter we received reads as follows:
“Dear Kyroot:
My older brother and I get together to watch your show every time it’s on, and some weeks he finds it hilarious while I find it frightening, and then next time our reactions are literally reversed.
What I want to know is if you think
He actually IS my ‘older’ brother,
Or is it a ruse?
Yours Sincerely,
Sometimes laughing,
Sometimes trembling.”

-…and Kyroot said:
After several years of skating awesomely close to the far edge of city thought,
This one chap’s brain suddenly turned on him and said, “Say look,
now you know damn well there’s still got to be SOME things that MUST be taken seriously.”
And becoming sharply suspicious he asked,
“Hey – who is this? – My Mary, or my Lamb mind?
…..and, oh yeah – are you
calling collect?”

…and Kyroot said:
One guy was a LOT dumber than he thought — But Hey!, give him a break, how was HE supposed to know?!

…and Kyroot said:
In one of the city malls
A chap stopped me and said
He didn’t believe that dumbness actually existed–and even if it did, he didn’t think it was as bad as alleged.

…and Kyroot said:
One god offered his creatures a deal: “I’ll quit bothering you
If you’ll quit bothering me.”

.…and Kyroot said:
Where words govern, life is most robust.

…and Kyroot said:
The longer he rode this curious road
the less he feared being trailed by sickness or death, but rather by complacency and content.