Jan Cox Talk 0125

Mathematical Physics Almost Discovers Anti-You, and 4-D Suddenness Escapes 3-D Gradual-ity


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Jan Cox Talk 125, Sep 13. 1984, runtime 1:55
Notes by TK

The sensation of time flowing may be tied to humans being tied to a radiant source (the sun). Time having a sense of flowing and almost stopping.

The virtue of D-force is the preparation of, the beginning of C-force and defense against stagnation.

Shape memory/ muscle memory: example of alloy heated to spring back into original shape; Life applies heat/stress to a man to snap him back into original shape/purpose. Shape memory is a part of a man’s hardwired personality.

All words and names are euphemisms. A deck of cards shuffled apparently disorders it. This example is used to support the notion the universe is proceeding toward chaos.  But no one can ordinarily see that 52 cards mixed up is still 52 cards.  Only the relationships between the superimposed names of the cards have been changed.

The concept of “gradual” serves a purpose in Life, but This Thing is not gradual.  How could the gates of 3-D thinking ever be stormed by a gradual attack?



Document:  125, September 13, 1984
Copyright (c) Jan M. Cox, 1984

I wonder if there’s ever been such a thing as a guru with good posture.

Everyone reading or listening to these talks for a length of time has had the sensation that he is hearing ideas repeated and restated, that I’m speaking about the same thing I’ve talked about before.  When you have Seen something on your own about an area I spoke of months ago, you connect your understanding with what I’m describing.  To some of you it seems that I’m saying something you’ve heard before.  In a quite real way, the message is always new.  What was done six months ago is ancient history, is no longer alive.  You are hearing a jazz performance using a melody that sounds familiar, turning it upside down and inside out.  The presentation is not so drastic that I babble incoherently.  There is enough of a familiar theme that you may recognize it, but it is new.

Shortly I will again apparently talk about science and mathematics, but first you should distinctly see that I am using these currently accepted observations as maps, as a reflection of what can be Seen; the purpose is not to discuss science.  This Thing now must always have a map.  Otherwise, your involvement is limited to your relationship with a teacher, a type of Blue Circuit influence due to just being in the presence of someone who knew what you were looking for.  This form of relationship was the basis of many ancient schools.  There is a reality behind this influence of a “guru” on a student, and it is still available.  But it is not profitable for people here and now.

There has to be a map, one which is familiar enough that we seem at least to be speaking the same language.  Until now the maps that have been used have always been religious.  These maps are worn out and are no longer efficient.  Can you see that if I, too, used one of the religious scriptures — and my new interpretations of it — as the basis for a map, This Thing would not be moving at the same speed? Occasionally I pull out old teachings as examples to get you to look in an unaccustomed direction, but you should be able to smell that the religious maps are drained and dying.  Another possibility would be to start from scratch and invent a new system with all new strange words, to tell you that life is such-and-such with A, B and C spirits.  I could create a whole new universe and then try to move you on top of the map.  A further possibility is to pull out popularized theories in science and use them as a disposable map.  Coincidentally the map derived from science fits.  Even observations from that strange world of particle physics are usable.  But realize that we are not talking about science, that if the time had been right I could have used an ancient religious text as the basis for a map.

There is a fourth dimension reality behind the psychological and spiritual explanations of human behavior.  One aspect I’ll mention has a parallel in particle physics.  Physicists have observed that subatomic particles can split apart at great velocity, even moving in opposite directions approaching the speed of light, and the separating particles seem to be in communication with each other.  If you apply energy to one of the particles there is a corresponding effect on another traveling in the opposite direction.  A transfer of information/heat/energy occurs at a speed inexplicable to the ordinary level of consciousness.  This observation reflects a non-local nature of apparent reality.  A corresponding condition is extant in Man’s nervous system:  that which he accepts as correct and that which he rejects are in constant, instantaneous, secret communication.

What seems to be the past, the present, and the future are all interconnected.  Their communication travels either in a direction or at a velocity wherein the connection cannot be seen.

You should forget everything that has happened to you.  Memory serves the purpose of transferring energy, a necessary function for humanity.  It should be clear that the world of Man would not operate if there were no such thing as memory, but memory is also the basis of unnecessary suffering.  All your life you have been plagued by imagined guilt, debts and remorse.  It is a profitable and quick lesson to learn that you can stop such suffering.  You simply stop remembering them, stop them from reaching the screen of consciousness.  Normally the screen is continually filled by the running static of voices and pictures from memory.  You can decrease the resolution and the volume until the static almost stops, it fades into background noise and becomes irrelevant.  In a sense you can turn your attention away from the screen and continue to function.

Perhaps you have always felt that you mistreated your mother, and you wish she were alive now so that you could repay this debt.  But she’s dead and you can’t undo what’s done.  You can discover that you can stop thinking about it, that your psychological demons can fade into background noise.  You almost forget, if not your mother, what seemed to be the unprofitable binding between you and your mother.  In a sense, you can kill the past.  Psychiatry, of course, would say that it won’t work, that ignoring a problem is no cure.  It is a common belief that trying to hide a problem will ultimately make you ill, give you ulcers, etc. That is correct at the ordinary level — it won’t work, and if it did work no one would see the validity or benefit.  Above the ordinary Line level of consciousness, to forget a problem is to kill it.  If there is something in the past that you can’t seem to handle, about which you feel guilty or feel a debt is owed to you, tear it up and forget it.  It can be done, and it is no great trick.

In a another sense, you cannot correctly say that the past is dead and gone, because you can revive it. You can bring back the dead — not that they will ever look radiant or run five miles, but they are resurrected nonetheless.  All that is required is for you to think about what has happened.  If you remember a comment that you took to be an insult or you recall a harrowing experience, your body begins to react physiologically to the memory of an incident that may have occurred ten years ago.  The areas of time that seem to be easily dividable into past, present, and future are wired together, but not in the straight line that I use for graphic representation of the flow of time, my Xross.

Science is also speculating about the possibility that light is tied to our sense of time.  I’ll present the scientific theory by combining several ideas that are floating around in science now.  In a sense, I am making up part of the theory, but looked at in a certain way This Thing is on the cutting edge of science. The theory is that the sensation of time flowing is dependent on the continual flow of a source of energy, light from the sun.  If we did not have this continual source of energy, there would be no sensation of time. What would happen to time if the sun was a heat sink, if instead of radiating energy it were eating energy? If you were on a planet circling an anti-sun, the sensation of time might flow in another direction.  Assume that is somebody’s theory.

In the personal isolated reality of your own experience you have all noticed that an activity which seems to be closer tied to a source of radiation, to a source that has C virtues, has the sensation of moving faster.  Time passes quickly when you’re having fun.  When you are in the control of an energy eater which we might say has virtues closer to D, the experience seems to drag on and on.  Who has had root canal work, had the dentist announce that he is finished, and said: “Is that all?  Boy, it went so fast, could you do another one while I’m here?”  Time does have a distinct personal feeling of either flowing at a brisk and pleasant pace or at other times almost stopping.  The feeling is related to whether you are involved in an activity which seems to be more creative, radiating energy in the physical sense of the sun, or you are under the sway of a source of decay, a heat sink.

Physicists observe that they can affect a body in one location, and simultaneously they affect a part of it which has split off and is moving away in the opposite direction at the speed of light.  This notion sounds impossible.  The scientific community presumes that the non-localized activity they are witnessing represents the workings of an abstruse part of reality, far removed from the reality by which humanity functions.  That world of subatomic particles is obviously not the world of traffic grids and communication satellites, which must be operating in a linear order where a cause produces an effect at some discernible location.

The world of linear cause and effect is a product of Line- level consciousness.  As a base for getting above the ordinary Line, you have to get consciousness unlocalized.  Your normally active circuitry tells you (and you tell everyone else) that you are this or that, that “Yes, I am a Jew and not a Christian,” “I’m Irish and not German,” “I believe in this, not in that folderol.”  From that position you will get nowhere.  You cannot ignite the higher areas of the nervous system as a Christian, Jew, Buddhist, white person, black person, tall, short, ignorant, or intelligent person.  If you’re anything, you’re stuck.

You have to activate the unactivated side of consciousness, the denying circuits.  Whatever one person may believe to be true, someone else espouses the opposite belief with equal passion — and it’s all irrelevant as far as Seeing what is.  In a sense you must unlocalize consciousness.  To use the observations of subatomic physics, that which ordinary consciousness accepts and that which it rejects become simultaneously known to you.  You are aware of the communication between them and are not localized here or there.  Of course, ordinarily, if someone says to you, “We have to support the President,” you may respond in appropriate agreement, but you are a liar.  It is irrelevant whether your voices would tell you to agree or to disagree.  You know where your consciousness would localize, which is to know nothing.  To be unlocalized is to understand that I have an unactivated side which is the complement of everything in me that wants to agree (or disagree).  This unactivated side does not reach the screen of consciousness with the same intensity, but it is present.  Both sides are like particles moving in opposite directions at the speed of light, and what one knows the other one knows.  At the ordinary level that can’t be true; it would be insanity.

People attempting This Thing, which amounts to the igniting of a Fourth Circuit, will sometimes find themselves in a state of boredom or of discouragement regarding the direction of their efforts.  I’ll give you something to attempt which is the ultimate cure for boredom (but is not limited to that use):  continually try to reignite that Fourth Circuit, for which the potential is already present in Man.  You cannot do so and at the same time be bored.  There is nothing boring or discouraging in the Fourth Circuit, which is not even supposed to be operating.

A person embroiled in a disagreement may be persuaded that he is only seeing one side of the argument.  An old adage proposes that you should walk a mile in the other person’s shoes.  The idea is that if you lived his life and had his experiences, then you could see his viewpoint.  It is an attempt to counteract D with C in the binary world of 3-D consciousness.  To see anything worthwhile you have to walk a mile in everybody’s shoes.  You don’t just put on the shoes of the one with whom you disagree, but also of everybody that seems to be irrelevant.  Taking a walk in everyone’s shoes is another description of unlocalized consciousness.

From one viewpoint human consciousness can be seen as an interface between internal and external language (synonymous with words versus experience).  There is an external world of experience which includes what people are seeing, what they say they have experienced, even what they say you should do about your internal language.  The external world is experienced through the senses.  Then there is the world of internal language providing continual commentary, including responding to the external by talking back to people within your own head.  In consciousness words often are accepted as accurate over actual experience which may conflict.  Reasonable, intelligent men may claim that they only trust what their senses tell them, what they have personally witnessed, that they don’t believe in flying saucers since they have never seen one.  If you look at what takes place repeatedly in everyone’s consciousness, you see a different interaction of words and experience.  A dependence on knowledge about which you have personal experience does exist, but it is not as secure as you may suspect.  Someone can express a brief verbal statement that contradicts years of experience and suddenly you realize, “Hey, you’re right, I never thought about it that way.”  In a sense, words can talk you out of your sensory-derived experience, and I don’t mean through some great debate.  What purpose can you conceive being served in the general growth of Life that people would very often take words as having precedence over their own sensual experience?

Another quick one drawn from the scientific field:  a scientific fact has been described as a phenomenon which is repeatable.  One scientist says he looked through his microscope and saw little green cells with feet dancing.  His observation does not qualify as a fact unless it is reproducible.  Answer this:  are men facts?  Are human lives and consciousness scientific facts?

Still in the laboratory, there is now a generally accepted principle that for all matter there exists anti-matter.  At the level of particle physics the positron exists as an “anti-electron.”  Remembering that this is a map, you may find it curious that if a positron and an electron get near each other they instantaneously annihilate each other in a burst of energy.  The two particles you thought you were observing are gone.  Can you conceive of the possibility that all 3-D energy is produced by the opposition of two different charged potentials, two of the Forces, that otherwise there would be no energy?  I should warn you against concluding that you’ve heard this question before as the idea that if there were no conflict, no arguments, there would be no energy.

Physicists have also observed in the lab that if you produce a positron, you always simultaneously produce an electron whether or not you intend to.  This process has been termed pair production.  You can’t manage to produce one half of the pair; try to create one and you get both.  Does that observation hint to you about the fact that you can’t have C without D, you can’t have any idea without an opposing idea?  I have not conjured up a vague world of mental physics divorced from the experiential or scientific world.  There is no real dichotomy between the physical and the non-physical or spiritual or mental.  That which seems to be uniquely Man, his consciousness, is not completely separated from the workings of everything else like a kite on a long string.  On that level, you do see that as soon as someone would utter the ultimate pristine basic truth, somebody else is going to say, “That ain’t so.”  How can you explain that fact, once you get past demons and would-be psychological explanations?  If you’ve been up all night, and finally, under the influence of two pounds of strong coffee, it suddenly strikes you what you should do with your life, then simultaneously something in you said, “Oh no, I ain’t gonna do that.”  That part of the pair production may not have been as vocal and may not have seemed clear on the screen of consciousness, but it had just as much activity and validity.  Both charged elements are present and are wired together. The reality of pair production that strains the limits of 3-D consciousness has already surfaced in particle physics, but cannot right now be common currency out there in Life.  It would explain everything, which would stop everything.

Another map from the scientific community:  the nearer a condition is to thermodynamic stability, the greater is the potential for destruction of the structures involved.  Thermodynamics is referring to the relative heat exchange between two bodies or between an object and the environment.  Take heat as being synonymous with energy, information, words.  According to this principle, a condition too close to equilibrium compels the components to start disintegrating (for example, the sun reaching a thermodynamic equilibrium and no longer radiating energy).  Someone has also noted that the creation of new structures would occur when you started reaching the boundaries of such stable conditions.  Do you see any connection between these concepts and my pointing out that there are three observable stages in the relations of bodies, that things go from being unsettled to being stable to being stagnant (to put names on them).  This verbal description presents the stages as being linear and sequential.  A closer representation would picture three spheres labeled C, D, and E like billiard balls, suspended in space and able to merge with one another.  At one point a certain stable relationship exists among the three spheres. They would start merging and the situation become unsettled.  Then maybe they would completely merge and reach a point of apparent stagnation, until they start passing through each other and begin to separate again.

Moving further to the apparent societal level of humanity (while remembering that we’re not discussing politics), consider the polyglot of people in this country which is the locale where Life is at its highest point of development.  People of almost every ethnic background were thrown together creating the so-called melting pot.  By contrast, if you examine another less open, more authoritarian society, you will find that it may be safer to walk the streets, but there is nothing creative coming out of the society.  The more ordered a society is, the more stagnant it is.  In New York City you sense a certain vitality.  You feel that something is going on.  You walk the streets of Manhattan and for all you know somebody is going to come up and hit you on the head or start talking to you like you’re their dead father; the place never closes; it’s chaotic; it’s dangerous.  Yet, New York City is seen as the source of new art, new fashion, new literature.  If you are involved with anything creative, that’s the place to be, if you don’t get killed.

Heat exchange also occurs internally:  the feeling of stresses, of being mistreated, feeling guilty about mistreating others, a continual pulling back and forth.  Heat is a shorthand for all kinds of exchange which can be treated synonymously in thermodynamics — energy, information, emotion. Your efforts in This Thing bring you closer to a point of equilibrium.  Your first feeling then is one of stagnation or disappointment, a case of the blahs, that you don’t have much energy anymore.  You will not stay at that stage, or if you did you would drift away from This.  But there is a reality to the idea that the closer a condition comes to thermodynamic equilibrium, the closer it comes to destruction.

You cannot jump directly from one point to the next stage.  Returning to a societal level of description, imagine an autocratic tyrant taking over an undeveloped country and demanding that the diverse populace do exactly as he tells them, desiring to create ideal conditions from a deteriorating economic and political environment.  He decrees, “I’ve stopped crime in the streets.  If anybody even looks at somebody else cross-eyed, I’ll shoot them.  Now I’m going to start handing out grants and I want you people to paint some good pictures and write literature.  But nothing disruptive now, we’re going to have stability.”  His newly ordered society will not blossom creativity.  There has to be an approach to the limits of equilibrium.

In This Thing one almost reaches the dangerous edge of Objective Instability.  Nothing new in a positive sense arises from conditions that have become stabilized to a point approaching stagnation.  Can you see why the monastic life, the life of a hermit, will never take you where This is going, despite a powerful appeal to people that have any interest in This to begin with.  They are almost sitting ducks.  Someone invites them into a secluded community to study what they believe they are interested in, and they reply, “Tell me what to do next.”

The three intermingling Forces (C, D, and E) can be profitably further considered as being Proprietary Inclinations or backgrounds or possible channels.  In theoretical isolation the three can be called constructive, destructive, and irrelevant.  On the physics map each seems to have a charge of positive, negative or indifferent.  Now I want to point you toward the fact that they also each have virtues.  Describing virtue in a positive Force strikes one as reasonable, but you ordinarily can see no virtue in the Force that seems to be D.  At first it appears that we are confronting the limitation of words (a limitation which becomes apparent early in your efforts).  If you Consider that all three Inclinations have actual virtues, while on the contrary, you can see absolutely no virtue in the one that seems to be D, one day a further limitation will strike you — that you can only think that which you can think.  That realization will floor you.  You can only hold the Understanding for an instant though, because the circuit that glimpses it cannot carry it.  Beyond any progress you may have made in unlocalizing your consciousness, in being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes, in hearing your voices about to respond and simultaneously bringing up the opposing choir, beyond all that it strikes you that I am still limited to what I can think by what I can think.  Who knows what is beyond what I can think.  Because what I think is limited, it’s limited by what I can think.

Consciousness can see the virtue of its own C, which it would think of as proper thoughts and actions, the proper Force.  Everything that opposes it is completely without virtue from that viewpoint.  To see unrecognized virtue all you’ve got to do is shift your view of whatever you identify as detrimental.  To paint a concrete example, picture a bulldozer and its operator who seems to be involved with destruction, knocking down buildings and tearing up trees.  From this view you are witnessing progress out of control, but without that preparation you could not later look at the site and see a beautiful new building, a park, or a hospital.  At the level where the Proprietary Inclinations become solidified, you see an old edifice being torn down and see destruction serving no purpose.  One of the virtues of D is preparation.

You only have to change the view, but remember that is only a step and not the answer.  The dance, the moving of the triads cannot stop.  Your observations seem to stop and interrupt it, which is why one factor is seen as favorable, another as having no virtue and the rest as being irrelevant to the issue at hand.  The three billiard balls floating in space pass and merge, separating and coming back together, each merging with other balls.  If we artificially isolate one area and see that it is stagnant, in order for it to become unsettled and for C (if there were such a thing as pure C Force) to exert itself there has to be preparation.  The Inclinations are shifting and the dance cannot stop.  My example of bulldozing an old dilapidated building to build a new hospital that will save hundreds of lives is an easy one.  I leave you on your own to Consider Hitler, Attila the Hun, a mass murderer, or the bubonic plague.  There are no words to describe what I am talking about to Line-level consciousness.  Beyond the limitations of vocabulary (which remains a fruitful area for investigation), there is a limitation in the way consciousness works that will not allow it to hold onto the concept that what seems to be destructive has virtue.  It is a self-contradictory idea.

Now, a combination of metallurgy and physiology.  Metallurgy describes a phenomenon called shape memory.  In physiology the map occurs in another form termed muscle memory.  Certain solidified metal alloys can be physically reformed into a different shape, but when heat is applied to them they return to their original form regardless of mechanical pressures resisting the reversion.  This property is known as shape memory.  Muscle memory refers to the fact that you can learn to ride a bicycle, wait twenty years, then climb on a bicycle and still know how to ride.

An individual man can appear to be reaching a point of being reformed.  A kind of heating stress is periodically applied and he springs right back into his original shape.  This shape memory is a power of a man’s hard-wired personality, serving a particular function.  You should be able to remember in your own nervous system making plans to break some habit, to develop a new desirable discipline or act in a different way toward other people, plans to improve your personality.  It seems that coincidentally something always interferes.  A minor crisis occurs, heat is applied and your circuitry reverts to your former state.  It can’t take stress.

At Line level you have psychological explanations:  “I almost had it.  If only I hadn’t lost that promotion.  What if my mother didn’t need to have that operation.  There would go I but for…”  How about shape memory?  Life continually seems to provide individual blow torches that apply heat/stress to you.  Can you see the need to avoid the old established heat stresses that affect you?  That’s not just another way to say quit suffering and forget the past.

Back to your growing favorite area of investigation, that of differentiating between words and a reality that they represent.  The term euphemism indicates a word which serves as a substitute for one’s actual meaning.  What if all words are euphemisms?  Wouldn’t that explain a lot?  Either that or it would explain Nothing.

Examine the premise that a primary use of words is in describing relationships.  A classic example of this descriptive function is drawn from the field of mathematics and physics.  In support of the proposal that everything tends to become more disordered rather than ordered, one may cite the case of a deck of cards which has been arranged in order, ace through king by suit.  If you place the cards face down and shuffle them they become disordered, so the argument goes.  The more you shuffle, the more disordered they apparently become.  If you take a random pack of cards and shuffle them, you do not expect them to suddenly become ordered.  This conclusion is used to substantiate the idea that the universe is proceeding in the direction of chaos.

No one can see the obvious, that cards are just cards, 52 pieces of cardboard.  You mix them up and each card is still a card.  Consciousness has, with the help of ink, put names on them.  They bear names rather than real numbers, even though the names are called numbers.  Consciousness has superimposed a relationship among the names, ace before deuce and jack before queen, which has been disordered by shuffling.  But what has been proven?  If everything is moving toward greater disorder, then why does humanity seem to seek an increasing sense of order?  Skip beyond the obvious voice telling you that it’s only natural to oppose impending confusion and disorder.  That explanation is valid only at Line level.  What purpose is served by people accepting the fact that shuffling cards will cause them to become disordered?  You start with 52 pieces of cardboard, mix them up, and the order that was imposed can now be missing.  Where did it go?  You’ve still got the same 52 pieces of cardboard with the same names on each and the same relationships originally established through consciousness.

What if numbers (not the names as on playing cards) are the real relationships?  But how could you say, “Hello sweetie, I think I’m falling in 12 with you.”

Anything of C Inclination never has to announce itself.  Conversely, everything that is primarily non-C always has to announce itself, be introduced, have a preview in the paper, a sign out front, a prologue to the old song and dance.  These forms of announcement that are required by mechanical systems serve to announce their order.  Consider why it is that now everyone is expected to confess that which twenty years ago would have been hidden shame:  divorce, alcoholism, all manner of personal foibles.  What purpose is being served?  This trend is tied to the fact that mechanical systems always announce themselves.  Why can consciousness ordinarily only perceive D Force, the voice of doom?  Everything seems to be coming apart.   C does not have to announce itself, is it so strange that nobody ever sees its comings and goings?

A commonly used truism holds that, “It is always darkest before the dawn,” meaning that circumstances seem most dismal just before they begin to brighten.  This adage has lasted a long time and serves a purpose in Life, yet it cannot be mathematically correct.  Its validity lies in its unrecognized reference to the fact that the Triads don’t stop, the dance goes on.  Circumstances do seem darkest just before the Triad is about to move, but the proverb is not true.  Just before the dawn is the lightest rather than the darkest part of the night, looked at from the dawn viewpoint.  It’s already getting light.  A hypothetical midpoint between sundown and sunup is the darkest time of night.  Thereafter it starts gradually getting light until dawn.

What is the meaning, what purpose is being served in Life by the concept of gradual?  In the fall of the year the weather gradually becomes colder.  At one point in summer the climate is hot when the sun is more directly radiating on this locale, then it starts getting cooler.  What is behind this idea of gradual? Where does it start?  When does it stop?  How does it gradually get from being dark to light, from being hot to cold?  Why is it accepted as a truism that it is always darkest just before the dawn, when it is not true?

Is it always coldest just before the hot?  Could the gates of 3-D thinking ever be stormed through a gradual attack?  If so how would you know when it started, when you were actually storming rather than planning?  There is a short circuit of liberation hiding behind this query.  A hint to point you:  among other things it is wired into the apparent flow of time, the movement of radiation, of heat/light/energy/information from a source that is C-inclined.