The Immortals

The civilized do not actually fear even the most barbarous of opposing philosophies, but rather those murderers among us who have no philosophy.  (The hordes of yore and the armies of today have no common battle ground, and hence all terror seems compounded.)

And yet another “ole sorehead,” (but I must be totally forthcoming with you and note that he handed me a card that read, “I Am Not A Sorehead!” but nonetheless he said), “Life is an illness without a cause.”

The immortals
never think
to talk about it.

Even while lying in his own bed, in his own house by the shore, this one salty captain would hear the sound of the waves and think, “Ah, we make good time this night.”

In reconsidering the “ole sorehead with the card,” I am inclined to contribute to the sea of info for secondary swimmers by offering this expansion: “Life is like an effect without a cause.”


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